Benji: A Brief History of the Man Who Brought the Intelligence of Search to our DNA

Benji: A Brief History of the Man Who Brought the Intelligence of Search to our DNA

My Meta is Your Data

My Meta is Your Data

“A Failed Coup At­tempt with Folk Songs (Part III): Anonymity and the Anony­mous in a Cul­ture of Shar­ing” presented by Gürses

“A Failed Coup At­tempt with Folk Songs (Part III): Anonymity and the Anony­mous in a Cul­ture of Shar­ing” presented by Gürses



“In Pur­suit of Time Re­gained: Rec­on­cil­ing the Un­sta­ble Past, Pre­sent and Fu­ture of Web-Based Art” presented by Weintraub

“In Pur­suit of Time Re­gained: Rec­on­cil­ing the Un­sta­ble Past, Pre­sent and Fu­ture of Web-Based Art” presented by Weintraub

“Re­pulse the Beat: Teach­ing Cast and the Strat­egy Of De­cel­er­a­tion” presented by Kraemer

“Re­pulse the Beat: Teach­ing Cast and the Strat­egy Of De­cel­er­a­tion” presented by Kraemer

“Too Quick: The Chal­lenges of In­ter­ac­tive Art” presented by For­man

“Too Quick: The Chal­lenges of In­ter­ac­tive Art” presented by For­man

“Cap­ture, Mea­sure, Rhythm: In­vent­ing New Re­la­tions of Aes­thet­ics and Pol­i­tics in the Elec­tronic Arts” presented by Chung

“Cap­ture, Mea­sure, Rhythm: In­vent­ing New Re­la­tions of Aes­thet­ics and Pol­i­tics in the Elec­tronic Arts” presented by Chung



Kines­thetic At­tune­ment: Walk­ing, Talk­ing, Lis­ten­ing, Know­ing

Kines­thetic At­tune­ment: Walk­ing, Talk­ing, Lis­ten­ing, Know­ing

Land­scape, Cul­ture, and the Phe­nom­e­nol­ogy of Tech­no­log­i­cal Me­di­a­tion

Land­scape, Cul­ture, and the Phe­nom­e­nol­ogy of Tech­no­log­i­cal Me­di­a­tion

“To­wards Geospa­tial Cul­tural Plan­ning: Strate­gies for Local Cul­tural In­no­va­tion through Loca­tive New Media Art” presented by Ag

“To­wards Geospa­tial Cul­tural Plan­ning: Strate­gies for Local Cul­tural In­no­va­tion through Loca­tive New Media Art” presented by Ag

“Site Specifics” presented by Paul

“Site Specifics” presented by Paul

Com­put­ers as Metaphor, Minds as Com­put­ers: Notes To­wards a Dys­func­tional Ro­bot­ics

Com­put­ers as Metaphor, Minds as Com­put­ers: Notes To­wards a Dys­func­tional Ro­bot­ics

In Praise of Im­per­fec­tion: Pro­to­types

In Praise of Im­per­fec­tion: Pro­to­types

The Making Of Diamandini: Per­cep­tion, Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, Emo­tional Ac­ti­va­tion Dur­ing Hu­man-Ro­bot In­ter­ac­tion

The Making Of Diamandini: Per­cep­tion, Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, Emo­tional Ac­ti­va­tion Dur­ing Hu­man-Ro­bot In­ter­ac­tion

Soft­ware Comes Sec­ond: Per­for­ma­tive Tech­nolo­gies, Em­bod­ied Agents and Sit­u­ated Ma­chines

Soft­ware Comes Sec­ond: Per­for­ma­tive Tech­nolo­gies, Em­bod­ied Agents and Sit­u­ated Ma­chines

Ro­bots as So­cial Ac­tors: Au­di­ence Per­cep­tion of Agency, Emo­tion and In­ten­tion­al­ity in Ro­botic Per­form­ers

Ro­bots as So­cial Ac­tors: Au­di­ence Per­cep­tion of Agency, Emo­tion and In­ten­tion­al­ity in Ro­botic Per­form­ers

“Signs of Life panel introduction” presented by Cleland

“Signs of Life panel introduction” presented by Cleland

The State of Ata, an Artists’ Book: My Turk­ish I.D. Card

The State of Ata, an Artists’ Book: My Turk­ish I.D. Card

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