“The Creation of the Medialab Madrid Archive: Preserving the Memory of Transdiciplinary Media Art Practices” presented by Ohlenschläger, Mateo, Belmar and Hernández
Session Title:
- In-Person Panel Presentations
Presentation Title:
- The Creation of the Medialab Madrid Archive: Preserving the Memory of Transdiciplinary Media Art Practices
The creation of the MediaLab Madrid Archive arises from the need to contribute to the preservation of transdisciplinary media art practices and the shaping of the new narratives related to an extended media archeology, in the context of the project Medialab Madrid as a model of transversal laboratory: art, science, technology, society + sustainability for the digital agenda (H2019/HUM-5740 (MediaLab-CM) within the call for Social Sciences and Humanities (2019) of the Community of Madrid co-financed with the European Social Fund. The proposal is conceived as a panel discussion with the participation of four researchers who are involved in and experts on the subject, structured along different axes of discussion focused on the challenges of cultural innovation as of twenty years ago and its preservation and dissemination in an open, dynamic and relational archive structure, able to convey the relationships among biological, social, technological and cultural systems, and proposing an extension and enrichment to the consensus terminologies of media art.