Antonin Marois, Miguel Legault: Oil Frenzy
Oil Frenzy
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Artist Statement:
Oil Frenzy is a digital performance involving two on-stage performers, a musician-percussionist and a VJ as well as two actors on video tape. This performance, which was designed by a musician, is a clash between an animated painting projected on a giant screen and live electronic music where pure and polyrhythmic tones unite to create perpetual motion. Two characters mixed in technological alienation and proletariat madness and two performers who pull the strings. The project is based on «live» manipulation, as much in terms of sound as in terms of sight, and is in fact a «work in progress» which changes from one performance to the next. The first version of Oil Frenzy was shown with success at the 29th International Festival of New Cinema and New Media in Montreal (FCMM) in October 2000. The version shown in Paris will be a compressed version of this work. Digital insanity, proletarian alienation and headlong rushes are the basis of this work in progress.
Process Information:
Realisation, musique, visual conception: Antonin Marais
Montage, camera, collaboration for visual conception: Miguel Legault
VJ-ing: Louis Veillette
Translation: Eric Bernier & Catherine Proulx-Lemay
Technical direction: Jimmy Lakatos