“Accessing and Displaying the Archive” presented by Lurk and Enge

Session Title:

Summit on New Media Art Archiving: Long Papers

Presentation Title:

Accessing and Displaying the Archive



The pressure to open archives and cultural collections is increasing. Not only the Open- GLAM movement (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) demands easy access to freely usable sources. Civil society and even in-house interests (e.g., communication during the pandemic) point to a considerable need for action. This paper therefore considers two types of accessibility: individualized access for humans and ways of (automated) access for machines.

For interpersonal communication a curation tool for the exhibition context is presented that can be used quickly and is easily deliverable to different online and offline places. The automation aspect is structured according to the so-called FAIR-Principles. Here, too, a digital service is described that makes it easier for those archives and collections to become FAIR (Finable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and capable of (information) dialogues that would otherwise have to retrofit the existing systems.

