“Under the bay” presented by Moren and Bachvaroff

“Under the bay” presented by Moren and Bachvaroff

“Repurposing Social Media Platforms for Creative Expression” presented by Spartin

“Repurposing Social Media Platforms for Creative Expression” presented by Spartin

“Pyrocumulus: Ecology of “Pyrocene”” presented by Armet

“Pyrocumulus: Ecology of “Pyrocene”” presented by Armet

“SeaCycles: Work-In-Progress” presented by Bodle

“SeaCycles: Work-In-Progress” presented by Bodle

“Under the bay” presented by Unknown presenters

“Under the bay” presented by Unknown presenters

“View from Above: Drone art and hacktivism for landscape transformation awareness” presented by Resende, Mendes and Ângelo

“View from Above: Drone art and hacktivism for landscape transformation awareness” presented by Resende, Mendes and Ângelo

“Weaving Augmented Reality into the Fabric of Everyday Life” presented by Nijholt

“Weaving Augmented Reality into the Fabric of Everyday Life” presented by Nijholt

“kin_ – An AR Dance Performance With Believable Avatars” presented by Triebus, Geiger and Družetić-Vogel

“kin_ – An AR Dance Performance With Believable Avatars” presented by Triebus, Geiger and Družetić-Vogel

“Xeno Walks, An Augmented Reality SoundWalk on Collective Feminism” presented by Gutiérrez

“Xeno Walks, An Augmented Reality SoundWalk on Collective Feminism” presented by Gutiérrez

“Monument Public Adress System: Mobile AR and Interactive Installation” presented by Drum

“Monument Public Adress System: Mobile AR and Interactive Installation” presented by Drum

“‘Taman Tugu: Interference/Resistance’ – addressing urban rewilding with a musical augmented reality experience” presented by Collier

“‘Taman Tugu: Interference/Resistance’ – addressing urban rewilding with a musical augmented reality experience” presented by Collier

“Deep Space: Re-signifying Valle de los Caídos” presented by Sikiaridi and Vogelaar

“Deep Space: Re-signifying Valle de los Caídos” presented by Sikiaridi and Vogelaar

“Possi(A)bilities: Augmented Reality experiences of possible motor abilities enabled by a video-projected virtual hand” presented by Vatavu

“Possi(A)bilities: Augmented Reality experiences of possible motor abilities enabled by a video-projected virtual hand” presented by Vatavu

“The sonic body: creating embodied sonic performances within an extended reality context” presented by Gordon

“The sonic body: creating embodied sonic performances within an extended reality context” presented by Gordon

ISEA2022 Martins: AR[t]chive

“AR[t]chive – Augmented Reality Experience for a Digital Art Archive” presented by Martins, Sommerer and Mignonneau

“The Mixed and Augmented Reality Art Organisation: An Overview of Ten Years Since Our Launch at ISEA 2013” presented by Stadon

“The Mixed and Augmented Reality Art Organisation: An Overview of Ten Years Since Our Launch at ISEA 2013” presented by Stadon

“Mixed Reality and Visualization – Designing Multisensual Experiences Using the Whole Body” presented by Geiger, Triebus and Družetić-Vogel

“Mixed Reality and Visualization – Designing Multisensual Experiences Using the Whole Body” presented by Geiger, Triebus and Družetić-Vogel

Deep Space: Re-signifying Valle de los Caídos

Deep Space: Re-signifying Valle de los Caídos

2020 Vercetty Missing Black Techno-fossils

“Missing Black Techno-fossils” by Quentin VerCetty

2020 Moren Bachvaroff What is the Shape of Water?

“What is the Shape of Water?” by Lisa Moren, Tsvetan Bachvaroff