Santiago Morilla Chinchilla

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Santiago Morilla is a multidisciplinary artist, PhD in Contemporary Art (UCM, Complutense University of Madrid) and specialised in New Media Art (Erasmus Scholarship at The Media Lab Media Lab, University of Art and Design UIAH Helsinki, Finland), researcher and lecturer at UCM Faculty of Fine Arts. He is currently part of the research groups “Artistic practices and new forms of knowledge” (UCM id: 588) and “Energy humanities. Energy and sociocultural imaginaries between the industrial revolutions and the ecosocial crisis” (CSIC, PID2020-113272RA-I00, ENERGEHUM).

Last Known Location:

Madrid, Spain

International Programme Committee:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years:
