The Past, Present, and Future of Publishing in Electronic Arts

Session Title:

The Past, Present, and Future of Publishing

Presentation Title:

The Past, Present, and Future of Publishing in Electronic Arts


This special session is presented in conjunction with the 30th-anniversary celebrations of the journal Leonardo. Leonardo was the first journal supporting artists who worked in the intersection of science, technology, and art. The times have radically changed since 1966. Print publishers everywhere are wondering about the future of print in a wired world and the art world and electronic artists’ needs are quite different.This session will use the perspectives of Leonardo’s history to explore more general issue of the relationship of print to electronic publishing. Presenters will include those shaping print and electronic publishing services aimed at the electronic arts community. How can each kind of approach meet the variety of needs including announcing, networking, collaborating, exhibiting, creating audiences, archiving, validating, and interpreting? A significant amount of time will be allotted to invite the ISEA audience to make suggestions about what they see as future ways print and electronic publishers can serve their needs. Presentations include the following:

  1. Roger Malina: Perspectives on the Journal Leonardo. What moved Frank Malina to establish the journal? What were its original audiences and goals? What was its relationship to the art world? How did it evolve in its first 30 years?
  2.  Craig Harris: Perspectives on the Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Why was it established?   What needs does it serve? What is its relationship to other services? What is its future?
  3.  Paul Brown: Perspectives on Fine Arts Forum.
  4.  Annick Bureaud: Perspectives on IDEA.
  5.  Stephen Wilson: Future Technologies — What is Beyond the Web? What trends in   technology will influence the kinds of services needed and possible?
  6.  Roy Ascott: The past and the future of electronic arts in the larger culture.
  7.  Rejane Spitz: Special needs of the developing world. How can print and electronic   publications serve artists in developing countries?

