“The First Room: An artistic expression combining traditional Chinese IChing culture and EEG technology” presented by Song, Kang and Guljajeva
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The rapid development and great influence of emerging technologies have changed the way of expression and creation of contemporary art, as well as the artistic expression of traditional Chinese culture. This is an art project named The First Room, an installation based on the I Ching, with the purpose of exploring the possibility of combining the I Ching based on human electroencephalogram data with artificial intelligence algorithms in future storytelling, and how it affects human emotions, and generating art visualisation images combined with the I Ching through computer algorithms. The First Room is a room composed of light, sound and image, which showcases a multi-sensory interactive space based on brainwave data. In this space, the audience is considered as one of the key components of the art installation and becomes the driving core of the project. By interacting within the space, it is hoped that participants will not only enjoy the programme, but also enhance the audience’s understanding of the I Ching and future AI algorithms.This study discussed a method of creating future storytelling art based on objective EEG data signals in combination with traditional Chinese culture, providing a new path for the visual expression of traditional Chinese culture.