Roberta Buiani

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

ArtSci Salon and University of Toronto (U of T), Artistic Director and Assistant Professor

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Roberta Buiani, Ph.D. Buiani has received degrees in Modern Literature (Italy), Art History (Canada), and Communication and Culture (Canada) and teaches at York University and the University of Toronto, Canada. She is the co-founder of the ArtSci Salon at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences (Toronto) and is co-organizer of LASER Toronto. Her creative practice and teaching navigate the intersection of art and science.


Roberta Buiani is an interdisciplinary artist and media scholar, and the artistic director of the ArtSci Salon at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences (Toronto, Canada). Her recent research creation project draws on collaborative encounters across the sciences and the arts to investigate emerging life forms exceeding the categories defined by traditional methods of classification. Her artistic work has travelled to art festivals (Myseum, Transmediale; Hemispheric Institute Encuentro), community centres and galleries (the Free Gallery Toronto; Immigrant Movement International, Queens, Cocker Architecture Gallery), and science institutions (RPI; the Fields Institute, Ryerson University). Her writing has appeared on Space and Culture, Antennae and The Canadian Journal of Communication among others. With the ArtSci Salon she has launched a series of experiments in “squatting academia”, by re-populating abandoned spaces and cabinets across university campuses with SciArt installations. She holds a PhD in Communication and Culture from York University (CAN).


Roberta Buiani is a media activist, educator and  cultural theorist based in Canada, interested in  scientific practices and lab technologies, (bio)politics and the arts, as well as in questioning their traditional functions and rituals and looking for threds that facilitate their cross-communication. She has a Master in Art History and a PhD in Communication and Culture both form York University (Toronto, Canada). As a fellow at CoDE at Anglia Ruskin University, granted by the  British Academy fellowship program, she conducted a project on microscopy and the biopolitics of visualization. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Lakehead University (Canada) working on scopophilia, feminism and the historical fascination for the microscopic. Her work on viral tactics and new forms of creative activism has been published on Public (31, 2005, special issue Digital Poetics and Politics), Fibreculture (2.2005), the Spam Book (eds. Jussi Parikka and Tony Sampson, Hampton Press, 2009), and the Semiotics Review of Books (19.1 and 2 2010).


Roberta Buiani, PhD at York University, Toronto, Canada.

Last Known Location:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

International Programme Committee:

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: