Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso

Also Known as:

Malu Fragoso

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso is an artist with a PhD in Arts and Multimedia (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil, (2003) where she developed research on artistic experimentations in telematics. Post Doctorate at the School of Art and Communication of the University of São Paulo. Currently professor at the Visual Communication Design Department at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro UFRJ. Thesis supervisor since 2005. Published the title >=4D. Computer Art in Brazil (2005). Coordinator of the research group REDE Art and Technology, trans cultural nets in multimedia and telematics, and of NANO LAB – Nucleus of Art and New Organisms. Organizer of CAC.4 Computer Art Congress in Rio de Janeiro (2014). Also a farm administrator, biologic cheese producer, beekeeper, member of the Biologic Producers Association from Rio de Janeiro.


Maria Luiza P. G. Fragoso, multimedia artist with PHD In Arts and Multimedia by the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) In São Paulo (2003) and develops research on artistic experimentation in telematic environments focused on trans disciplinary aspects between art, science, technology and traditional cultures. Currently professor at the Visual Communication Design Department at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, thesis supervisor since 2005. Elected member of the National Association of Researcher in Fine Arts’s directory for the period 2010-2012. Coordinator of the research group REDEArt and Technology, trans cultural nets in multimedia and telematics, and coordinator of NANO Lab – Nucleus of Art and New Organisms.

Last Known Location:

São Paulo, Brazil


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: