kimura byol-nathalie lemoine: Selected Images

  • ©, ,


    Selected Images

Artist(s) and People Involved:




Artist Statement:

    “My art practice is based on time. The selected images are from the time period of the start of the covid-19 pandemic. As a full-time independent artist, the new situation didn’t really change for me in terms of social connection since I connected mostly with people through social media. Being from the Asian diaspora and having been living in 3 different main places, managing time-zones keeps me busy if I want to keep in touch with my friends and networking artists.

    As an artist, I joined a few art projects mainly initiated by Caucasian Canadians. I was definitely a minority and spent my energy encouraging POC artists to join. But they were too exhausted with anti-Asian racism (for Asians) and systemic racism and police brutality for afro-descendants in Montreal, Quebec, and Canada.

    I also lost my ex-wife at the beginning of the pandemic which put me in a more fragile state of ‘heart & mind’. As an overseas and inter-racial adoptee, paradoxically, I was lucky to connect through Facebook with the Montreal Asian group that provided support and self-care. It was helping me a lot that many others out there were sharing their stories. Then, I also joined a few Zoom talks and connected even more with P.O.C adoptees web group discussions. It is very therapeutic (more than expected).

    All of this to say that the five selected photos represent this strange time. The last photo and artwork is a work that I made to celebrate my 100 days of confinement (3 months and 10 days -March 13 to June 21). The art piece is made from 100 petals selected from a gift received for my real birthday from a fellow Belgian Korean (also living in Montreal).” – kimura byol-nathalie lemoine



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