“where i can see my house from here so we are” by Ken Feingold

  • ©, ,


    where i can see my house from here so we are

Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    Three small robot-dolls, each with a video camera-eye and microphone ears, are together in a mirrored space in the Museum. The walls of the space are high enough so that they cannot see over it, but low enough so that viewers in the exhibition space may watch them, and speak with them (though they are unseen by the robots). Each robot-doll is connected, via the Internet, to another space, in which their sight and hearing is seen by another viewer-ventriloquist as projected video and amplified sound. In each remote space, there is a control device, consisting visibility of a joystick and microphone. The viewer-ventriloquist there may drive around the robot-doll to which they are connected in the mirrored space, and when the remote viewer-ventriloquist speaks, their voice is “projected” through the robot-doll, amplified within it, and moving the robot doll’s mouth. In this way, three viewer ventriloquists may meet in the fourth (mirrored) room, and exchange with each other as they please. The space has physical limits for each robot-doll, like national borders, which they cannot cross.


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