Paulo Ferreira-Lopes

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Paulo Ferreira-Lopes is Professor at the School of the Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University. Invited Professor at the Music Informatics Department of the Karlsruhe University of Music (Germany). Founder and former Director of the Research Center for Science and Technology in Art (CITAR) in Porto, of the Electronic Music Studio C.C.I.M. in Lisbon, and of the Summer Workshops “OlhAres de Outono” in Porto. He was artist-in-residence and researcher at the ZKM Karlsruhe, and his works have been performed by renowned Ensembles at numerous International Festivals. He studied composition in Paris (1995-1997) with Emmanuel Nunes, Antoine Bonnet and Computer Music with Curtis Roads. And in 1996 studied composition with Karlheinz Stockhausen at the “Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik”, Darmstadt (DE).

Last Known Location:

Portugal, Portuguese Republic

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: