Patrick Lichty

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

American University of Sharjah; Intelligent Agent Magazine and Lichty Studios, Executive Editor; Artist and Writer

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Patrick Lichty is a multifaceted artist known for his work in various technological media. Born in Akron, Ohio, in 1962,. His career spans over three decades, during which he has established himself as a media artist, writer, curator, designer, and educator.
Lichty’s artistic practice explores the impact of media and technology on society. He has an interest in augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), generative and telecommunications art, and machine drawing. His work critically examines how media shapes human perceptions of reality. He was a CalArts/Herb Alpert Fellow and exhibitor at the Whitney Biennial.


Media artist, Curator, Animator and Writer.


Patrick Lichty is a media artist, writer, in­de­pen­dent cu­ra­tor, an­i­ma­tor for the ac­tivist group The Yes Men, and Ex­ec­u­tive Ed­i­tor of In­tel­li­gent Agent mag­a­zine. He began show­ing tech­no­log­i­cal media art in 1989, and deals with works and writ­ing that ex­plore the so­cial re­la­tions be­tween us and media. Venues in which Lichty has been in­volved with solo and col­lab­o­ra­tive works in­clude the Whit­ney & Turin Bi­en­ni­als, Mari­bor Tri­en­nial, Per­forma Per­for­mance Bi­en­nial, Ars Elec­tron­ica, and the In­ter­na­tional Sym­po­sium on Elec­tronic Art (ISEA). He also works ex­ten­sively with vir­tual worlds, in­clud­ing Sec­ond Life, and his work, both solo and with his per­for­mance art group, Sec­ond Front, has been fea­tured in Flash Art, Eikon Milan, and Art­News. He is also an As­sis­tant Pro­fes­sor of Media The­ory and Ex­per­i­men­tal Gen­res at Co­lum­bia Col­lege Chicago, USA.


Patrick Lichty is a technologically-based intermedia artist, writer, independent curator, and Executive Editor of Intelligent Agent Magazine. His work spans over 15 years, dealing with the social and representational issues of technological media and the impact of technology on the self, society and culture through intervention and literature. He works in diverse technological media, including printmaking, kinetics, video, generative music, and neon. Venues in which Lichty has been involved with solo and collaborative works include the Whitney and Venice Bienniales as well as the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA).


Media artist and theorist. He works in a variety of media, has collaborated with and RTMark, and published in CTHEORY, frAme, and LEONARDO. His recent work is for the Walker Art Center entitled Grasping at Bits.


Patrick Lichty is an artist/writer and creative partner with Lichty Studios. Was born in 1962 in Akron, Ohio to a family of artists, he studied Electronic Engineering with an emphasis in Studio Art at the University of Akron, and received a Baccalaureate Degree in 1990. Studied post-bac­calaureate Glass and Art History at Kent State University. Completed apprenticeship at Johnson Glass Studio in Canton, Ohio. Continuing independent studies since 1986 in postmodern Social Theory, Contemporary Art, Sociology, and Cultural Studies.

Exhibits include the Fractal Design Art expo, Frankfurt (Germany) Cybernetic Arts Festival, Wirehead Virtual Media Gallery (CD-ROM), and the New York Digital Salon. Recent conference presentations include the American Society for Theatre Research, American Sociological Association, Popular Culture Association, Microchips to Mass Media Conference (Plenary speaker, DePaul Univ.), and Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism. Publications include numerous cyberculture journals including ****collapse, CTHEORY, and SPEED.

He has taught seminars on art, social theory, and technology institutions including MCAD, Univ. of Minnesota, and Kent State University. Lichty is part of Bruce Sterling’s Dead Media Project, the Haymarket RIOT Performance project, and the SITU online art collaborative. Studies classical Japanese flute music in his spare time.


Last Known Location:

United States of America

International Programme Committee:


