Siegrun Appelt: Reale Formulierungen

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    Reale Formulierungen

Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    Light installation. Return of the Pilots theme.

    Siegrun Appelt is known for expansive light works that bathe whole city areas and architecture in bright light. For ISEA in Duisburg-Ruhrort she designs a spacious light work for the park-like gardens of the Mühlenweide, right at the banks of the river Rhine. Appelt works with the direct physical perception of light and its contradictory qualities: the intensity of the light radiates great warmth and also hurts the eyes. It turns nature into artifice and transforms whole landscapes. In their overwhelming intensity, Appelt’s works exaggerate the effects of light and urgently question the phenomenon of light pollution and our use of important energy resources.

    Text with images (PDF) p. 16-19


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