Maurice Benayoun, Jean-Babtiste Barriere: WorldSkin
- WorldSkin
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Maurice Benayoun
- City University of Hong Kong
- Jean-Babtiste Barriere
- Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique(IRCAM)
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- VR
Artist Statement:
The visitor is transformed into a virtual tourist equipped with a camera and projected in three-dimensional representations of a battle-field (constituted by news photographs, mostly from Bosnia war). Each time he pulls on pulling the trigger, which progressively reveals itself as that of an automatic weapon, peals off a part of «the skin of the world» : the visual field encompassed by the view-finder subtracted, vanishes out of the world. An investigation of our trouble relationship to war representations.
Software: Patrick Bouchaud, David Nahon & Kimi Bishop
Production of the Future lab of the Ars Electronica Center in Linz With the help of ZA production, Barco, and Silicon Graphics France
1998, France