Isabelle Choiniere, Jimmy Lakatos: Communion

  • ©, ,



Artist(s) and People Involved:



Art Event Overview:

    Communion is a multidisciplinary work which attempts to delimit the relationship between real and synthetic bodies, a kinaesthesia originating inside the natural body which is assembled electrically through electronic flesh and skin.

    Collaboration: Corps Indice, Agora de la danse, O’Vertigo, ICARI, PRIM, Conseil des arts & des lettres du Quebec — secteur Arts multidisciplinaires et multimedias.

    Acknowledgments: Katherine Beaudoin, Alexandre Burton, Fernando Collazo, Marc Deserrano, Daniel Ethier, Richard Gravel, Marc Leclair, Richard Lorrain, Axel Morgenthaler, Eric Portelance, Maryse Poulin, Marie Tebbs.


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