“Strange Entanglements: An Art-Science Installation Exploring the Spooky World of Quantum Entanglement” presented by Henschke and Gifford
Session Title:
- Art Science (full papers)
Presentation Title:
- Strange Entanglements: An Art-Science Installation Exploring the Spooky World of Quantum Entanglement
Presentation Subtheme:
- Shifting temporalities
“Entanglements” is an interactive apparatus that explores the fundamental phenomenon of quantum entanglement and how it can frame and activate relationships with the universe. Through a novel interface that combines sight, sound and touch, actual quantum entanglement phenomena are created and expressed through unique sonic signatures. The term “en- tanglement” is widely used, but what actually is it? In this paper, we describe the phenomenon and the artwork, and how it challenges fundamental assumptions about space, time and our relationships with the subatomic and cosmic realms.