1994 ISEA National Branch Meeting


Annual General Meeting Title:

  • 1994 ISEA National Branch Meeting

Annual General Meeting Presenter(s):



  • The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts (ISEA), the co-ordinating association for the International Symposium on Electronic Art (also ISEA), started national branches in the period since the founding of the ISEA association in 1990. The aim of the branches is to start national electronic art activities and support the international symposium, by representing those in their respective countries. On a practical level this is accomplished by (among other things) the translation of the ISEA Newsletter (INL) into other (than English) languages, as well as national distribution of the INLs. At this time there are Portugese (Brazil) and Japanese versions. The aim of the meeting is to introduce the branches and stimulate the founding of more.

    Current branches:

    • ISEA-NL foundation, represented by Wim van der Plas, sociologist and co-founder of the symposium series and the Inter-Society
    • ISEA-Japan, represented by Yoshiyuki Abe, Artist, Japan
    • ISEA-Brazil, represented by Rejane Spitz, Artist and Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    • ISEA-UK, represented by James Faure Walker, Artist, England