Co-creating and critiquing training methods for transdisciplinary collaboration



  • Co-creating and critiquing training methods for transdisciplinary collaboration



  • Although transdisciplinary collaboration is associated with efficiency and efficacy to solve professional and academic challenges, untrained teams may underperform because of collective cognitive limitations such as less ideation power, planning fallacies, or overvalue of shared beliefs. Successful transdisciplinary collaborations require appropriate practices and didactics. In this workshop the organizers will present a draft of best practices and didactics for teamwork and will ask participants to contribute to critique, extend and recommend from this draft. The expected outcome is a refined draft document of best practices and didactics for teamwork. The organizers will develop further and publish this document along with an annotated bibliography in the topic. We will use co-design methods to design the workshop with the participants. Activities include teamwork in a challenge, socialization, and debate of best practices. This workshop is associated with the panel proposal submitted on the same problem; many interested colleagues could not be included in the panel and this workshop will include the panelists and other ISEA attendees.

