Paul Ser­mon is Pro­fes­sor of Cre­ative Tech­nol­ogy and As­so­ci­ate Head for Re­search and In­no­va­tion at the School of Art & De­sign, Uni­ver­sity of Sal­ford, UK. He has de­vel­oped a se­ries of cel­e­brated in­ter­ac­tive telem­atic art in­stal­la­tions that have re­ceived in­ter­na­tional ac­claim. Through a sus- tained re­search fund­ing in­come he has con­tin­ued to pro­duce, ex­hibit, and dis­cuss his work ex­ten­sively at an in­ter­na­tional level. Paul Ser­mon grad­u­ated with a BA Hon’s Fine Art de­gree under Pro­fes­sor Roy As­cott at the Uni­ver­sity of Wales in 1988 and re­ceived an MFA de­gree from the Uni­ver­sity of Read­ing, Eng­land, in 1991.

He was awarded the Prix Ars Elec­tron­ica ‘Golden Nica’, in the cat­e­gory of in­ter­ac­tive art for the hyper media in­stal­la­tion ‘Think about the Peo­ple now’ in Linz, Aus­tria, in 1991. He pro­duced the ISDN video­con­fer­ence in­stal­la­tion ‘Telem­atic Vi­sion’ as an Artist in Res­i­dence at the Cen­ter for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karl­sruhe, Ger­many, in 1993 and re­ceived the ‘Sparkey Award’ from the In­ter­ac­tive Media Fes­ti­val in Los An­ge­les, for the telep­re­sent video in­stal­la­tion ‘Telem­atic Dream­ing’ in 1994. Paul Ser­mon was a nom­i­nee at the World Tech­nol­ogy Awards 2005 and holds a num­ber of ex­ter­nal ap­point­ments that in­flu­ence re­search pol­icy. Since 2004 he has been an AHRC Peer Re­view Col­lege mem­ber, mem­ber of the NWDA funded North West Art & De­sign Re­search Group, Chair of Media Arts Net- work North­west [ma-net], and ad­vises on var­i­ous in­ter­na­tional jour­nal and con­fer­ence ed­i­to­ri­als. Ex­ter­nal col­lab­o­ra­tions in­clude the AHRC funded REACT (Re­search En­gine for Art and Cre­ative Tech­nol­ogy).
