Debashis Sinha: shruti
- shruti
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- live cinema performance
Artist Statement:
shruti is a live cinema performance that uses field recordings and video footage collected in the streets. Kolkata, India as material for an open live cinema performance. Each iteration of the project is unique footage and audio is triggered and manipulated live in the moment, in response to the material itself and the environment. shruti is an improvised performative exploration of the city that moves fluidly between the streets of Kolkata, and the greater space within ourselves. A meditation on sound and identity, Sinha’s performance uses the everyday sound of Kolkata to craft a travelogue of universal proportions.
Like much of Sinha’s work, shruti is a work that both embraces and troubles our concepts of heritage, identity and tradition. It has been performed as a live cinema project, a radio broadcast, and disseminated as an audio art performance installation.