Sabine Vogel, Daniel Mayer, Nora Krahl: Lokale Orbits
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Art Event Overview:
Daniel Mayer about Lokale Orbits:
By working with computer algorithms especially the experimental aspect is important to me – neither the transformation of abstract concepts nor the approximation to preceding imaginations of sound. One is confronted with results that demand immediate further development, also against the original intentions. As a consequence I decided for a procedure, which allows to concentrate exactly on this flexibility and restricts planning to the framing experimental conditions. In the sequence Lokale Orbits instrumental sounds, recordings with the musicians concerned, are the starting point. Granular synthesis – actually: buffer granulation, the synthesis of tiny particles of a basic sound – allows a huge bandwidth of results, a gradual transition from real sounds into electronic space and is therefore suited for “mixed” instrumentations.
Structuring the compositional process this way does not suspend historical-dialectical thinking. The reference to historically mediated structures is omnipresent and demands respective individual decisions – thereby I’d like to take the freedom to newly perceive wellknown relations (e.g. simple intervals and progressions) under microscopical and macroscopical changes.
Daniel Mayer about composition with computer algorithms:
[…] In using algorithms their continuous modification as reaction to generated musical results is my aim. The own relation to memory has influence on modifications of the original procedure and the valuation of its outcome. The dynamical adaption of an algorithm and not its strict musical „realization“ is the paradigm. Finally in aesthetical regards, independant of their range of complexity, at no time only structures are relevant for our valuations. It‘s always decisive how new structures scratch along the old ones. Just for that reason complexity, as well as simplicity, is not interesting as mere quality of structure, but primarily within the historical context. […]
(Program excerpt, Cultural Center at Minoriten, Graz)
Lokale Orbits, Solo 5 (violoncello) and Solo 3 (flute)