“In-Between” by Philippe Boissonnet

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  • Photo from philippeboissonnet.com



Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    The interactive (ultrasonic) light control system for the hologram is conceived so that spectators are obliged to establish a human contact (discussion and presence), at least between two of them. Each motion sensor is in one sculpture supporting one hologram. But each sensor is connected to another sculpture (hologram). So, when one viewer is in front of one sculpture, hopping to see its specific holographic image, he is indeed triggering the light of one or the other sculpture. But as there holographic image will be out of their view (because of the restrictive holographic angle of view), he will need the presence of another viewer who will stand at the appropriate place to trigger the light for the hologram he (she) wants to look at. Each motion sensor will only have a 10 degree angle and 6 feet depth of detection field. Holograms are displaying images dark images (shadowgrams) of man and woman profiles (head and shoulders), which are surrounded with coloured air currents induced by the body heat. The third hologram is displayed letters dealing with human and virtual communication: the “@” symbol, and the words (in french) “I” and “you”.

Technical Information:

    The interactive (ultrasonic) light control system for the hologram is conceived so that spectators are obliged to establish a human contact (discussion and presence), at least between two of them. Each motion sensor is in one sculpture supporting one hologram. But each sensor is connected to another sculpture (hologram).



All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: