“When Leaving Becomes Arriving” by Rebecca Ruige Xu

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    When Leaving Becomes Arriving

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Creation Year:



    Digital film/animation/visual music

Artist Statement:

    In this project, we attempt to elicit the immensely upsetting yet anticipative feel at the ending of a chapter before moving on to our next journey towards the greater possibilities into the unknown.

    The music is from Nicolas Scherzinger’s ‘inter-sax-tive’, a series of improvisational works for saxophone and interactive computer. It involves a variety of granular synthesis techniques and is produced by the computer and the performer interact with one another in real time.

    Using Processing programming language, we build up evolving abstract compositions that were linked with the musical riffs and patterns. Through purposely emphasizing or neglecting certain aspects of music signals, the image arrives as the visual counterpoint of the music.

Additional Images:

  • 2016 Xu When Leaving Becomes Arriving


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:

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