Wim van der Plas

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts, _Director

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Wim van der Plas (NL) is co-founder of ISEA and organiser of the three ISEA symposia held in the Netherlands. He led ISEA HQ in the first 8 years of its existence and was a board member of the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts and ISEA International (both of which he also was co-founder) until 2017. Since then, he is Honorary Chair of the ISEA International Advisory Committee and ISEA Symposium archivist. He received a Leonardo Pioneer Award in 2018.


Wim van der Plas (Netherlands) studied Social & Cultural Sciences at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He was director of the Foundation for Creative Computer Applications (SCCA, Rotterdam), R&D staff of the Utrecht School of Arts, managing director of the Institute for Computer Animation (SCAN, Groningen), and worked for 3 different departments of the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. He is co-founder of ISEA, organised the first, second and seventh ISEA symposium and served as ISEA HQ and on the ISEA board since its founding. Currently he is co-director of the ISEA symposium archives and member as well as honorary chair of the ISEA International Advisory Committee. In 2018 he received a Leonardo Pioneer Award.


Wim van der Plas, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Co-founder of ISEA, organiser of First, Second and Seventh ISEA symposium. Former director of the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts and former board member of ISEA International. ISEA Symposium archivist. Honorary chair of the ISEA International Advisory Committee.


Wim van der Plas studied Social & Cultural Sciences at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. After that he was director of the Foundation for Creative Computer Applications (Rotterdam) that initiated the First International Symposium on Electronic Art. He organised the first, second and seventh ISEA symposium and co-ordinated the continued occurrence of the symposia. After leaving the board of ISEA International in 2017, he is the archivist for the Online ISEA Symposium Archives and chair of the ISEA International Advisory Committee.


Wim van der Plas, ISEA co-founder and ISEA archivist, Rotterdam, the Netherlands


Wim van der Plas (NL) studied Social and Cultural Sciences at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is co-founder of ISEA and organised the 3 Dutch ISEA symposia. He was for many years head of ISEA HQ and is now a board member of ISEA International.


Wim van der Plas, Netherlands, is a sociologist interested in the definition of art and a propagandist of the complementarity of art and science. He was co-initiator of the first ISEA symposium (1988) and co-founder of the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts (1990). He organised the first, second and seventh International Symposia on Electronic Art. He was director, subsequently board member of the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts and its successor, ISEA International. Wim worked for several Dutch art schools and universities, among others in the fields of computer animation, media technology and the creative industries. Currently he is Treasurer of ISEA International, the coordinating body for the ISEA symposia and archivist for the ISEA Symposium Archives.


Wim van der Plas, ISEA International foundation, NL.


Wim van der Plas(NL) studied social & cultural sciences and was director of the Foundation for Creative Computer Applications (SCCA), Rotterdam and the National Institute for Computer Animation (SCAN) in Groningen. He is co-founder of the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts (ISEA) and he was executive director in 1987 and advisor in 1988 for the First International Symposium on Electronic Art (Utrecht). He organised the Second ISEA Symposium in Groningen in 1990 and was executive director of ISEA96 in 1995 and Programme Chair for that symposium in 1996. He works as department head for the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.


Wim van der Plas (sociologist, educator), managing director of SCAN, Academie Minerva, Rijkshogeschool Groningen, The Netherlands. SISEA Executive Director, Co-Founder Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts. Organiser of the first ISEA symposium (FISEA). Former managing director of Foundation for Creative Computer Applications (SCCA), Rotterdam, NL.


Managing Director SCAN, National Institute for Computer Animation, Groningen, NL, since 01.01.1988. Co-founder and Managing Director SCCA until 01.01.1988, staff R&D Utrecht School of Arts in 1987, initiating FISEA, Executive director FISEA until move to SCAN; since then Advisor for FISEA.

Last Known Location:

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Symposium Presentations:


Unique Identifiers:

    VIAF ID:
  • 10013834
    ISNI ID:
  • 0000000390782220