Baron Lanteigne: framed scrolling
- framed scrolling
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- Single channel seamless loop
Artist Statement:
In Framed Scrolling, you are stuck on “rails” in an endless tour of a virtual museum filled with screens on which you can watch Baron Lanteigne scroll through different pieces from the online exhibition Re|Search. This virtual exploration is a reflection on our relation with screens and space and how those can impact our perception of artworks. His aim was to generate something pointless and cumbersome by how it aspires to present artworks which are now trimmed and distorted. Their integration in physical space disfavours how we consume the works.
Technical Information:
The following works can be partly seen within the piece:
Critical Atlas of Internet by Louise Drulhe
mollysoda.explosed by Molly Soda
We are fragmented by Amira Hanafi
I’m Google by Dina Kelberman
PRÖSPECT by Isabelle Gagné & Paul Gascou-Vaillancourt & Stéphane Archambault
The New Organs by Sam Lavigne & Tega Brain
My Google Search History by Albertine Meunier
Désordre by Philippe de Jonckheere
Network Effect by Jonathan Harris & Greg Hochmuth
Predictive Art Bot by & Jérôme Saint-Clair
Baby Come Home by Foundland Collective
You can access these works and many more on the online exhibition Re|Search website.