“To afar the water flows” by Yuge Zhou

  • ©, ,
  • ©, ,


    To afar the water flows

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Creation Year:



    Video projection onto relief sculpture

Artist Statement:

    To afar the water flows reconstructs the city into a high-rise garden utopia, emphasizing a genuine harmony between man-made structures and its natural surroundings. A decade ago, I left my home in Beijing, where the rapid transformation of the urban landscape dramatically reshaped the city and people’s lives, and I came to America to begin an immigrant’s journey—migrating from the west coast to the east coast, and from the east coast to the Midwest. To afar the water flows is both a visual diary of this journey and a loving portrait of American cities.

    My video installation is inspired by the concept of architectural relief (a technique where the sculpted elements remain attached but raised above the background plane). Audiences experience a gradual shift in the appearance and depth of the installation from a flat image to a three-dimensional view. I use techniques like relief and projection mapping to enhance the framed glimpses of scenes as well as emphasize the physicality of digital video.


Additional Images:

  • 2016 Zhou To afar the water flows
  • 2016 Zhou To afar the water flows
  • 2016 Zhou To afar the water flows
  • 2016 Zhou To afar the water flows


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