

Session Title:

  • Short:Circuit: Cross Border Communications in New Media Between US and Turkey

Presentation Title:

  • Untitled




  • Chair Per­son: Patrick Lichty
    Pre­sen­ters: Ali Mi­harbi, Eden Un­ulata, Clau­dia Ped­er­son, Burak Arikan, Iz Öztat & Chan­tal Za­kari

    In keep­ing with the site of the ISEA2011 Sym­po­sium, this panel seeks to pre­sent pa­pers that ad­dress new media cross-bor­der dis­courses be­tween Turkey (the site of the sym­po­sium) and North Amer­ica (the birth­place of New Media). This panel seeks to in­ves­ti­gate North Amer­i­can/Turkey con­ver­sa­tions in New Media Art & Cul­ture; is­sues artists are ex­plor­ing, and res­i­dency and cu­ra­to­r­ial pro­jects. Also, we seek to probe the cross-cul­tural ef­fects of net­worked cul­ture and so­cial media upon the de­mo­graph­ics in­volved as well as the greater global mi­lieu. This will be done by ex­plor­ing artists, works, res­i­den­cies, ini­tia­tives work­ing be­tween these spaces and sites of on­line cul­ture that cre­ate frames of en­gage­ment for these is­sues. The ini­tial im­pe­tus of this panel comes from the chair’s in­volve­ment/re­search of Turk­ish artists who have lived in the States, North Amer­i­can artists work­ing in Turkey, and ways their ex­pe­ri­ences are re­flected in the work. In ad­di­tion, in con­ver­sa­tion with Burak Arikan, other is­sues such as the im­pact of Face­book, on­line dis­sem­i­na­tion of in­for­ma­tion, Wik­ileaks, so­cial media and other as­pects of net­worked cul­ture will be ad­dressed.
