“STATE I” by Ulf Langheinrich

  • ©, ,



Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Ulf Langheinrich was commissioned to create a special project for the opening of ISEA2016 at the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre Theatre of the School of Creative Media.

    Audiovisual live-improvisation, duration circa 45 minutes
    remoulding reforming matter,
    changing extension, consistency, viscosity, transparency, temperature symphonic noise, pulsating fluid textures
    fields of oscillations in interference, in phase, in sync, in one vibration, from surface to deep space,
    a resonant matrix,
    a deep glow
    your body
    you have lost everything and it will be silent around you.

    In the works of Ulf Langheinrich, contexts, social settings, gestures and meanings are of no interest. The external features have been removed from the apparatuses with which images and sounds are produced. These works are media, but without a concrete mission—nothing is visualized, nothing set to music. Interest is focused on the materiality of the media, on its physics” _Marc Ries



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