Denisa Kera
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Marc Tuters & Denisa Kera. Marc and Denisa are founding members of the Secret Cooks Club, a joint initiative of food and tech savvy members of Hackerspace SG and Interactive media & Food Studies group at the National University of Singapore and University of Amsterdam, NL. We work on various projects involving food & design: hacking rice cookers into cheap souv vide equipment for paleodieters, organizing underground restaurants, experimenting with personalized dinners based on DNA profiles, DIYbio, food foraging and hopping or simply doing food ethnography in Indonesian wet markets (Batam, Bali) to support indigenous food practices with technology. We are hacking various food systems extending from the genome through individual bodies to social bodies, local and global ecosystems to study extreme food practices. Our speculative design prototypes look beyond the future of eating and reflect more generally on the role of design in arranging complex systems from farm and market to fork to phenotype.
Last Known Location:
International Programme Committee:
- Title: Cosmopolitics of Food Interactions: Design Fiction on Food Cults Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):