“World­mak­ing, Par­tic­i­pa­tion, and Learn­ing: Ex­per­i­ments in Col­lab­o­ra­tive Cre­ation” presented by de Campo

“World­mak­ing, Par­tic­i­pa­tion, and Learn­ing: Ex­per­i­ments in Col­lab­o­ra­tive Cre­ation” presented by de Campo

World­mak­ing Be­tween Hu­man­ism and Ma­chin­ism

World­mak­ing Be­tween Hu­man­ism and Ma­chin­ism

Non­lin­ear Nar­ra­tive as a Con­cep­tual Frame­work for Media Art

Non­lin­ear Nar­ra­tive as a Con­cep­tual Frame­work for Media Art



Ar­chi­tec­ture as New Media

Ar­chi­tec­ture as New Media

The Third Skin: A Medium or a Mess(age)?

The Third Skin: A Medium or a Mess(age)?

The Media Façade as Par­a­digm Change of the Pub­lic Space

The Media Façade as Par­a­digm Change of the Pub­lic Space

The Media Space

The Media Space

Pros­thet­ics, Aes­thet­ics, Thet­ics: The In­ter­ces­sions of Sound, Tech­nics and Bod­ies

Pros­thet­ics, Aes­thet­ics, Thet­ics: The In­ter­ces­sions of Sound, Tech­nics and Bod­ies

The Ri­tor­nelli of Every­day Life: Some Epis­temic Ex­per­i­ments with In­for­ma­tion Tech­nol­ogy

The Ri­tor­nelli of Every­day Life: Some Epis­temic Ex­per­i­ments with In­for­ma­tion Tech­nol­ogy

Viral Not Virus: Alan Liu’s “Viral Aes­thet­ics” Re­con­sid­ered

Viral Not Virus: Alan Liu’s “Viral Aes­thet­ics” Re­con­sid­ered

“The Matter with Media: Error in Au­dio­vi­sual Ap­pa­ra­tus as Aes­thetic Value” presented by Schi­anchi

“The Matter with Media: Error in Au­dio­vi­sual Ap­pa­ra­tus as Aes­thetic Value” presented by Schi­anchi

A Mat­ter of Per­cep­tion: Ex­plor­ing the Phys­i­cal­ity of Elec­tronic Art

A Mat­ter of Per­cep­tion: Ex­plor­ing the Phys­i­cal­ity of Elec­tronic Art



Me­dia-Mak­ing Mad­ness: #Rev­o­lu­tion, Media, and the Arab World

Me­dia-Mak­ing Mad­ness: #Rev­o­lu­tion, Media, and the Arab World

Cre­at­ing Toy Cities: The Ex­pe­ri­ence De­sign of Trans­me­dia Ob­jects

Cre­at­ing Toy Cities: The Ex­pe­ri­ence De­sign of Trans­me­dia Ob­jects

Mak­ing Trou­ble: Re­design­ing the Rit­u­als of Civic Life

Mak­ing Trou­ble: Re­design­ing the Rit­u­als of Civic Life

Forscher­trieb, The In­stinct for Re­search: To­ward a Queer Psy­cho­analy­sis and a Psy­cho­an­a­lyt­i­cal Queer The­ory

Forscher­trieb, The In­stinct for Re­search: To­ward a Queer Psy­cho­analy­sis and a Psy­cho­an­a­lyt­i­cal Queer The­ory

You Hold the Cam­era Now: An Ac­tion Re­search Case Study of Pre-Kinder­garten Trans­me­dia Nar­ra­tive De­sign

You Hold the Cam­era Now: An Ac­tion Re­search Case Study of Pre-Kinder­garten Trans­me­dia Nar­ra­tive De­sign

Neural Me­di­a­tion: In­stru­ment of Per­cep­tion as Spec­ta­cle, Nar­ra­tive, and Method

Neural Me­di­a­tion: In­stru­ment of Per­cep­tion as Spec­ta­cle, Nar­ra­tive, and Method

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