“Smarter Home” by Lauren McCarthy
- Smarter Home
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Lauren McCarthy
- UCLA Dept. of Design & Media Arts
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- Interactive installation with projection, custom software, machine learning, and mixed media.
Artist Statement:
The Smarter Home American Arts Incubator Workshop reimagines smart homes of the future. We all know the feeling of home, of belonging. But some people may not feel this sense of welcome belonging in all public spaces. What if smart architecture could create inclusive spaces for open conversation? In this one month workshop, we explore how art and technology can be used to address the issue of social inclusion. As a group, we make use of machine learning techniques and custom software to create an interactive installation as a prototype of a Smarter Home, trying to bring technology into personal space on our own terms. All together it offers a vision of a smarter home driven by human lived reality, rather than technological utopia.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Lauren McCarthy
- More Art Events from Lauren McCarthy in this archive:
Smarter Home
[ ISEA2019]