Musée Carnavalet: Paris in 3-D: From stereoscopy to virtual reality, 1850-2000

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    Paris in 3-D: From stereoscopy to virtual reality, 1850-2000

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Curator Statement

    Who has never worn those red and green glasses used for watching films in 3D? Well, that relatively familiar technique hides a host of others, many of them little known, and as complex as the phenomenon of 3D vision is fascinating. With Paris in 3D, the Musee Carnavalet is offering to take visitors on a journey into the third dimension while giving them a novel look at the history of the French capital. From the first stereoscopic views (1850s) to the latest virtual reality technologies, here are 150 years of Paris and the Parisians, brought to us in 3D and seen from a new angle. The exhibition covers an attractively wide range of themes, with plenty of surprises including the barricades of the Commune, the funeral of Victor Hugo, a police register, the Bal Mabille, a bio-scope disk, the Dessous-des-Berges (Under the Banks) garden in 2015, a hologram dress by Olivier Lapidus.

    Works by contemporary artists, interactive games and audiovisual displays will make the experience and principles of 3D vision vividly clear in this exhibition designed by the Architecture Studio agency.


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