Doug Van Nort: GSO: Genetically Sonified Organisms


GSO: Genetically Sonified Organisms

Artist(s) and People Involved:

Exhibiting Artist(s):

Doug Van Nort -
  • York University


Creation Year:

2017 - 2018


Solar-powered ‘creatures’, designed to interact with one another and the larger sonic field in which they are immersed

Artist Statement:

This piece creates an evolving interplay, in sound, between various agents that include humans and non-humans, both computational and biological. The physical GSO artifacts are a set of solar-powered ‘creatures’, designed to interact with one another and the larger sonic field in which they are immersed. The means of communication begins as a call/response from a set of simple tones/noises that introduce this new species into the sonic environment.

Each creature responds to sounds that are similar to their known vocabulary, evolving their call over the course of months based on the difference found between their own lexicon of calls and those that they hear around them. These artifacts, though, are merely vessels: rather than meditating on the technological objects themselves, though this piece I invite you to listen to this new sonic presence as it is woven into the fabric of an existing, dynamic and diverse acoustic ecology.





All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: