The Art Collider (TAC)
Workshop Statement
The Art Collider is a project for real-time online connected-creation of audiovisual art around the globe with classes and workshops being taught at art-schools internationally. A demoshow is currently following the workshop. The TAC concept offers the infrastructure for artists to exchange, share and collaborate on multimedia projects in unprecedented ways; The Art Collider is based on interconnexion of real and virtual spaces or distant places. Basically it is a social network for connected creation, connecting works and peer to peer streaming, realized using open standards, with the implementation provided as open-source. It bears similarities with existing platforms – such as soundcloud or even the youtube remixer – but it is set apart by unique features like the real-time monitoring system and the openness of content and non-commercial availability. On the social side, TheArtCollider also stands on the shoulders of giants, learning from platforms such as or as or as with which we have close relations. TAC/ISEA2011 Istanbul proposal is for a 2/3 days workshop with students, artists and researchers to get into the flowmixer software, as well as a theoretical approach to connective art, and a démo-show of the online platform including works by students, artists and researchers from Istanbul ISEA2011. TAC/ISEA2011 will be the next step, the 5 th édition of event linked to this Platform for collaborâtive création, after INOUT 2006(Paris), INOUT x.o 2008 (Paris, Nancy, Poitiers) and The Art Collider 2010 (Paris, San Francisco, Linz), Paris Futur en Seine 2011. and Artists, students and reserachers from Istanbul participant to ISEA 2011, will be invited to participate to the workshop run by researchers from CITU/Paris 8 university. This workshop will provide reflexion on connective création and acces to the specific tool « flow mixer » developed at CITU. Participants to the The Art Collider Workshop or ISEA organization has to provide Mac Computers. TAC is based on interconnexion of real and virtual spaces or distant places. Located in different places it twill show works developed by students and artists during the workshop, in interconnection withs works already on The Art Collider . Images, sounds, multimédia they are interconnected to one another as trade flow data or peer to peer. They are also interconnected with the existing TAC platform, already enriched by online contributions. Performances, installations or simple on-screen presentation, the scenography of these flow works is defined according to the technical environment.