“A Cross-Temporal Robotic Dance Performance: Dancing with a Humanoid Robot and Artificial Life” presented by Hong, Teles de Castro e Costa and Tanguy


Session Title:

  • Virtual (full papers)

Presentation Title:

  • A Cross-Temporal Robotic Dance Performance: Dancing with a Humanoid Robot and Artificial Life

Presentation Subtheme:

  • Speculative practices



  • We present a case study exploring the integration of artificial, autonomous, and interactive artifacts into the realm of choreography. Specifically, we assessed our experimentation on the HRP-4 humanoid robot and an evolving virtual ecosystem, utilized as characters and dynamic scenography in a dance performance. Our research sheds light on the mechanisms enabling dynamic interplay between human beings and artificial entities, with a specific emphasis on the significance of cross-temporal dialogues. Additionally, we demonstrate the potential of autonomous interactive systems in fostering improvisational co-creation in the process of stage development.

