Jiayue Cecilia Wu

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Jiayue Cecilia Wu Originally from Beijing, China, Dr. Wu is a scholar, composer, multimedia performer, and audio engineer. She earned her Bachelors of Science degree in Design and Engineering in 2000. In 2013, she obtained her Master’s degreein Music, Science and Technology from Stanford University. In 2018, She obtained her Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology from University of California Santa Barbara, where she studied music composition and media arts with Dr. Curtis Roads. As an audio engineer, she received a grant award from Audio Engineering Society. As a musician, she received an award from the California State Assembly for being a positive role model in sharing Chinese culture. As a multimedia artist, she received the “Young Alumni Arts Project Grant Award” from Stanford University. As a scholar, she has been awarded a multi-year UC Central Campus Fellowship and a National Academy of Sciences Sackler Fellowship. Currently, Dr. Wu is an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado Denver’s College of Arts and Media.


J. Cecilia Wu, Media Arts and Technology, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.  Originally from Beijing, China, Jiayue Cecilia Wu is a studio engineer, multimedia artist, vocalist, composer, music technologist and media arts scholar. Cecilia obtained her Master’s degree in Music, Science and Technology at Stanford University, where she focused on computer-assisted composition and audio engineering. As an audio engineer, she received a graduate grant award from Audio Engineering Society. As a musician, she received an award from the Cali- fornia State Assembly for being a positive role model in sharing Chinese culture. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD in Media Arts and Technology at UC Santa Barbara. Cecilia is always open and looking for visiting scholar/ artist in residency opportunities to collaborate with engineers, scientists and artists around the world.

Last Known Location:

Santa Barbara, California, United States of America

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: