Arne Eigenfeldt
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Arne Eigenfeldt is a composer of live electroacoustic music, and a researcher into intelligent generative music systems. His music has been performed around the world, and his collaborations range from Persian Tar masters to free improvisers to contemporary dance companies to musical robots. He has presented his research at major conferences and festivals, and published over 50 peer-reviewed papers on his research and collaborations. He is a professor of music and technology at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
Arne Eigenfeldt, Canada, is a composer of live electroacoustic music, and a researcher into intelligent generative music systems. His music has been performed around the world, and his collaborations range from Persian Tar masters to contemporary dance companies to musical robots. He has presented his research at conferences and festivals such as the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Sound and Music Computing (SMC), the International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC), the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Creativity and Cognition, EvoMusArt, Generative Art, and New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). He is a professor of music and technology at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, and is the co-director of the Metacreation Lab.
Arne Eigenfeldt is a composer and creator of computationally creative musical systems. His EDM system – GESMI – has been presented at festivals in Australia, Italy, Brazil, and Canada. He is based in Vancouver, Canada
Arne Eigenfeldt, Professor, Music and Technology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Arne Eigenfeldt is a composer of acoustic and electroacoustic music, and is an active software designer. His music has been performed throughout the world, and his research in intelligent music systems has been published and presented in international conferences. He teaches music and technology at SFU’s School for the Contemporary Arts, is a co-director of the Metacreation Lab, and is a founding partner of Metacreative Technologies.
Last Known Location:
Art Events:
Categories: [Sound Art]
Categories: [Art Exhibition] [Electronic / Robotic Object] [Installation Art] [Interactive Monitor-Based]
Beats By Gesmi
Categories: [Performances]
Title: Generating Electronic Dance Music without Mirrors: Corpus-based Modelling without Quotation
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Title: A Composer’s Search for Creativity Within Computational Style Modeling
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Title: Manifesto for a Musebot Ensemble: A platform for live interactive performance between multiple autonomous musical agents
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Title: Seasons: A generative audio-visual experience
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Title: Collaborative Composition with Creative Systems
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Title: Unauthorized: Live Generative Dance Theatre with Musebots
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