“The Start of a Networked Curatorial Dictionary…” presented by Whitaker
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This paper outlines and defines selected key concepts and terms that form part of a dictionary that supports the defi-nition of a networked curatorial practice. The paper unpacks and discusses the following key concepts and terms: digi-tal art, networked, networked curatorial practice, the cura-tor, the para and post-curatorial, the post-occupation condi-tion, and spaces – all within the digital art landscape. The paper argues for a dynamic interpretation of key concepts and terms encompassing this practice emerging in a con-temporary digital context, urging readers to traverse and form their own connections. The discussion is framed through the description and definition of four key curatorial projects— Floating Reverie, Covalence, TMRW, and Blue Ocean. These projects, ranging from digital residency programs to online art spaces, demonstrate the diverse ways in which curated spaces can support digital artists. The paper seeks to enhance accessibility and contribute to ongoing discourse within the digital arts community, focusing on establishing a sustainable ecosystem through different spaces for artists and curators through a networked curatorial practice.