Debra Gondeck-Becker

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Debra Gondeck-Becker, USA, is a designer and multi­media consultant for Jordani Consulting Group, Minneapolis. Jordani Consulting Group specializes in con­sulting, systems design, and software development for the design and building industry. Ms Gondeck-Becker’s treks in virtual environments include researching the principles of dwelling in relation to real versus virtual inhabitation, developing a virtual Minneapolis for children as birds and builders, and teaching, lecturing, and hosting special inter­est groups on virtual reality.


Debra Gondeck-Becker (USA) works as a designer and multimedia consultant for Jordani Consulting Group ( Minneapolis), specializing in software development for the design and building industry. Her Master’s thesis in architecture, entitled Virtual Dwelling, received an “Outstanding Thesis” award in 1993-94.

Last Known Location:

Minneapolis, US

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: