“Industrial Lichen: Exploring the Intersection of Nature, Industry, and Technology” presented by Shi, Guo and Gao

“Industrial Lichen: Exploring the Intersection of Nature, Industry, and Technology” presented by Shi, Guo and Gao

“Self-surveillance and Self-perception in the Digital Arts” presented by Kelomees

“Self-surveillance and Self-perception in the Digital Arts” presented by Kelomees

“Self-surveillance and Self-perception in the Digital Arts” presented by Kelomees

“Self-surveillance and Self-perception in the Digital Arts” presented by Kelomees

“Virtual Reality and Creativity: Evaluating Immersive Painting Experiences and Art-based Mindfulness” presented by Puhakka

“Virtual Reality and Creativity: Evaluating Immersive Painting Experiences and Art-based Mindfulness” presented by Puhakka

“Creating Conversations: Augmented Reality Experience Design Created to Prompt Conversations About the Australian Aged Care System” presented by Shah, Seevinck and McKinnon

“Creating Conversations: Augmented Reality Experience Design Created to Prompt Conversations About the Australian Aged Care System” presented by Shah, Seevinck and McKinnon

“A Cross-Temporal Robotic Dance Performance: Dancing with a Humanoid Robot and Artificial Life” presented by Hong, Teles de Castro e Costa and Tanguy

“A Cross-Temporal Robotic Dance Performance: Dancing with a Humanoid Robot and Artificial Life” presented by Hong, Teles de Castro e Costa and Tanguy

“We Are The Clouds: Blending Interaction and Participation in Urban Media Art” presented by Guljajeva and Canet Sola

“We Are The Clouds: Blending Interaction and Participation in Urban Media Art” presented by Guljajeva and Canet Sola

“Archiving Body Movements: Collective Generation of Chinese Calligraphy” presented by Zhou, Ye, Liu and Zhang

“Archiving Body Movements: Collective Generation of Chinese Calligraphy” presented by Zhou, Ye, Liu and Zhang

“A Matter of Orientation: Interactive Artwork Recasting Historical Artifacts in Latent Reality” presented by Cheung, Kryzhanivska and Hui

“A Matter of Orientation: Interactive Artwork Recasting Historical Artifacts in Latent Reality” presented by Cheung, Kryzhanivska and Hui

“Innovation and experimentation to increase access to the ACMI art collection” presented by Paterson, Cranmer and Loffler

“Innovation and experimentation to increase access to the ACMI art collection” presented by Paterson, Cranmer and Loffler

“Make America Great Again and Again: Voices from a Virtual World” presented by Ha

“Make America Great Again and Again: Voices from a Virtual World” presented by Ha

“Resonance: A Collaborative Multiuser Interface to Create an Inclusive Audiovisual Sound Art Performance” presented by Duckworth, Hullick and Eldridge

“Resonance: A Collaborative Multiuser Interface to Create an Inclusive Audiovisual Sound Art Performance” presented by Duckworth, Hullick and Eldridge

“Primal Experience: Works of Art as Artificial Wombs” presented by Kelomees

“Primal Experience: Works of Art as Artificial Wombs” presented by Kelomees

“Narrating Global Emerging Issues with Complexity-Inspired Installations” presented by Liu

“Narrating Global Emerging Issues with Complexity-Inspired Installations” presented by Liu

“Cooperative Aesthetic Experience in Participatory and Interactive Art” presented by Kelomees and Hales

“Cooperative Aesthetic Experience in Participatory and Interactive Art” presented by Kelomees and Hales

“The 8th Continent – A Participatory Interactive Art and Gaming Experience for Reclaiming Public Screens” presented by Agcal and Dulic

“The 8th Continent – A Participatory Interactive Art and Gaming Experience for Reclaiming Public Screens” presented by Agcal and Dulic

“The Medium is the Environment: Digital Materialism, Digital Art, and the Climate Crisis” presented by Day

“The Medium is the Environment: Digital Materialism, Digital Art, and the Climate Crisis” presented by Day

“AI Art and the “Transparent Author”” presented by Kelomees

“AI Art and the “Transparent Author”” presented by Kelomees

ISEA2022 Martins: AR[t]chive

“AR[t]chive – Augmented Reality Experience for a Digital Art Archive” presented by Martins, Sommerer and Mignonneau

“Algaphon: Transducing Human Input to Photosynthetic Radiation Parameters in Algae Timescale” presented by Sareen, Mack and Kakehi

“Algaphon: Transducing Human Input to Photosynthetic Radiation Parameters in Algae Timescale” presented by Sareen, Mack and Kakehi

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