Arnau Gifreu-Castells

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MIT Open Documentary Lab

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Arnau Gifreu-Castells. Doctor in Communications and has a Master’s Degree in Digital Arts (UPF). He has been a research affiliate at the Open Documentary Lab (MIT, 2013-2018) and part of the i-Docs group (University of the West of England). He has published various books and articles in his research area, interactive, transmedia and immersive non-fiction, and specifically on interactive documentaries.


Dr. Arnau Gifreu-Castells is a research affiliate at the Open Documentary Lab (MIT, USA) and part of the i-Docs group (University of the West of England), UK. He has published various books and articles in his research area, interactive and transmedia non-fiction, and specifically on interactive documentaries. He is a lecturer at ESCAC (University of Barcelona, Spain) and at ERAM (University of Girona, Spain). He coordinates interDocsBarcelona and collaborates with the Somos Documentales project from RTVE.ES (Spanish TV).

Last Known Location:

  • Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America

Previous Location(s):

  • ES

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: