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First Middle Last Suffix Curator Gender Type Affiliation Departrment Job Title Bio Address Coordinates Website VAIF ID LOC ID ISNI ID
  • Jordan
  • Tate
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • University of Cincinnati
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2011 Jordan Tateis an Assistant Professor of Art at the University of Cincinnati, USA. Tate, a Fulbright Fellow (2008-2009), has a Bachelor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies from Miami University and a Master of Fine Arts in Photography from Indiana University. Tate is the author of the recently published “The Contemporary Dictionary of Sexual Euphemisms” from St. Martin’s Press (2007); his work is currently held in collections nationwide, including Rhizome at the New Museum, the M
  • Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
  • -84.51246,39.101454
  • http://
  • Helder
  • Miguel
  • Dias
  • Presenter
  • Digital Arts in School of Arts, UCP, Portugal
  • Artist
  • ISEA2011 Helder Miguel Dias is an artist/researcher and a teacher of Digital Arts in School of Arts, UCP, Portugal.  
  • PT
  • ,
  • Benjamin
  • Kolaitis
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Independent Artist
  • ISEA2013 Benjamin Kolaitis is a Melbourne-based contemporary instrument builder, sound artist and sculptural artist. He works with sculpture, sound, electronics and programming to develop kinetic interactive sound sculptures, invented instruments and improvised performances. Dedicated to promoting new insights in contemporary instrument building and technology within the Arts, Benjamin also co-directs Media Lab Melbourne, an artist run community that promotes and educates artists and creative
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • 144.9632,-37.8142
  • Adani
  • Hempel
  • Presenter
  • Zayed University in Dubai
  • Design in the College of Arts and Creative Enterprises
  • ISEA2013 Adina Hempel serves as Assistant Professor of Interior Design in the College of Arts and Creative Enterprises at the Zayed University in Dubai, UAE. Her work focuses on public space, urban cultures in the Middle East, impact assessment for social design, and sustainable urbanism. She has received a Dipl.-Ing. Architecture (Master of Architecture) from the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, is an Architect and Urban Designer, and has worked in architectural offices in Germany, Sw
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • 55.2962,25.2684
  • Heather
  • Kelley
  • Presenter and Moderator
  • Koko­romi
  • ISEA2011 Heather Kel­ley, also known as moboid, is a media artist, cu­ra­tor, and game de­signer.  Cur­rently Ms. Kel­ley heads her in­ter­ac­tion an­d­ ex­pe­ri­ence de­sign stu­dio Per­fect Plum.  She is co-founder of Koko­romi,an ex­per­i­men­tal game col­lec­tive, with whom she has pro­duced and cu­rat­ed the renowned GAMMA event pro­mot­ing ex­per­i­men­tal games as cre­ative ex­pres­sion in a so­cial con­text.
  • Unavailable
  • Cindy
  • Poremba
  • Presenter
  • The Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U)
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2023: Cindy Poremba is a digital media researcher, gamemaker, and curator. They are an Associate Professor (Digital Entertainment) at OCAD University, Ontario, Canada
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.383935,43.653482
  • Alexander
  • Schwing­ham­mer
  • Presenter and Moderator
  • ISEA2011 Alexan­der Schwing­ham­mer works as a re­search as­so­ci­ate for The­ory and His­tory of Vi­sual Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the Bauhaus Uni­ver­sity in Weimar, Germany. His back­ground is in cul­tural, stud­ies, an­thro­pol­ogy and the­atre stud­ies. Re­search in­ter­ests in­clude per­for­mance the­ory, vi­sual cul­ture, the vi­su­al­ity of war, ideas on ap­pro­pria­tive acts and the an­thro­po­log­i­cal mo­men­tum of re­port­ing.
  • Unavailable
  • Nicholas
  • Salazar-Sutil
  • Presenter
  • Per­for­mance Stud­ies In­ter­na­tional
  • ISEA2011 Nick Salazar-Su­til is a Chilean born aca­d­e­mic and prac­ti­tioner liv­ing in Lon­don. His work fo­cuses on sym­bolic lan­guages and code lan­guages in per­for­mance, cor­po­real semi­otics and cul­tural the­ory of sym­bolic lan­guages (math­e­mat­ics/ com­puter lan­guages). He is the artis­tic di­rec­tor of Con­fig­ur8, and Mem­ber of the Board of Di­rec­tors of Per­for­mance Stud­ies In­ter­na­tional.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Asko
  • Lehmuskallio
  • Presenter
  • Aalto University
  • Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
  • ISEA2011 Asko Lehmuskallio works as re­searcher at the Helsinki In­sti­tute for In­for­ma­tion Tech­nol­ogy HIIT, a joint mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary in­sti­tute of Aalto Uni­ver­sity and the Uni­ver­sity of Helsinki, Fin­land. His re­search in­ter­ests in­clude dig­i­tally net­worked cam­eras, pri­vacy and media tac­tics. His work is pub­lished mainly in the fields of vi­sual cul­ture, com­mu­ni­ca­tion stud­ies, and hu­man-com­puter in­ter­ac­tion.
  • Helsinki, Finland
  • 24.94861,60.17333
  • Anna
  • Lena
  • Seiser
  • Presenter
  • Bauhaus Uni­ver­sity Weimar and Uni­ver­si­dade Fed­eral de Minas Gerais in Belo Hor­i­zonte, Brazil
  • ISEA2011 Anna Lena Seiser stud­ied Me­di­a­cul­ture and So­cial Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at Bauhaus Uni­ver­sity Weimar and Uni­ver­si­dade Fed­eral de Minas Gerais in Belo Hor­i­zonte, Brazil. In 2009/2010 she was part of the pro­gramme team of trans­me­di­ale.10 FU­TU­RITY NOW! – fes­ti­val for art and dig­i­tal cul­ture Berlin. Her re­search in­ter­ests in­clude data piracy, aes­thet­ics and the value of dis­tur­bance, so­cial im­pli­ca­tions of soft­ware ar­chi­tec­ture and tac­tics of cul
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Se­bas­t­ian
  • Sierra
  • Barra
  • Presenter
  • Goethe Uni­ver­sity Frank­furt, DE
  • ISEA2011 Se­bas­t­ian Sierra Barra is a PhD stu­dent of Pol­i­tics, Eu­ro­pean Eth­nol­ogy and An­thro­pol­ogy at the Goethe Uni­ver­sity Frank­furt, DE. He holds a schol­ar­ship of the Frank­furt Grad­u­ate School of So­cial Sci­ence and Hu­man­i­ties. His re­search pro­ject is about the role of media in the ‘in­for­ma­tion age’ from a co­evo­lu­tion­ary point of view.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Rita
  • Raley
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Uni­ver­sity Cal­i­for­nia, Santa Bar­bara, USA
  • ISEA2011 Rita Raley is As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor of Eng­lish, with cour­tesy ap­point­ments in Film and Media Stud­ies, Com­par­a­tive Lit­er­a­ture, and Global Stud­ies, at Uni­ver­sity Cal­i­for­nia, Santa Bar­bara, USA. Her pri­mary re­search in­ter­ests lie at the in­ter­sec­tion of dig­i­tal media and hu­man­ist in­quiry, with a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on cul­tural cri­tique, artis­tic prac­tices, and lan­guage (code­work, ma­chine trans­la­tion, elec­tronic lit­er­a­ture, and elec
  • Unavailable
  • Bernadette
  • Buckley
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Bernadette Buck­ley joined the De­part­ment of In­ter­na­tional Pol­i­tics at Gold­smiths (UK) in 2007. Be­fore ar­riv­ing at Gold­smiths, she was a lec­turer in Con­tem­po­rary Art The­ory & Prac­tice at the In­ter­na­tional Cen­tre for Cul­tural & Her­itage Stud­ies, New­cas­tle Uni­ver­sity. Buck­ley’s re­search in­ter­ests tra­verse a num­ber of dif­fer­ent fields. She has long since been in­ter­ested in the com­plex re­la­tion­ships be­tween art and war and/or
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Wafaa
  • Bilal
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Wafaa Bilal an Iraqi-born artist and As­sis­tant Arts Pro­fes­sor at New York Uni­ver­sity’s Tisch School of the Arts (USA), is known in­ter­na­tion­ally for his on-line per­for­ma­tive and in­ter­ac­tive works pro­vok­ing di­a­logue about in­ter­na­tional pol­i­tics and in­ter­nal dy­nam­ics. For his cur­rent pro­ject, the 3rdi, Bilal had a cam­era sur­gi­cally im­planted on the back of his head to spon­ta­neously trans­mit im­ages to the web 24 hours a day – a state­ment on s
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Hasan
  • Elahi
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Hasan Elahi is an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist whose work ex­am­ines is­sues of sur­veil­lance, sim­u­lated time, trans­port sys­tems, bor­ders and fron­tiers. His work has been pre­sented in nu­mer­ous ex­hi­bi­tions at venues such as SITE Santa Fe, Cen­tre Georges Pom­pi­dou, Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val, Kas­sel Kul­tur­bahn­hof, The Her­mitage, and at the Venice Bi­en­nale. Elahi re­cently was in­vited to speak about his work at the Tate Mod­ern, Ein­stein Forum, and at the A
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Anke
  • Finger
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • University of Connecticut
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Anke Finger is Associate Professor of German Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Connecticut, USA. Her research interests include German and Comparative Modernism, Interart Studies/Literature and Other Arts, Avant-Gardes, Aesthetics, Media Theory and Philosophy, Interculturality and Comparative Literature. Recent publications: The Aesthetics of the Total Artwork: On Borders and Fragments (ed., with Danielle Follett, 2011); Das Gesamtkunstwerk der Moderne
  • Unavailable
  • Cre­tien
  • van
  • Campen
  • Presenter
  • Nether­lands In­sti­tute for So­cial Re­search
  • ISEA2011 Cre­tien van Campen is sci­en­tific re­searcher, au­thor and ed­i­tor in so­cial sci­ence and fine arts. He is af­fli­ated as a se­nior re­searcher at the Nether­lands In­sti­tute for So­cial Re­search and mod­er­a­tor of Synes­thet­ics Nether­lands, the web com­mu­nity of synes­thetes in the Nether­lands. He is ed­i­tor of the Leonardo on­line bib­li­og­ra­phy Synes­the­sia in Art and Sci­ence. His lat­est book is The Hid­den Sense: Synes­the­sia in Art and Sci­ence (MIT  Pres
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jiang
  • Duo
  • Presenter
  • Communication University of China (CUC)
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA 2013 Dr Jiang Duo, The Culture Development Institute, The Communication University of China, Beijing, China, is an Assistant Professor at the Culture Development Institute (CDI) in Beijing and Executive Editor-in-Chief of “China Cultural Industries Yearbook”, an annual publication that gathers and publishes data documenting the progress and achievements in growth of the cultural and creative industries across all the regions of China where this is occuring. Jiang’s research focus is centre
  • Beijing, China
  • 116.39139,39.905
  • Mark
  • Butler
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • In­sti­tute of Art and Media at the Pots­dam Uni­ver­sity, Germany
  • ISEA2011 Mark But­ler is a cul­tural sci­en­tist, fu­tur­ol­o­gist, and the Sci­en­tific Man­ager of the re­search and de­vel­op­ment pro­ject Ludic In­ter­faces at the In­sti­tute of Art and Media at the Pots­dam Uni­ver­sity, Germany. He has worked ex­ten­sively on the cul­ture of com­puter game-play­ing and is cur­rently com­plet­ing his Ph.D. on play­ful tech­niques of the self. As a doc­toral mem­ber of the Sci­ence & Tech­nol­ogy Re­search Group of the Daim­ler AG (2004-2008) he has
  • Unavailable
  • Moisés
  • Mañas Car­bonell
  • Moderator, Presenter, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Poly­tech­nic Uni­ver­sity of Va­len­cia
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Moisés Mañas Car­bonell is an artist, in­ter­ac­tive de­signer and pro­fes­sor of In­ter­ac­tive Art in the Fine Arts Fac­ulty of the Poly­tech­nic Uni­ver­sity of Va­len­cia, Spain (since 2001). He is mem­ber of the re­search group, Lab­o­ra­to­rio de luz. He has also been a mem­ber of the Tech­ni­cal Com­mit­tee of the In­ter­na­tional Con­gress ACE pro­gram 2005, 2006 and 2007 (In­ter­na­tional con­fer­ence on Ad­vances in com­puter en­ter­tain­ment tech­nol­ogy, ACM SIGCHI),
  • Unavailable
  • Annie
  • Abrahams
  • Presenter
  • uni­ver­sity of Utrecht
  • ISEA2011 Annie Abra­hams  has a doc­toral de­gree in bi­ol­ogy from the uni­ver­sity of Utrecht and a BA from the Acad­emy of fine arts of Arn­hem.  In her work with video,  per­for­mance and  the in­ter­net, she ques­tions the pos­si­bil­i­ties and the lim­its of com­mu­ni­ca­tion in gen­eral and more specif­i­cally in­ves­ti­gates its modes under net­worked con­di­tions. She is an in­ter­na­tion­ally re­garded pi­o­neer of net­worked per­for­mance art. She has per­formed and shown work ex­t
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Mar­garida
  • Car­valho
  • Presenter
  • New Uni­ver­sity of Lis­bon (FCSH/UNL)
  • ISEA2011 Mar­garida Car­valho holds a BA and a MA in Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sci­ences by the Fac­ulty of So­cial Sci­ences and Hu­man­i­ties of the New Uni­ver­sity of Lis­bon (FCSH/UNL), Portugal. She has been a fac­ulty mem­ber at the School of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Media Stud­ies (Lis­bon Poly­tech­nic In­sti­tute) since 1998 where she cur­rently lec­tures the courses of “Art and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion” and “Semi­ol­ogy”. Mar­garida is now work­ing on her doc­toral the­sis on the sub­ject of par­tic
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Cinzia
  • Cremona
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Cinzia Cre­mona is an artist and re­searcher work­ing with video, per­for­mance, pho­tog­ra­phy and dig­i­tal media in re­la­tional, col­lab­o­ra­tive and par­tic­i­pa­tory ways. Her in­ti­mate video per­for­mances focus on per­sonal re­la­tion­ships and so­cial in­ter­ac­tions, and form the core of a prac­tice-based PhD at the Uni­ver­sity of West­min­ster, Lon­don, UK. Her pho­to­graphic and mov­ing image work has been ex­hib­ited in­ter­na­tion­ally.  Cinzia has been co-cu­rat­ing
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Eunice
  • Gonçalves
  • Duarte
  • Presenter
  • Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Dublin and Uni­ver­si­dade de Coim­bra
  • ISEA2011 Eu­nice Gonçalves Duarte is a por­tuguese per­for­mance artist and re­searcher on the uses of low tech in dig­i­tal per­for­mance. She has a BA in Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Cul­ture Sci­ences and in 2002 com­pleted the MA in Con­tem­po­rary Drama Stud­ies in the Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Dublin (Dublin, Ire­land). She is cur­rently a PhD stu­dent in Uni­ver­si­dade de Coim­bra, de­vel­op­ing a the­sis on the aes­thet­ics of dig­i­tal per­for­mance. Eu­nice has worked with the­atre com­pa­ni
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jan
  • Baetens
  • Presenter
  • Uni­ver­sity of Leu­ven
  • ISEA2011 Jan Baetens is pro­fes­sor of cul­tural stud­ies at the Uni­ver­sity of Leu­ven (KUL), Belgium. His re­search top­ics range from French po­etry (which he also prac­tices as a pub­lished poet) and word and image it­er­ac­tions in so-called minor gen­res (graphic novel, photonovel, nov­el­li­sa­tion). He has writ­ten and edited var­i­ous books, among which re­cently: “Pour le ro­man-photo” (Brus­sels, Les Im­pres­sions Nou­velles, 2010), and “Con­strained Writ­ing”, a dou­ble spe­cial
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Kerry
  • Doyle
  • Presenter
  • Stan­lee and Ger­ald Rubin Cen­ter for the Vi­sual Arts
  • ISEA2011 Kerry Doyle is the As­so­ci­ate Cu­ra­tor and As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor of the Stan­lee and Ger­ald Rubin Cen­ter for the Vi­sual Arts (Texas, USA) where she is in charge of ed­u­ca­tion and com­mu­nity out­reach and par­tic­i­pates in cu­ra­to­r­ial pro­jects with a focus on con­tem­po­rary Latin Amer­i­can art and cross-bor­der di­a­logue. She spent fif­teen years in so­cial ser­vice and com­mu­nity ed­u­ca­tion in Chicago, El Paso, and Juarez and spe­cial­izes in ac­tiv­i­ties
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Johanna
  • Gustafs­son
  • Fürst
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Karin Hans­son is an artist & cu­ra­tor. She works as a se­nior lec­turer in Media Art and is also a PhD stu­dent at The Royal In­sti­tute of Arts in Stock­holm and The Com­puter & Sys­tem Sci­ence De­part­ment at Stock­holm Uni­ver­sity, SE. Within the frame­work of the arts or­gan­i­sa­tion As­so­ci­a­tion for Tem­po­rary Art [a: t] (Åsa An­der­s­son Broms and Nils Claes­son et al), Hans­son pre­vi­ously car­ried out a se­ries of the­matic art pro­jects and ex­hi­bi­tions r
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Thomas
  • Lil­jen­berg
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Karin Hans­son is an artist & cu­ra­tor. She works as a se­nior lec­turer in Media Art and is also a PhD stu­dent at The Royal In­sti­tute of Arts in Stock­holm and The Com­puter & Sys­tem Sci­ence De­part­ment at Stock­holm Uni­ver­sity, SE. Within the frame­work of the arts or­gan­i­sa­tion As­so­ci­a­tion for Tem­po­rary Art [a: t] (Åsa An­der­s­son Broms and Nils Claes­son et al), Hans­son pre­vi­ously car­ried out a se­ries of the­matic art pro­jects and ex­hi­bi­tions r
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  • Karin
  • Hansson
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Stockholm University
  • ISEA2015 Karin Hansson is an artist, curator and at researcher in Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Sweden, with artistic methodologies and participatory process online as research focus. Hansson previously carried out a series of thematic art projects and exhibitions related to information society and changing conditions for democracy. ISEA2011 Karin Hans­son is an artist & cu­ra­tor. She works as a se­nior lec­turer in Media Art and is also a PhD stu­dent
  • Unavailable
  • Bruno
  • Martelli
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ruth Gib­son & Bruno Martelli  (UK) col­lab­o­rate to cre­ate vir­tual en­vi­ron­ments as lo­ca­tions for in­quiry. The artists’ first work won them a BAFTA nom­i­na­tion and their in­stal­la­tions, video works, on­line pro­jects and per­for­mances have fea­tured in in­ter­na­tional ex­hi­bi­tions and fes­ti­vals in­clud­ing the 52nd Venice Bi­en­nale. Their prac­tice com­bines the phys­i­cal & vir­tual and re­la­tion­ships be­tween nat­ural and ar­ti­fi­cial to make co
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Ruth
  • Gibson
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ruth Gib­son & Bruno Martelli  (UK) col­lab­o­rate to cre­ate vir­tual en­vi­ron­ments as lo­ca­tions for in­quiry. The artists’ first work won them a BAFTA nom­i­na­tion and their in­stal­la­tions, video works, on­line pro­jects and per­for­mances have fea­tured in in­ter­na­tional ex­hi­bi­tions and fes­ti­vals in­clud­ing the 52nd Venice Bi­en­nale. Their prac­tice com­bines the phys­i­cal & vir­tual and re­la­tion­ships be­tween nat­ural and ar­ti­fi­cial to make co
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Sarah
  • Whatley
  • Presenter
  • Coven­try Uni­ver­sity
  • ISEA2011 Sarah What­ley is Pro­fes­sor of Dance at Coven­try Uni­ver­sity (UK). As a re­searcher and dance artist, her re­search spe­cialises in the in­ter­face be­tween dance and new tech­nolo­gies, dance analy­sis, so­matic dance prac­tice and ped­a­gogy, and in­clu­sive dance. She is work­ing on sev­eral AHRC-funded pro­jects: she led the the Siob­han Davies archive pro­ject and is now work­ing on the Dig­i­tal Dance Archives pro­ject and is part of the Screen­dance net­work. She is host­i
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  • Paul
  • Broks
  • Presenter
  • Uni­ver­sity of Ply­mouth
  • ISEA2011 Paul Broks is a neu­ropsy­chol­o­gist based at the Uni­ver­sity of Ply­mouth. He gained recog­ni­tion as a writer with his first book, Into the Silent Land (At­lantic Books, 2003) which mixed neu­ro­log­i­cal case sto­ries, fic­tion and mem­oir in an ex­tended med­i­ta­tion on self­hood and the brain. A sec­ond book, The Laws of Magic, ex­plor­ing mem­ory and imag­i­na­tion, is forth­com­ing. Paul’s the­atre work in­cludes two plays, On Ego (Oberon Books, 2005) and On Emo­tion
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  • Magnus
  • Richardson
  • Presenter
  • Uni­ver­sity of Ox­ford and Sys­tems Bi­ol­ogy Cen­tre
  • ISEA2011 Mag­nus Richard­son took his un­der­grad­u­ate de­gree in physics at the Uni­ver­sity of Ox­ford, where he stayed on to com­plete his doc­tor­ate in the­o­ret­i­cal physics in 1997. After three years of post­doc­toral re­search at the Weiz­mann In­sti­tute in physics and math­e­mat­ics in 2000 he moved to the Ecole Nor­male Su­perieure to study the cel­lu­lar ori­gins of os­cil­la­tions in neural net­works. Fol­low­ing four years at the EPFL Brain Mind In­sti­tute from 2002-200
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  • Gabriela
  • Pre­v­idello
  • Orth
  • Presenter
  • FILE and Uni­ver­sity of São Paulo
  • Archive Co­or­di­na­tor
  • ISEA2011 Gabriela Pre­v­idello Orth lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil. Grad­u­ated in Fine Arts, she de­vel­oped her work in art di­rec­tion, pro­duc­ing dif­fer­ent events and art ex­hi­bi­tions, in­clud­ing some FILE elec­tronic lan­guage in­ter­na­tional fes­ti­vals. Nowa­days, as FILE Archive Co­or­di­na­tor she is con­tribut­ing to a re­vi­sion on the in­for­ma­tion or­ga­ni­za­tion pro­ject of this am­biance. Gabriela is a In­for­ma­tion Sci­ence grad­u­ate stu­dent at ECA, School of
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  • Nick
  • Hasty
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Nick Hasty, Director of Technology for Rhizome at the New Museum,is an artist, pro­gram­mer, writer & mu­si­cian. He cur­rently serves as Di­rec­tor of Tech­nol­ogy for Rhi­zome, where he reengi­neered the site’s archive of New Media Art, the Art­Base, and the en­tire site as a whole. He re­cently col­lab­o­rated with Ryan Tre­cartin in build­ing the user-gen­er­ated video art plat­form, and plays drums and elec­tron­ics in the Brook­lyn-based band Source of Yel­low.
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  • Ag­nieszka
  • Pokry­wka
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ag­nieszka Pokry­wka (1984, lives and works in Trond­heim, Nor­way) grad­u­ated Poz­nan Acad­emy of Fine Arts, Poland (Crit­i­cism of Art / An­i­mated Film) and Poz­nan Uni­ver­sity of Tech­nol­ogy (Com­puter Sim­u­la­tions). Nowa­days she is PhD can­di­date on Nor­we­gian Uni­ver­sity of Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy (NTNU) in the field of dig­i­tal arts.  She is mainly in­ter­ested in in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary fields of knowl­edge es­pe­cially these be­tween art and tech­nol­ogy. In her a
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  • Ala
  • Pi­gal­skaya
  • Presenter
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  • Piibe
  • Piirma
  • Presenter
  • Es­ton­ian Acad­emy of Arts, Uni­ver­sity of Tartu Vil­jandi Cul­ture Acad­emy, and Es­ton­ian En­tre­pre­neur­ship Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Sci­ences
  • ISEA2011 Piibe Pi­irma is media artist, or­ga­nizer and teacher based in Tallinn, Es­to­nia.  She has worked as de­signer and vi­sual artist since 2002, also as teacher at new media de­part­ment of Es­ton­ian Acad­emy of Arts, in Uni­ver­sity of Tartu Vil­jandi Cul­ture Acad­emy and Es­ton­ian En­tre­pre­neur­ship Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Sci­ences (EUAS). Since 2006 Piibe Pi­irma was one  of or­ga­niz­ing team of Plek­trum, an an­nual vi­sual cul­ture fes­ti­val in Tallinn. She also worked a
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  • Eva
  • Verhoeven
  • Presenter
  • Uni­ver­sity for the Cre­ative Arts
  • ISEA2011 Eva Ver­ho­even (DE) is a prac­ti­tioner and re­searcher who works within the field of In­ter­ac­tive Media The­ory and Prac­tice. Cur­rent pro­jects ex­plore po­ten­tial­i­ties at the in­ter­face of hard­ware and soft­ware using meth­ods based on lab­o­ra­tory style ex­per­i­ments adapted for cre­ative pur­poses. She com­pleted her PhD in Dig­i­tal Art in 2009. She has col­lab­o­rated on and par­tic­i­pated in xxxxx@?Piksel events and has pre­sented and ex­hib­ited her work in Eu­ro
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  • Otto
  • von
  • Busch
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Otto von Busch is a re­searcher at the School of De­sign and Craft at Uni­ver­sity of Gothen­burg,SE, ex­plor­ing the emer­gence of a new “hack­tivist” de­signer role in fash­ion. He has also been teach­ing the course Fash­ion and Tech­nol­ogy at K3, Malmo Uni­ver­sity as well as Cre­ative Tech­nolo­gies at Auck­land Uni­ver­sity of Tech­nol­ogy, NZ.
  • Unavailable
  • Syuzi
  • Pakhchyan
  • Presenter
  • UC Berke­ley and Art Cen­ter Col­lege of De­sign
  • ISEA2011 Syuzi Pakhchyan is fash­ion tech­nol­o­gist and au­thor with a pas­sion for beau­ti­ful code and con­duc­tive cloth. After re­ceiv­ing her BFA from UC Berke­ley (US) and her MFA from the Art Cen­ter Col­lege of De­sign, she began a re­search-based de­sign prac­tice in 2006 fo­cused on next gen­er­a­tion wear­able tech­nolo­gies. Au­thor of “Fash­ion­ing Tech­nol­ogy” the first DIY book on in­ter­ac­tive fash­ion, Syuzi has also penned nu­mer­ous ar­ti­cles on the cre­ative prac
  • Unavailable
  • Linda
  • Worbin
  • Presenter
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  • Michel
  • Peeters
  • Presenter
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  • Marina
  • Toeters
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Marina Toeters,, design and research in fashion technology, ‘If technicians and designers liquidly fuse together and start interdisciplinary projects with added benefits to society, fashion will become innovative again and take responsibility for environmental issues by the implementing of tech solutions on the commercial market.’ Marina Toeters, initiator; about loves to expand innovative fashion by sharing knowledge. As freelance int
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  • Mika
  • Satomi
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Since 2006 Mika Satomi & Han­nah Perner-Wil­son have col­lab­o­rated form­ing the col­lec­tive KOBAKANT. They ex­plore the use of wear­able tech­nol­ogy as a medium for com­ment­ing on the so­cial and tech­no­log­i­cal as­pects of today’s high-tech so­ci­ety. Con­scious of wear­a­bil­ity and ques­tion­ing of func­tion­al­ity, they be­lieve in the spirit of hu­mor­ing tech­nol­ogy and pre­sent a twisted crit­i­cism of the stereo­types it cre­ates. For them tech­nol­ogy ex­ists to
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jonathan
  • Dovey
  • Presenter
  • Fac­ulty of Cre­ative Arts at Uni­ver­sity of the West of Eng­land, Dig­i­tal Cul­tures Re­search Cen­tre, and Per­va­sive Media Stu­dio
  • ISEA2011 Jon Dovey has re­cently been ap­pointed to the new Fac­ulty of Cre­ative Arts at Uni­ver­sity of the West of Eng­land, UK, with a view to rais­ing the pro­file of media re­search there. Since join­ing UWE he has es­tab­lished the Dig­i­tal Cul­tures Re­search Cen­tre; in­ter­fac­ing in­dus­try and acad­e­mia and based at the Per­va­sive Media Stu­dio. Jon is a lead­ing re­searcher in the field of in­ter­ac­tive media and gam­ing and spent the first 15 years of his work­ing life
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  • Tim
  • Kindberg
  • Presenter
  • Uni­ver­sity of Bath, UK, HP Labs, Queen Mary, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, Zebra Par­al­lel, and Uni­ver­sity of West­min­ster UK
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Tim Kind­berg‘s re­search in­ter­ests are in ap­ply­ing ubiq­ui­tous and mo­bile com­put­ing tech­nolo­gies to dig­i­tal media, par­tic­u­larly in urban set­tings. He is cur­rently the re­search di­rec­tor for the Per­va­sive Media Stu­dio, the founder of start-up Mat­ter-2-Me­dia and a vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor of Com­puter Sci­ence at the Uni­ver­sity of Bath, UK. Be­fore that he was a se­nior re­searcher at HP Labs in Palo Alto and Bris­tol, se­nior lec­turer in Com­puter S
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Andre
  • Brodyk
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • University of New South Wales, Australia
  • Biotech (Genetic) Artist and The University of Newcastle (UoN)
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Andre Brodyk is a Biotech (Genetic) artist, researcher and educator with a PhD in Fine art from the University of New South Wales, Australia (2009). Currently, Dr Brodyk is 2D Art Convenor, Fine Art, Faculty of Education & Arts at The University of Newcastle (UoN).His practice-based research interests center on the transformation, translation and interpretation of various forms of ‘non-coding’, transgenic DNA & RNA molecular materials as agencies of pending states of exis
  • Unavailable
  • Avishek
  • Ray
  • Presenter
  • Trent University
  • ISEA2011 Avishek Ray, Trent University, Canada
  • CA
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  • Maja
  • Petrić
  • Presenter
  • University of Washington’s Center for Digital Art and Experimental Media (DXARTS)
  • Artist
  • ISEA2011 Maja Petrić is an artist, a PhD candidate and a predoctoral associate at University of Washington’s Center for Digital Art and Experimental Media (DXARTS). She holds a Masters degree in new media art from New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), and a Masters degree in journalism from University of Zagreb, Croatian Studies. Maja grew up in Croatia during the violent fragmentation of Yugoslavia. It is then that she became preoccupied
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  • http://
  • Kevin
  • Todd
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Kevin Todd has been working with digital media for around twenty-years through artworks for exhibiton and art-for-architecture. Kevin lives in Queensland, Australia and has undertaken residencies and projects in Malaysia, the UK, Ireland and the USA. Organisations he has worked with include the Australian Antarctic Division, The Australian Museum and Asialink.
  • Queensland, AU
  • ,
  • http://
  • Ali
  • Halit
  • Diker
  • Presenter
  • Sabanci University and Yildiz Technical University
  • ISEA2011 Ali Halit Diker, Born 1983. Studied VACD in Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey. Studies Arts and Design graduate program in Yildiz Technical University Works at Infomag Publishing.
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  • Aymeric
  • Mansoux
  • Presenter
  • University of London (UK)
  • Artist
  • ISEA2011 Aymeric Mansoux (FR) is an artist, musician and media researcher. In 2003, he founded GOTO10 with Thomas Vriet, a non profit organization and artist collective, with the goal to promote the use and support of free software in electronic music and media art creation. Aymeric has been active in the collective until 2010 and initiated several projects such as: ‘make art’, a yearly international no nonsense festival for software artists using and writing free software; ‘Puredyne’, a popula
  • Unavailable
  • Alexia
  • Mellor
  • Moderator, Presenter, and Artist-Performing
  • WRMC Collaborative
  • ISEA2014 Alexia Melloris an international, interdisciplinary artist with roots in the UK and USA. Mellor uses humour and performative strategies to investigate issues of security, displacement and identity in an increasingly mediated landscape. She transposes familiar institutions into unfamiliar contexts to initiate direct participation in deconstructing social norms, consumer culture and notions of place. She recently relocated to Newcastle (UK) to pursue a PhD at Newcastle University after
  • Unavailable
  • Andrew
  • Y.
  • Ames
  • Presenter
  • WRMC Collaborative
  • ISEA2011 Andrew Y. Ames & Alexia Mellor (WRMC Collaborative). The WRMC Collaborative is a nutrient-rich endeavor delivering high-quality, sweet and savory experiences that infuse the ingredients of humor and play into simple recipes. Through a combination of performance art and game design, WRMC aims to create unexpected alternative ways of experiencing the everyday that invite critical reflection on notions of consumerism, technology and globalization. The artists have been featured in t
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  • Martin
  • Zeilinger
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • The Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U)
  • ISEA2015 Martin Zeilinger holds a PhD in Comparative Literature (Univ. of Toronto, Canada) and teaches at the Ontario College of Art & Design and at the University of Toronto. He is the co-director of the Toronto-based Vector Game Art & New Media Festival. His film and video work has been shown in Canada, the US, and Europe, and he appears as a live coding performer under the pseudonym st01c. ISEA2011 Martin Zeilinger, SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Communication and Culture, York
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.3849,43.6529
  • Dan
  • Dixon
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • University of the West of England, UK, Head­shift, and Syzygy
  • Senior Lecturer
  • ISEA2011 Dan Dixon is a Senior Lecturer in Creative Technologies at the University of the West of England, UK, where he runs their degree course in Web Design. His research revolves around the way people interact with technology and specifically the space where digital gaming and the real world mix. Currently he is working on a PhD, entitled Playing with Reality, which examines the cultural and aesthetic aspects of the nearly indefinable field of Pervasive Gaming. He is also involved in proje
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Thomas
  • Veigl
  • Presenter
  • Danube-University
  • Department for Image Science
  • ISEA2011 Thomas Veigl, Department for Image Science, Danube-University, Krems, Austria
  • AT
  • ,
  • Lisa
  • Carrie
  • Goldberg
  • Presenter
  • The University of Western Australia
  • ISEA2011 Lisa Carrie Goldberg, SymbioticA, Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts; The University of Western Australia.
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  • Damon
  • Loren
  • Baker
  • Presenter
  • CUNY CityTech in Brooklyn, USA
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2011 Damon Loren Baker is Assistant Professor of Interactive Entertainment at CUNY CityTech in Brooklyn, USA, where he teaches in the Emerging Media and Entertainment Technology programs. He conducts research as a member of StudioBlue and the City Tech PsychologyResearch Lab on the creation of tools for human computer interaction with virtual worlds for the humanities, arts, and social  sciences that are based on current research in cognitive science and implemented using current techniqu
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  • Sandra
  • Langley
  • Presenter
  • Artist
  • ISEA2011 Sandra Langley, artist
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  • Yueh
  • Hsiu Giffen
  • Cheng
  • Presenter
  • Australian National University and University of Technology, Sydney
  • ISEA2011 Yueh Hsiu Giffen Cheng is a New Media artist, designer, researcher and writer. She completed a Master of Visual Arts at the Australian National University and a Doctor degree from the University of Technology, Sydney. She has edited a series of books and papers on New Media Arts, interactive design and contributed to various exhibitions. Her teaching subjects are: Design Methodology、CIS Design、Computer Drawing.  Areas of Expertise: are Culture infused arts, Arts infused education, In
  • AU
  • ,
  • Astrid
  • Almkhlaafy
  • Presenter
  • Nanyang Technological University
  • School of Art Design & Media, Visual Communication
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2011 Astrid C. Almkhlaafy  Assistant professor, Nanyang Technological University, School of Art Design & Media, visual communication, Singapore
  • SG
  • ,
  • Laura
  • Lee
  • Coles
  • Presenter
  • Simon Fraser University (SFU)
  • School of Interactive Arts and Technology
  • ISEA2015 Laura Lee Coles, MA Artist-in-Resident Vancouver Park Board – Aberthau Mansion, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Laura Lee is an arts-based researcher and exhibiting multi-disciplinary artist. She holds a Master of Arts from the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University. Her research interests are: Human, Technology and Nature Interaction and Re-visioning Public Space. She is a published author and presents her research internationally at conferences. H
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • -123.1139,49.2609
  • Torsten
  • Grosch
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Haike Rausch & Torsten Grosch  (431ART) have been working together on art projects under the name of 431art for more than ten years. The independant artists understand their work as experiencing the phenomena and proceedings of nature, work situations and everyday political – social realities. Through their estrangement of the common view, their gaze on familiar objects breaks the habitual patterns of perception. In so doing; they take away the supposed inherent quality, of being
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  • Haike
  • Rausch
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Haike Rausch & Torsten Grosch  (431ART) have been working together on art projects under the name of 431art for more than ten years. The independant artists understand their work as experiencing the phenomena and proceedings of nature, work situations and everyday political – social realities. Through their estrangement of the common view, their gaze on familiar objects breaks the habitual patterns of perception. In so doing; they take away the supposed inherent quality, of being
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  • Juan
  • Angel
  • Mejia
  • Presenter
  •  [ISEA2011 provided no biographical information]
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  • Reynaldo
  • Thompson
  • Moderator, Presenter, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • University of Guanajuato
  • Department of Art and Enterprise
  • _Professor
  • ISEA2022 Reynaldo THOMPSON studied architecture at the University of Guanajuato and postgraduate studies at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona and the University of Texas at Dallas, the latter being where he obtained a doctorate in aesthetics estudies focused on Contemporary Art. He has participated in collective and solo exhibitions and curated shows in Mexico and abroad. He served as Head of the Department of Art and Business at the University of Guanajuato and is currently
  • Guanajuato, Mexico
  • -101.252841,21.015885
  • Angela
  • Maria
  • Krewani
  • Presenter
  • Institute for Media Studies University of Marburg, Germany
  • ISEA2011 Angela Maria Krewani, Institute for Media Studies University of Marburg, Germany.
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  • Joel
  • Ong
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • York University
  • Computational Arts
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2020 Joel Ong is a media artist whose works explore emergent ways of interfacing with the environment through hybrid discourses of art and science. His works involve a triangulation of field work, wet lab and computational arts and are often presented as on-site lab experiments. Ong is an Assistant Professor in Computational Arts at York University, Toronto, Canada, and Director of Sensorium: the Centre for Digital Arts and Technology. ISEA2019 Joel Ong, York University Toronto, Canada.
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • -79.383935,43.653482
  • Anna
  • Barros
  • Presenter
  • Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design, Universidade de São Paulo, and Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Multimedia Artist
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Anna C. Barros. Multimedia artist, she lived  in Los Angeles where she was awarded a BFA at the Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design.  MFA Arts Universidade de São Paulo; PhD in Communications and Semiotics, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Anna was awarded a sandwich PhD with the San Francisco Art Institute. Post-doctorate research developed at (PUC/SP). She has been participating in several national and international symposia and conferences. Her artisti
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  • http://
  • Juri
  • Hwang
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
  • Independent Filmmaker
  • ISEA2017 Juri Hwang is a media artist, researcher and currently a PHD candidate in Interdisciplinary Media Arts and Practice in University of Southern California, USA. Her research focuses on sonic culture and the role of media in the formation of memory. Engaging in an analysis of the cultural shifts of media usage and technologies she investigates the relationship between means of representation and how we perceive and remember. Through the analysis of still images, moving images, stereosco
  • Los Angeles, California, United States of America
  • -118.2439,34.0544
  • Chris
  • Wild
  • Presenter
  • [ISEA2011 provided no biographical information]
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  • Catherine
  • Moriarty
  • Presenter
  • University of Brighton
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Catherine Moriarty, Faculty of Arts University of Brighton, UK
  • Unavailable
  • Ivan
  • Dehn
  • Presenter
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  • Barnabas
  • Wetton
  • Presenter
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  • Thomas
  • Markussen
  • Presenter
  • Kolding School of Design, Denmark
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2011 Full text (PDF) p. 2287-2292
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  • Reha
  • Dişçioğlu
  • Presenter
  • Media Lab Helsinki, Finland
  • ISEA2011 Reha Dişçioğlu is an artist, designer and researcher. She was born in Turkey and currently living in Helsinki. She is holding a computer science degree and doing MA in Sound in New Media at Media Lab Helsinki. Her artistic and research interests are interaction design, sound design, intelligent playgrounds, traditional musical instruments.
  • FI
  • ,
  • Ferhat
  • Şen
  • Presenter
  • Media Lab Helsinki, Finland
  • Designer
  • ISEA2011 Ferhat Şen (b.1984, Turkey) is an artist, designer, researcher and writer residing in Helsinki. He has curated exhibitions, produced and collaborated on projects ranging from interactive and immersive environments to digital and traditional photography and video. Ferhat Sen is currently teaching and pursuing a doctoral degree in New Media at Media Lab Helsinki, Finland. His research interests are interaction design and digital cultural heritage.
  • FI
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  • http:// /
  • Hans-Hermann
  • Precht
  • Presenter
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  • Irena
  • Ruzin
  • Presenter
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  • Iwona
  • Bigos
  • Presenter
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  • Svetozora
  • Kararadeva
  • Presenter
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  • Ann
  • Van
  • Nieuwenhuyse
  • Presenter
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  • Hermann
  • Josef
  • Stenkamp
  • Presenter
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  • Lívia
  • Nolasco-Rózsás
  • Presenter and Artist-Exhibiting
  • ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
  • ISEA2023 Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás (HU) has been curating and co-curating exhibitions at contemporary and media art institutions internationally. She has been published in art magazines and worked as international editor at »Flash Art Hungary« (2014–15). From 2019 she has taken up research in curatorial studies on the »virtual condition« and its implications in the exhibition space, affiliated with the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig under the supervision of Beatrice von Bismarck. Her activity has main
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • 19.0403594,47.4979937
  • Duncan
  • Shingleton
  • Presenter
  • Edinburgh College of Art
  • Digital Artist
  • ISEA2011 Duncan Shingleton is a digital artist and EPSRC PhD candidate at ESALA, Edinburgh College of Art. As part of TOTeM and fields, he is currently conducting research into the ‘Internet of Things’, a term which refers to the technical and cultural shift that is anticipated as society moves towards a ubiquitous form of computing in which every device is ‘on’, and in some way connected to the internet.
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  • Luisa
  • Paraguai
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Anhembi Morumbi University and University of São Paulo
  • Multimedia, Institute of Arts
  • ISEA2022 Researcher, Professor and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Languages, Media and Art at Pon3fical Catholic University of Campinas. Vice-leader of the Research Group on Produc3on and Research in Arts. She holds a degree in Civil Engineering at University of São Paulo, a master’s and doctorate in Mul3media, Ins3tute of Arts at State University of Campinas, and a postdoctoral degree at the Planetary Collegium, Nuova Accademia di Belle Ar3 in Milan and at Federal University of Goi
  • Brazil
  • -51.619789020549,-9.5889030171226
  • Charles
  • Roberts
  • Presenter
  • University of California
  • ISEA2011 Charles Roberts, University Of California, Santa Barbara, USA
  • US
  • ,
  • http://
  • Brenda
  • Irene
  • Hutchinson
  • Presenter
  • The Exploratorium
  • ISEA2011 Brenda Irene Hutchinson, the Exploratorium, San Francisco, USA.
  • San Francisco, California, US
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  • Jacob
  • Lillemose
  • Presenter
  • University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • ISEA2011 Jacob Lillemose, Artnode and University of Copenhagen, Denmark
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  • Nacho
  • Zamora
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Nacho Zamora is a Span­ish pub­lic art re­searcher who has cu­rated an in­ter­na­tional pre­sen­ta­tion and ex­hi­bi­tion of solar art­works: re­new­able en­ergy–fo­cused tech­nol­ogy, art and de­sign. He re­ceived a Bach­e­lor in Fine Arts at the Uni­ver­sity of Mur­cia (Spain), and spe­cial­ized in pub­lic art for a Mas­ter of Artis­tic Pro­duc­tion at the Poly­tech­nic Uni­ver­sity of Va­len­cia (Spain). His in­ter­est is based on the syn­the­sis be­tween con­cepts like sus­tain­a
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  • Micha
  • Cardenas
  • Presenter
  • University of California at San Diego
  • ISEA2012 Micha Cárde­nas, Ph.D. , first generation Colombian American. Assistant Professor of Art & Design: Games + Playable Media at the University of California, Santa Cruz, USA. ISEA2011 Micha Cárde­nas is an artist/the­o­rist whose tran­sreal work mixes phys­i­cal and net­worked spaces in order to ex­plore emerg­ing forms of queer re­la­tion­al­ity, biopol­i­tics, and DIY hor­i­zon­tal knowl­edge pro­duc­tion. She will be start­ing her PhD study at Uni­ver­sity of Sout
  • California, United States of America
  • -119.69937515307,37.0743595873
  • Tom
  • Corby
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, and Moderator
  • Cen­tre for Re­search in Ed­u­ca­tion, Art and Media (CREAM) and Uni­ver­sity of West­min­ster
  • ISEA2011 Tom Corby is an artist and writer work­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of West­min­ster, UK. His art­works pro­duced with Gavin Baily and Jonathan Macken­zie, ex­plore tech­no­log­i­cal and eco­log­i­cal re­la­tions and have been ex­hib­ited at nu­mer­ous venues in­clud­ing the Zen­trum fur Kunst und Me­di­en­tech­nolo­gie (ZKM); In­sti­tute of Con­tem­po­rary Arts, Lon­don; the In­ter­com­mu­ni­ca­tion Cen­tre (ICC), Tokyo and the Vic­to­ria and Al­bert Mu­seum. Awards in­clude at the
  • Unavailable
  • Paula
  • Crutchlow
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Paula Crutchlow lives with her fam­ily in Ex­eter, Devon. She grad­u­ated in Dance from De Mont­fort Uni­ver­sity, and in 2000 com­pleted an MA in De­vised The­atre at Dart­ing­ton Col­lege of Arts, UK where she was an As­so­ci­ate Lec­turer in The­atre until their re­lo­ca­tion to Fal­mouth in 2010. Paula has worked in Britain and in­ter­na­tion­ally as a per­former, di­rec­tor and tutor of move­ment and de­vised the­atre. As a co-founder and Artis­tic Di­rec­tor of Blind Ditch she
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Michel
  • Bauwens
  • Presenter
  • Foun­da­tion for Peer-to-Peer Al­ter­na­tives
  • ISEA2011 Michel Bauwens is an ac­tive writer, re­searcher and con­fer­ence speaker on the sub­ject of tech­nol­ogy, cul­ture and busi­ness in­no­va­tion. He is the founder of the Foun­da­tion for Peer-to-Peer Al­ter­na­tives and works in col­lab­o­ra­tion with a global group of re­searchers in the ex­plo­ration of peer pro­duc­tion, gov­er­nance, and prop­erty. He has been an an­a­lyst for the United States In­for­ma­tion Agency, knowl­edge man­ager for British Pe­tro­leum, eBusi­ness S
  • Chi­ang Mai, TH
  • ,
  • Marta
  • Heberle
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2015 Marta Heberle, Adam Mickiewicz University, IRSA – Institute for Research in Science and Art Poznan, Poland. Marta  is a theorist and critic of culture. She specializes in issues related to bio art and bio media. Heberle is an author of numerous articles concerning contemporary art and aesthetics with a focus on transhumanist perspectives. Currently she is preparing her PhD at the University of Poznan. Her main focus is the problem of life, which, according to acknowledged definitions
  • Unavailable
  • Maria
  • Chatzichristodoulou
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Maria Chatzichristodoulou (a.k.a. Maria X) is a cul­tural prac­ti­tioner (cu­ra­tor, pro­ducer, per­former, and writer). Maria holds a PhD in Art and Com­pu­ta­tional Tech­nolo­gies from Gold­smiths Dig­i­tal Stu­dios, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, UK. She is Di­rec­tor of Post­grad­u­ate Stud­ies and Lec­turer in The­atre and Per­for­mance at the School of Arts and New Media, Uni­ver­sity of Hull (Scar­bor­ough cam­pus). In the past Maria taught at the Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don col­leg
  • Scar­bor­ough, United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Clive
  • Gillman
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Clive Gill­man is an artist and since 1995 has been the Di­rec­tor of Dundee Con­tem­po­rary Arts, Scot­land’s largest arts and media cen­tre. He has a back­ground work­ing with me­dia-based arts, both as an artist and also through work­ing on the de­vel­op­ment of the cul­tural in­fra­struc­ture in the UK. He has shown works in­ter­na­tion­ally and de­vel­oped a num­ber of in­ter­net-based pub­lic art pro­jects in­clud­ing ‘Met­ro­scopes’, a per­ma­nent pub­lic work in the cen­tre o
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  • Aleks
  • Krotoski
  • Presenter
  • Ox­ford In­ter­net In­sti­tute and the British Li­brary’s Grow­ing Knowl­edge ex­hi­bi­tion
  • Re­searcher-in-Res­i­dence and Re­search As­so­ci­ate
  • ISEA2011 Aleks Kro­to­ski is an aca­d­e­mic and jour­nal­ist who writes about and stud­ies tech­nol­ogy and in­ter­ac­tiv­ity. Her PhD the­sis in So­cial Psy­chol­ogy (Uni­ver­sity of Sur­rey, 2009) ex­am­ined how in­for­ma­tion spreads around the so­cial net­works of the World Wide Web. She is a Re­search As­so­ci­ate at the Ox­ford In­ter­net In­sti­tute and the Re­searcher-in-Res­i­dence for the British Li­brary’s Grow­ing Knowl­edge ex­hi­bi­tion. She com­pleted the 4-part, prime time BBC
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  • John
  • Anderson
  • Presenter
  • Grid­loop, Dun­can of Jor­dan­stone Col­lege of Art and De­sign, and Uni­ver­sity of Dundee, Scotland
  • ISEA2011 John An­der­son is the founder of Grid­loop and a re­searcher in the 3D Vi­su­al­i­sa­tion Group at Dun­can of Jor­dan­stone Col­lege of Art and De­sign at the Uni­ver­sity of Dundee. He has spent many years de­vel­op­ing in­ter­ac­tive prod­ucts to sup­port the teach­ing of dance and music in main­stream ed­u­ca­tion and his work was nom­i­nated for an In­ter­ac­tive BAFTA award in 2005. As well as hold­ing an MSc in An­i­ma­tion and Vi­su­al­i­sa­tion from the Uni­ver­sity of
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  • Caroline
  • Wilkinson
  • Presenter
  • Uni­ver­sity of Dundee, Scotland
  • Pro­fes­sor of Cran­io­fa­cial Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion
  • ISEA2011 Car­o­line Wilkin­son is cur­rently Pro­fes­sor of Cran­io­fa­cial Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion at the Uni­ver­sity of Dundee, Scotland. Her work in­cludes cran­io­fa­cial de­pic­tion from skele­tal and par­tially de­com­posed human re­mains for use in foren­sic and ar­chae­o­log­i­cal in­ves­ti­ga­tions and she is au­thor of Foren­sic Fa­cial Re­con­struc­tion. Dr Wilkin­son has also been in­volved in many ar­chae­o­log­i­cal in­ves­ti­ga­tions and her work is ex­hib­ited in mu­se­ums a
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  • Paul
  • Good­fel­low
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Paul Good­fel­low is an artist-an­i­ma­tor, and Pro­gramme Leader for the BA (Hons) de­gree in Mo­tion Graph­ics and An­i­ma­tion De­sign, at Northum­bria Uni­ver­sity. He is a prac­tic­ing artist, and has many years ex­pe­ri­ence in an­i­ma­tion, with film and tele­vi­sion cred­its. He began his ca­reer in sci­ence and data vi­su­al­iza­tion and used early 3D com­puter an­i­ma­tion soft­ware to vi­su­al­ize change in com­plex spa­tial and tem­po­ral data. He is cur­rently un­der­tak
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  • John
  • McGhee
  • Presenter
  • Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD)
  • ISEA2012 Dr. John McGhee was orig­i­nally trained as an In­dus­trial De­signer at Grays School of Art. John then spent sev­eral years in the com­puter graph­ics in­dus­try work­ing on web de­sign, mul­ti­me­dia and 3D com­puter an­i­ma­tion. John’s re­search began on the MSc in an­i­ma­tion and vi­su­al­i­sa­tion at Dun­can of Jor­dan­stone Col­lege of Art & De­sign, where he ex­plored the rel­e­vance of cre­ative 3D com­puter graph­ics tech­nolo­gies in med­ical imag­ing. Through col­lab
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  • Nina
  • Wenhart
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Danube University Krems and School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC)
  • Media Art Historian
  • ISEA2011 Nina Wenhart or ʇɹAɥu3ʍ ɐuiN is a Media Art historian and independent researcher. She is an independant researcher, currently writing on Speculative Archiving && Experimental Preservation of Media Art, and graduated from Prof. Oliver Grau’s Media Art Histories program with a Master Thesis on Descriptive Metadata for Media Arts. She was teaching the Prehystories of New Media class at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) and in the Media Art Histories program at th
  • Unavailable
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  • Alan
  • Neil
  • Shapiro
  • Presenter
  • Cornell University
  • Software Developer
  • ISEA2011 Alan Neil Shapiro is an interdisciplinary thinker who studied science-technology at MIT and philosophy-history-literature at Cornell University. He is the author of Star Trek: Technologies of Disappearance, a leading work in science fiction studies and on the conception of futuristic technoscience. He is the editor and translator of The Technological Herbarium by Gianna Maria Gatti, a major study of art and technology. He is a practicing software developer, and is working on projects
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  • Johanna
  • Rosenqvist
  • Presenter
  • Lund University and Linnæus Uni­ver­sity
  • Design and Art History and Visual Culture
  • Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Johanna Rosenqvist completed her PhD in Art History and Visual Culture, at Lund University in 2007. Her dissertation interrogates the institutional boundaries of Art through examining the aesthetics of sexual difference in the case of Swedish Handicraft of the 1920s and 1990s. Since 2007 she has been Associate Professor/ Senior Lecturer in Design and Art History and Visual Culture at Linnæus University, Växjö, Sweden. Presently Rosenqvist is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department
  • Sweden
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  • Margareta
  • Melin
  • Presenter
  • Malmö University
  • School of Arts and Communication
  • Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Margareta Melin PhD in Journalism, Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies at the School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University. Her research lies in the crossroad of journalism studies, feminism, cultural studies and artistic research. Melin’s artistic practice lies in the realm of textile, and Melin has worked as textile designer and costume designer.
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  • Kristina
  • Lindström
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Malmö University, Sweden and In­ter­ac­tive In­sti­tute
  • School of Arts and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion
  • ISEA2011 Kristina Lind­ström is a  PhD-stu­dent in In­ter­ac­tion de­sign at the School of Arts and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Malmö Uni­ver­sity. Her artis­tic and aca­d­e­mic col­lab­o­ra­tion with Kristina Lind­ström started off at the IT-re­search in­sti­tute In­ter­ac­tive In­sti­tute and was fur­ther de­vel­oped when they re­cieved artis­tic de­vel­op­ment funds from Swedish Re­search Coun­cil (2006-07). At the mo­ment the two are doing a col­lab­o­ra­tive PhD-pro­ject.  Kristina has ex­h
  • Sweden
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  • Åsa
  • Ståhl
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Malmö University
  • School of Arts and Communication
  • ISEA2011 Åsa Ståhl is a PhD student in Media and Communication Studies at the School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University, Sweden. With a background in radio journalism and sound art her interest has been, for the last decade, on telling stories, re-telling others’ stories and creating platforms/situations for collaborative storytelling. As part of her collaborative PhD project she has started to focus more on philosophy of science, actors and networks, mobility and ethics.
  • Unavailable
  • Lars
  • Kynde
  • Presenter
  • The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen
  • ISEA2011 Lars Kynde is a young Danish composer and sound artist. His works focus on the mutual influence of music, instrument and notational system. By building physical sculptures, mechanical machines, and three dimensional scores he seeks new ways of constructing and comprehending musical structures. These works has been shown and performed internationally mainly in Europe but also in Mexico, China and Japan. He graduated as composer in 2007 from at The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Cope
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  • Simone
  • Gristwood
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Simone Gristwood received her PhD from Lancaster University, UK in 2010.  Her thesis investigated links between the beginnings of photography in the 19th century and artificial intelligence (AI) in the 20th, through art historical and philosophical debates.  She has since been working on archives of Japanese pioneer Hiroshi Kawano at ZKM|Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, and British pioneer John Lansdown at Middlesex Univeristy.
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  • Rie
  • Saito
  • Presenter and Moderator
  • WASEDA University (Tokyo, Japan)
  • ISEA2011 Rie Saito has been spe­cial­iz­ing her re­search in the field of con­tem­po­rary arts, media arts and cul­tural stud­ies as a Ph.D. can­di­date at WASEDA Uni­ver­sity. After work­ing for a PR Mar­ket­inf in IBM Japan, she grad­u­ated her mas­ter course at Tokyo Univ. of the Arts and wrote a highly ac­claimed dis­ser­ta­tion whose the title was “An Ex­per­i­men­tal Ap­proach in the Video Works of Pip­i­lotti Rist and the Query of the Pub­lic and Pri­vate in Video In­stal­la­tion”. She
  • Japan
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  • Marcus
  • Romer
  • Presenter
  • Pilot The­atre, based at York The­atre Royal
  • Artis­tic Di­rec­tor
  • ISEA2011 Mar­cus Romer is the Artis­tic Di­rec­tor of Pilot The­atre, based at York The­atre Royal. He adapted and di­rected Look­ing for JJ, by Anne Cas­sidy, which won the TMA award for best pro­duc­tion in 2008. His pro­duc­tion of Lord of the Flies for Pilot The­atre has had five na­tional UK tours and re­ceived a TMA award nom­i­na­tion and won a Man­ches­ter Evening News award. His pro­duc­tion of  Beau­ti­ful Thing won two Man­ches­ter Evening News Awards in 2005. He is also a pub­lish
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  • Dougald
  • Hine
  • Presenter
  • Space Mak­ers Agency and School of Every­thing, the Dark Moun­tain Pro­ject and the In­sti­tute for Col­lap­so­nom­ics
  • ISEA2011 Dougald Hine is a writer and so­cial ac­ti­va­tor, the founder of Space Mak­ers Agency and co-founder of School of Every­thing, the Dark Moun­tain Pro­ject and the In­sti­tute for Col­lap­so­nom­ics. He is cur­rently work­ing on a pro­ject to cre­ate a new kind of uni­ver­sity, based in cen­tral Lon­don. He is also work­ing on a book about “First Life” and “the age of net­worked dis­rup­tion”.
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  • Jack
  • Hutchinson
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Jack Hutchin­son is an artist, writer and ed­u­ca­tor. A spe­cial­ist on the role of dig­i­tal tech­nol­ogy within the vi­sual arts, he is Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Co­or­di­na­tor for AIR: Artists In­ter­ac­tion and Rep­re­sen­ta­tion through a-n The Artists In­for­ma­tion Com­pany. His writ­ing has fea­tured in a di­verse range of pub­li­ca­tions, in­clud­ing Dazed and Con­fused, Garage­land, An­Other Man, Twin Mag­a­zine, a-n Mag­a­zine and Schweizer Kunst. He is an ac­tive cam­paigner f
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  • Brid­get
  • McKen­zie
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Brid­get McKen­zie has 20 years ex­pe­ri­ence in de­liv­er­ing in­no­v­a­tive ed­u­ca­tion in mu­se­ums, gal­leries and li­braries. Her cur­rent po­si­tion is found­ing di­rec­tor of Flow As­so­ci­ates, a cul­tural con­sul­tancy based in Lon­don and Delhi. Be­fore es­tab­lish­ing Flow in 2006, Brid­get held the post of Head of Learn­ing at the British Li­brary where she im­ple­mented a new learn­ing strat­egy based on cre­ative en­quiry. Pre­vi­ous roles in­clude Ed­u­ca­tion Of­fi­c
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  • Ali
  • Miharbi
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ali Mi­harbi is an artist whose work can take many forms from pho­to­graphic, graphic or sculp­tural pieces to dy­namic sys­tems dri­ven by live or stored data. His re­cent work ex­plores our com­plex two-way re­la­tion­ship with tech­nol­ogy within larger frame­works. In 2010 he com­pleted his M.F.A. from Vir­ginia Com­mon­wealth Uni­ver­sity after ac­quir­ing a dual de­gree in Elec­tri­cal & Com­puter En­gi­neer­ing and Art The­ory & Prac­tice with a con­cen­tra­tion
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  • Eden
  • Unulata
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Eden Un­ulata’s works in­ves­ti­gate the for­ma­tion of cul­tural iden­tity and how a so­ci­ety draws con­clu­sions from shared ex­pe­ri­ences. My in­tent is to un­der­stand the me­chan­ics of cul­tural iden­tity, high­light prob­lems that evolve from its for­ma­tion, and stim­u­late a de­bate on how to bet­ter man­age these prob­lems. When the iden­tity of a cul­ture and how it op­er­ates is ex­plored in-depth, so­lu­tions may re­veal them­selves.  BID, METU (Turkey); MFA, Gra
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  • Arzu
  • Ozkal
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ass. Prof. Arzu Ozkal is a Turkish born media artist and designer. Her practice engages with different interpretations of the body and its relationship to the environment. She raises questions about dogmas, traditions, laws, and patriarchal value systems through videos, public interventions and performances. Ozkal received her MFA from the Department of Visual Studies at University at Buffalo (SUNY) and BFA from Bilkent University. Her work has been exhibited broadly in exhib
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  • Iz
  • Öztat
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Iz Öztat, born in 1981, lives and works Istanbul, Turkey. She completed her MA in visual arts at Sabancı University, Istanbul and her BA in visual arts and cultural studies with Honors at Oberlin College, Ohio, USA. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul and taught as a lecturer at Kadir Has University between 2009 – 2011. In August 2008, she co-founded cura bodrum residency in Muğla  as an investigation into self-organization and non-institu
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  • Una
  • Chung
  • Presenter
  • Sarah Lawrence Col­lege (NY, US)
  • Global Stud­ies
  • As­sis­tant Pro­fes­sor
  • ISEA2011 Una Chung is As­sis­tant Pro­fes­sor in Global Stud­ies at Sarah Lawrence Col­lege (NY, US). She writes on new media art and de­sign, con­tem­po­rary film, and lit­er­a­ture, within a the­o­ret­i­cal frame­work em­pha­siz­ing ma­te­ri­al­ist philoso­phies, sci­ence and tech­nol­ogy stud­ies, post­colo­nial the­ory, fem­i­nist and queer the­ory. Re­cent ar­ti­cles in­clude “See­ing Spec­tral Agen­cies? An Analy­sis of Lin+Lam and Uniden­ti­fied Viet­nam” in Be­yond Biopol­i­tics
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  • Eric
  • For­man
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Eric For­man is a New York, USA, based artist work­ing with in­ter­ac­tive sculp­ture, ro­bot­ics, and re­spon­sive in­stal­la­tions. His work crosses bound­aries be­tween fine art and de­sign, com­bin­ing the sub­ver­sive and the func­tional.  Eric is cur­rently an Ad­junct Pro­fes­sor in the grad­u­ate Dig­i­tal+Media de­part­ment at RISD, and soon at SVA’s new In­ter­ac­tion De­sign MFA pro­gram.  He also teaches at Pratt, MICA, and the School of Ar­chi­tec­ture at Co­lum­bi
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  • Nico­las
  • Malevé
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Nico­las Malevé is an artist, soft­ware pro­gram­mer and data ac­tivist de­vel­op­ing mul­ti­me­dia pro­jects and web ap­pli­ca­tions for and with cul­tural or­ga­ni­za­tions. His cur­rent re­search work is fo­cused on car­tog­ra­phy, in­for­ma­tion struc­tures, meta­data and the means to vi­su­ally rep­re­sent them. He lives and works in Barcelona (ES) and Brus­sels (B). Since 1998 Nico­las col­lab­o­rates with Con­stant, a non-profit as­so­ci­a­tion, based and ac­tive in Brus­sels
  • Unavailable
  • Amy
  • Suo
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Amy Suo Wu was born in China, raised in the sub­urbs of Syd­ney and cur­rently re­sides in Rot­ter­dam, the Nether­lands. She grad­u­ated from the Willem de Koon­ing Acad­emy (Rot­ter­dam) with a BFA in Graphic De­sign and is presently fur­ther­ing her stud­ies at the Piet Zwart In­sti­tute, Mas­ter Media De­sign and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion: Net­worked Media (Rot­ter­dam). The na­ture of her prac­tice ex­plores the pe­riph­eries and over­lap­ping edges where fa­mil­iar­ity meets its un­fa­
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  • http://
  • Birgit
  • Bachler
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Bir­git Bach­ler is an Aus­trian new media artist liv­ing, work­ing, and study­ing in Rot­ter­dam (NL). She holds a BA in In­for­ma­tion De­sign/Media & In­ter­ac­tion De­sign and is cur­rently study­ing at the Piet Zwart In­sti­tute, Mas­ter Media De­sign and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion: Net­worked Media (Rot­ter­dam). She has a back­ground in in­ter­ac­tive, au­dio­vi­sual media and pro­gram­ming, and her past re­search has fo­cused on the in­flu­ence of emer­gent media on our every­day
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  • Renée
  • Turner
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Renée Turner is an Amer­i­can artist and writer liv­ing in the Nether­lands . She re­ceived her MFA from the Uni­ver­sity of Ari­zona, was an artist in res­i­dence at the Rijk­sakademie and a re­searcher at Jan van Eyck Acad­e­mie (NL). Since 1996 she has worked with Riek Si­jbring and Femke Snelt­ing under the col­lec­tive name, De Geuzen: a foun­da­tion for multi-vi­sual re­search. Their col­lab­o­ra­tive pro­jects have show­cased in Man­i­festa, Rhi­zome, Mute, and In­ter­ne
  • Unavailable
  • Steve
  • Rushton
  • Presenter
  • Sig­nal:Noise
  • ISEA2011 Steve Rush­ton is a found­ing mem­ber of Sig­nal:Noise, an ex­per­i­men­tal cross-dis­ci­pli­nary re­search pro­ject that aims to ex­plore the in­flu­ence of cy­ber­net­ics and in­for­ma­tion the­ory on con­tem­po­rary cul­tural life by test­ing out its cen­tral idiom, ‘feed­back’, through de­bates, art­works, pub­li­ca­tions, per­for­mances, events and ex­hi­bi­tions.  He has been a writer and ed­i­tor for a range of pro­jects with artists such as Rod Dick­in­son and Thom­son &
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  • Mar­loes
  • de
  • Valk
  • Presenter
  • GOTO10
  • ISEA2011 Mar­loes de Valk (NL) is an artist and writer. As part of the GO­TO10 col­lec­tive, from 2005 to 2010, she pro­duced the chmod +x art fes­ti­val, and co-pro­duced make art 2007 and 2009. Her work con­sists of in­stal­la­tions and soft­ware art. She ex­hib­ited work in­ter­na­tion­ally and has led many work­shops on Free/Libre/Open Source Soft­ware for artis­tic cre­ation. She is ed­i­tor of the Dig­i­tal Artists’ Hand­book (2009) and the pub­li­ca­tion FLOSS + Art (Mute Pub­lish­ing,
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  • Dave
  • Griffiths
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Dave Grif­fiths (UK) was raised with an early ed­u­ca­tion in weav­ing, bell ring­ing and 8bit com­put­ers, and is now ded­i­cated to chang­ing the world with free soft­ware, live an­i­ma­tion and noise. He works as a self em­ployed artist/pro­gram­mer, mainly work­ing with the FoAM art lab­o­ra­tory and per­forms as part of slub – a live­cod­ing band.
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  • Peter
  • Moosgaard
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Peter Moos­gaard is a media artist and writer, work­ing in Vi­enna and Hels­ing­borg. In his work he deals with top­ics like pain, na­tion­al­ity, mythol­ogy, sci­ence and dig­i­tal media. Moos­gaard’s am­bi­tion is “…to ex­ploit the nev­er­land be­tween art and tech­nol­ogy,” as he once said, “be­cause I´m not sure that cul­ture is my friend.”
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  • Joel
  • Holm­berg
  • Presenter
  • Nasty Nets surf­ing club and Chillsesh
  • ISEA2011 Joel Holm­berg is a Los An­ge­les-based artist, one of the found­ing mem­bers of the Nasty Nets surf­ing club, and the cre­ative force be­hind Chillsesh. Com­bin­ing orig­i­nal per­for­mance and video with mash-ups of all kinds, Holm­berg’s site makes the line be­tween what he’s found and what he’s orig­i­nally au­thored dif­fi­cult to de­ci­pher. Se­lected works in­clude Palm Tree Palin­drome, a video that fea­tures a mes­meric pro­ces­sion of palm trees on ei­ther side of the frame
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  • Con­stant
  • Dul­laart
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Con­stant Dul­laart (NL 1979, Ri­etveld Acad­e­mie Am­s­ter­dam, Rijk­sakademie Am­s­ter­dam). Trained as a video artist, his work has re­cently fo­cussed on the In­ter­net and re-con­tex­tu­al­iz­ing found ma­te­r­ial. Work­ing as a so called ‘in­ter­net aware’, or ‘post in­ter­net’ artist, his work shows the chang­ing ver­nac­u­lar of the con­tem­po­rary com­puter user, and how global cor­po­ra­tions (google, adobe, apple) con­trol that new lan­guage. In net­worked per­for­mances,
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  • Will
  • Schrimshaw
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Will Schrimshaw is an artist-re­searcher from Wake­field based in New­cas­tle upon Tyne, UK. Often work­ing with sound amidst a larger vi­bra­tional con­tin­uum, his work is broadly con­cerned with the sub­lim­i­nal in­flu­ence of back­grounds, am­biances and at­mos­pheres, with the often im­per­cep­ti­ble de­ter­mi­nants of space and place. These con­cerns are man­i­fest in an ex­per­i­men­tal prac­tice com­bin­ing earth, text and code.
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  • Ju­lian
  • Palacz
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ju­lian Palacz is an artist and pro­gram­mer based in Vi­enna, Aus­tria. He grad­u­ated with an M.A. in Dig­tial Arts from the Uni­ver­sity for Ap­plied Arts Vi­enna in 2010. His piece “Al­go­rith­mic search for love” has re­cently re­ceived a Prix Ars Elec­tron­ica Hon­orary Men­tion and the In­ter­ac­tive Art Prize from the Fes­ti­val In­ter­na­cional Mul­timédia, Por­tu­gal.
  • Vienna, AT
  • ,
  • Julie
  • Legault
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Julie Legault‘s re­search, con­cerned with un­ful­filled promises of the fu­ture, ad­dresses the in­evitable hy­bridi­s­a­tion of man and ma­chine. As an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary de­signer, she ex­plores the pos­si­ble fu­tures of ac­ces­sories through tech­nol­ogy, func­tion, and fan­tasy. Her hope is to make /change the fu­ture, cre­at­ing wear­able won­ders.Grad­u­at­ing in 2011 with an MA in Gold­smithing, Sil­ver­smithing, Met­al­work & Jew­ellery from the Royal Col­lege of Ar
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  • Sey
  • Min
  • Presenter
  • Sogang University
  • Department of Art & Technology
  • ISEA2019 Sey Min is a data visualization artist and designer, who is interested in dealing with live data sets in various media formats. She makes projects that reimagine how humans relate to technologies, to societies and cities, and to environments. Combining elements of environmental studies, visual art, programming, and data storytelling, her projects range from building a real-time interactive information graphics system for a music club (Gender Ratio, 2007) to visualizing Seoul City exp
  • Seoul, Korea
  • 127,37.58333
  • Jelle
  • Valk
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Jelle Valk is a young de­signer with a back­ground in ty­pog­ra­phy, graf­fiti and graphic de­sign. Jelle re­cently grad­u­ated at the Min­erva Acad­emy in Gronin­gen after com­plet­ing an in­tern­ship at the Am­s­ter­dam-based graphic de­sign agency Total Iden­tity and going on an ex­change with Auck­land Uni­ver­sity of Tech­nol­ogy’s Graphic De­sign and 3D An­i­ma­tion and Mod­el­ing pro­gram. To­gether with Olav Huizer and 3 oth­ers, Jelle founded the artist col­lec­tive WERC, wh
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  • Olav
  • Huizer
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Olav Huizer is an in­no­v­a­tive young de­signer look­ing for new ways to ap­proach tech­nol­ogy using graphic de­sign and new media. Olav cur­rently stud­ies graphic de­sign at the Min­erva Acad­emy in Gronin­gen (NL) and re­cently did an ex­change at the TTVO de­gree pro­gram in media of Tam­pere Uni­ver­sity of ap­plied sci­ences (FI). To­gether with Jelle Valk and 3 oth­ers, Olav founded the artist col­lec­tive WERC, which fo­cuses on new ap­proaches to apply de­sign in media thr
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  • Piem
  • Wirtz
  • Presenter
  • E-Tex­tile Work­space and V2_Lab
  • ISEA2011 Piem Wirtz is pro­ject­man­ager at V2_Lab. Her main in­ter­est is in wear­able tech­nol­ogy pro­jects, where she is not only in­volved from a man­age­ment per­spec­tive but also in the hands-on pro­duc­tion of art­works. Piem holds a Msc in In­dus­trial De­sign En­gi­neer­ing and is par­tic­i­pat­ing as a dancer in the con­tem­po­rary dance group Dat­tah. To­gether with Melissa Cole­man she ini­ti­ated the E-Tex­tile Work­space, a plat­form for dis­cus­sion about wear­able tech­nol­o
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  • Jan
  • Misker
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Jan Misker was ap­pointed pro­ject man­ager at V2_ in 2006. He is re­spon­si­ble for man­ag­ing pro­jects that have a strong tech­no­log­i­cal and/or sci­en­tific as­pect, for ex­am­ple in­volv­ing wear­able tech­nol­ogy or aug­mented re­al­ity. Fur­ther­more he is very in­ter­ested in all as­pects of con­tem­po­rary dance. Jan holds an MSc in Cog­ni­tive Sci­ence and En­gi­neer­ing.
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  • Leonie
  • Cooper
  • Presenter and Moderator
  • Monash University
  • Fac­ulty of Art & De­sign
  • ISEA2011 Leonie Cooper is a Lec­turer in the Fac­ulty of Art & De­sign, Monash Uni­ver­sity (AU) where she men­tors grad­u­ate stu­dents un­der­tak­ing re­search in media arts prac­tice and the­ory. Her ap­proach to re­search and teach­ing draws upon ex­per­tise in the his­tory and the­ory of film, tele­vi­sion, dig­i­tal media and screen arts with an in­ter­est in their in­ter­me­dial re­la­tions. Her doc­toral the­sis in­ves­ti­gated the fig­ure of the as­tro­naut in the con­text of con
  • Unavailable
  • Angela
  • Ndalia­nis
  • Presenter
  • University of Melbourne
  • As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor
  • ISEA2014 Angela Ndalianis, University of Melbourne, AU ISEA2011 An­gela Ndalia­nis is As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor in Screen Stud­ies at Mel­bourne Uni­ver­sity (AU). Her re­search fo­cuses on con­tem­po­rary en­ter­tain­ment cul­ture, media his­to­ries and the trans­me­dia col­li­sions of films, com­puter games, tele­vi­sion, comic books and theme parks. Her pub­li­ca­tions in­clude Neo-Baroque Aes­thet­ics and Con­tem­po­rary En­ter­tain­ment (2004), The Con­tem­po­rary Comic Book Su­pe
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • 144.9632,-37.8142
  • Seda
  • Gürses
  • Presenter
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • De­part­ment of Elec­tri­cal En­gi­neering
  • ISEA2011 Seda Gürses is a re­searcher work­ing in the group COSIC/ESAT at the De­part­ment of Elec­tri­cal En­gi­neer­ing in K. U. Leu­ven, Bel­gium. Her top­ics of in­ter­est in­clude pri­vacy tech­nolo­gies, par­tic­i­pa­tory de­sign, fem­i­nist cri­tique of com­puter sci­ence, and on­line so­cial net­works. She has a keen in­ter­est in the sub­ject of anonymity in tech­ni­cal as well as cul­tural con­texts, the spec­trum being any­where be­tween anony­mous com­mu­ni­ca­tions and anony­mous f
  • Leuven, Belgium
  • 4.7011675,50.879202
  • Anne
  • Morgan
  • Spalter
  • Presenter, Artist-Exhibiting, and Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • ISEA2015 Anne Morgan Spalter (USA) is an artist and author whose career reflects her long-standing goal of integrating art and technology. Drawing inspiration from painting, mathematics, and Buddhist and Islamic art, Spalter shoots original footage in cities around the world and uses custom software to develop patterned compositions that explore the concept of the modern landscape. She shows widely and has work in leading contemporary collections in the US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East
  • Unavailable
  • Beth
  • War­shaf­sky
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Beth War­shaf­sky works across mul­ti­ple media, syn­the­siz­ing words, move­ment, photo-im­ages, dance and sound. She is par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested the cor­re­spon­dences be­tween vi­sual and kines­thetic form, ex­plor­ing the amor­phous bound­aries be­tween phys­i­cal and dig­i­tal space; and still and mov­ing medi­ums. Much of her work fo­cuses on sub­jec­tive ex­pe­ri­ence, hy­brid lyri­cal forms and vi­sual music. Beth’s art­work has been shown at SIG­GRAPH; Imag­ina, France;
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  • Orhan
  • Cem
  • Çetin
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Orhan Cem Çetin was born in Is­tan­bul. A self taught pho­tog­ra­pher, in 1988, his first solo ex­hi­bi­tion en­ti­tled Fa­mil­iaria , con­sist­ing of hand col­ored paper neg­a­tive prints, at­tracted con­sid­er­able at­ten­tion with its al­ter­na­tive ap­proach to pho­tog­ra­phy. He has par­tic­i­pated in nu­mer­ous solo and group shows ever since, with recog­ni­tion for his focus on a con­cep­tual and in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary ap­proach. In 2000, Çetin re­leased a mini-al­bum, Renk’ar
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Malcolm
  • Levy
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2014 Malcolm Levy is an artist, curator and theorist based in Vancouver, Canada, and New York, USA. ISEA2011 Mal­colm Levy is an artist, cu­ra­tor and film­maker liv­ing in Van­cou­ver, Canada. He was the Cu­ra­tor of CODE Live at the 2010 Win­ter Olympics, where he over­saw the in­stal­la­tion of over 40 in­ter­ac­tive media art­works and 8 per­for­mances across the city. Work­ing pri­mar­ily in ex­per­i­men­tal film, new media and doc­u­men­tary, his pro­jects in­clude co-found­in
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • -123.113953,49.260872
  • Alex
  • May
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Alex May is an in­ter­na­tional artist work­ing with dig­i­tal pro­jec­tion, 3D video map­ping, il­lu­mi­na­tion, and op­tics to cre­ate an­i­mated trompe l’oeil ef­fects using sci­en­tific the­o­ries of per­spec­tive and pro­jec­tive geom­e­try. He is a vet­eran pro­gram­mer spe­cial­is­ing in, but not lim­ited to, high per­for­mance, real-time audio/vi­sual pro­cess­ing, cre­at­ing his own soft­ware to fa­cil­i­tate his own art pro­jects as well as re­leas­ing open-source tools tha
  • Unavailable
  • Luke
  • Robert
  • Mason
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Luke Robert Mason is a researcher, filmmaker and digital media artist. Having recently graduated from the University of Warwick he will be joining Philter Phactory early next month as their Research Director helping to develop their post-user software work deals with issues of cyberculture, the post user web and infomorphology. Mason was also responsible for the revival of the cult cyber-conference conference Virtual Futures, which aimed to reconnect the Universi
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  • Amanda
  • Tasse
  • Presenter
  • University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
  • ISEA2015 Amanda Tasse, University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA, USA ISEA2011 Amanda Tasse works at the intersection of the perceptual sciences, interactive animation, and narrative experience design.  She characterizes her methodological perspective as an attempt to probe the intersection between data visualization and intuitive association, in order to express perceptual processes as narrative.  She is currently on a Fulbright grant as a doctoral researcher with the aivoAALTO
  • Helsinki, Finland
  • 24.94861,60.17333
  • Gabriel
  • Peters
  • Lazaro
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Gabriel Pe­ters-Lazarois a PhD student in the iMAP Media Arts + Practice program at the University of Southern California where he also serves as the media design lead for Institute for Multimedia Literacy.  His re­search fo­cuses on the in­te­gra­tion of media arts prac­tice within in­sti­tu­tions and ped­a­go­gies of early child­hood and spe­cial needs ed­u­ca­tion.  His work is in­formed by ac­tion re­search method­olo­gies.  His pre­sen­ta­tion will dis­cuss a media arts ed­u­ca­
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  • Diego
  • Costa
  • Presenter
  • University of Southern Calidornia's Interdivisional Media Arts
  • ISEA2011 Diego Costa is a Provost research fellow at the University of Southern California’s Interdivisional Media Arts & Practice PhD program and a teaching assistant in Gender Studies. His film work explores the constitutive and symptomatic relationship between queer flesh and queer psyche in essayistic self-fiction and domestic ethnography modes. In the feature-length The Parricide Sessions (2007), shown at the IFC Center in New York and international film festivals, Costa engages in p
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  • Joshua
  • McVeigh
  • Schultz
  • Presenter
  • School of Cin­e­matic Arts (US)
  • Designer and Scholar
  • ISEA2011 Joshua McVeigh-Schultz is a de­signer, scholar, and media maker in the Media Arts and Prac­tice PhD pro­gram in the School of Cin­e­matic Arts (US). He is in­ter­ested in the in­ter­sec­tion be­tween in­ter­ac­tiv­ity de­sign and rit­u­als of pub­lic life. He com­pleted an MA in Asian Stud­ies at UC Berke­ley and an MFA in UC Santa Cruz’s Dig­i­tal Arts and New Media pro­gram. He works as a re­searcher for the In­sti­tute for Mul­ti­me­dia Lit­er­acy and is a mem­ber of the Civ
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  • Laila
  • Shereen
  • Sakr
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2015 Laila Shereen Sakr (VJ Um Amel) is a digital media theorist and artist working in computational art, live cinema, data visualization, and media activism. She is Assistant Professor of Film and Media Studies at UC Santa Barbara, USA. Her work uses media analytics, visualization, and immersive storytelling techniques to map how participation in virtual worlds and networked publics have influenced the formation of a virtual body politic. This research led her to design the R-Shief media
  • Unavailable
  • Ale­jan­dro
  • Schi­anchi
  • Presenter
  • La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
  • ISEA2011 Ale­jan­dro Schi­anchi, the­o­rist, pro­fes­sor, and artist, lives in Buenos Aires, Ar­gentina. He is cur­rently pur­su­ing a Mas­ter’s de­gree in Elec­tronic Arts. Hav­ing grad­u­ated from the Uni­ver­sity of Cin­ema wiht a B.A. in Cin­e­matog­ra­phy, he’s also an Elec­tronic Tech­ni­cian in Com­put­ers. Pro­fes­sor in sev­eral fields in the Elec­tronic Arts ca­reer at the Uni­ver­sity of Tres de Febrero, has also taught at the Uni­ver­sity of Buenos Aires in the Fac­ulty of Ar­chi­te
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • -58.38194,-34.59972
  • Ceci
  • Moss
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ceci Moss is a writer, mu­si­cian, DJ, and cu­ra­tor. Prior to her cur­rent po­si­tion as Se­nior Ed­i­tor of Rhi­zome, she man­aged the Spe­cial Pro­jects of the New Mu­seum of Con­tem­po­rary Art and Rhi­zome. She presently writes and edits the on­line con­tem­po­rary art and music blog A Mil­lion Keys. For the past seven years, she’s pro­grammed the weekly radio show Radio Heart on KALX and East Vil­lage Radio. She stud­ied So­ci­ol­ogy, His­tory and French at UC Berke­ley,
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  • Thomas
  • Zummer
  • Presenter
  • Tyler School of Art
  • Artist
  • ISEA2011 Thomas Zum­mer, is an artist and lec­turer at the Tyler School of Art (US) and a vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor in crit­i­cal stud­ies in the Trans­me­dia Pro­gramme at the Hogeschool Sint Lukas, Brus­sels (B), as well as vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor at the Eu­ro­pean Grad­u­ate School in Saas-Fee (CH). Thomas Zum­mer is an in­ter­na­tion­ally aclaimed in­de­pen­dent scholar and writer, as well as being an artist and cu­ra­tor. As an artist he has ex­hib­ited in­ter­na­tion­ally since 1976, in­clu
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  • Ste­fan
  • Mit­tlböck-Jung­wirth-Fohringer
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ste­fan Mit­tlböck- Jung­wirth- Fohringer holds a de­gree in fine art, with a tech­ni­cal back­ground as an elec­tri­cian. He has been a mem­ber of the Ars Elec­tron­ica Fu­ture­lab since 2001, where in 2009 he be­came the Di­rec­tor of the Media and Ar­chi­tec­ture focus group.
  • Unavailable
  • Christoph
  • Kronhagel
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Christoph Kro­n­hagel was born 1958 in Wolfs­burg (DE) stud­ied ar­chi­tec­ture at the RWTH Uni­ver­sity of Aachen from 1980-88. Dur­ing his stud­ies he de­vel­oped an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary way of work­ing that en­abled him to use all pos­si­bil­i­ties of vi­sual de­sign­ing. His am­bi­tion was to un­der­stand ar­chi­tec­ture as a medium for com­mu­ni­ca­tion: How is it pos­si­ble to re­flect so­cial con­di­tions in a way that the cit­i­zens will be pro­vided with a sen­sual o
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  • Eck­e­hart
  • Loidolt
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Eck­e­hart Loidolt, Ar­chi­tect  DI  was born in 1967  in Vi­enna (A); 1986 – 1995 Ed­u­cated  in Ar­chi­tec­ture  at ETH Zurich  (CH) and Diploma at TH Darm­stadt (D), 1988 – 1989. Prac­ti­cally trained in Ar­chi­tec­ture  at Behnisch & Part­ners, Stuttgart (D), at Lengfeld & Wil­isch‘s, Darm­stadt (D), and at Büro Maki & As­so­ci­ates,  Tokio (J); 1996 – 1998 Col­lab­o­ra­tion at Me­di­as­tadt / Topos, Darm­stadt (D), at Lapeña & Tor­res, Barcelona (E) and at
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  • William
  • Joseph
  • Carpenter
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Through­out his ca­reer, Pro­fes­sor Dr. William Joseph Car­pen­ter FAIA, PhD stud­ied under sev­eral promi­nent aca­d­e­mic voices in­clud­ing Samuel Mock­bee, Christo­pher Rischer, and Nor­man Jaffe. Dr. Car­pen­ter is owner and founder of the in­ter­na­tion­ally rec­og­nized de­sign firm Light­room, lo­cated in De­catur, GA, USA. Light­room spe­cial­izes in ar­chi­tec­ture and new media for both com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial clients. Car­pen­ter uses Light­room as an ex­ten­sive
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  • Sana
  • Murrani
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Sana Mur­rani is an ex­per­i­men­tal ar­chi­tect, and cur­rently holds the po­si­tion of Lec­turer in Ar­chi­tec­ture at the Uni­ver­sity of Ply­mouth, UK. She stud­ied Ar­chi­tec­ture in Bagh­dad Uni­ver­sity School of Ar­chi­tec­ture, grad­u­at­ing in 2000, and ob­tained her mas­ters de­gree from the same school in 2003. She is a mem­ber of the Plan­e­tary Col­legium’s CAiiA-Hub in Ply­mouth, UK where she un­der­took her PhD under the su­per­vi­sion of Roy As­cott (Pres­i
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  • Jerome
  • Decock
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Jerome De­cock is an media artist and elec­tronic en­gi­neer who is one of the found­ing mem­bers of LAb[au]. Founded in 1997, LAb[au] is an artist group lo­cated in Brus­sels, Bel­gium. It has been founded with the aim to ex­am­ine the in­flu­ence of ad­vanced tech­nolo­gies in the forms, meth­ods and con­tent of art. With a back­ground in ar­chi­tec­ture their mem­bers and pro­jects are con­cerned with the con­struct of ‘space’ and the way it can be planned, ex­pe­ri­enced and con­
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  • http://
  • Rikard
  • Lundstedt
  • Presenter
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  • Mar­tin
  • Wet­ter­strand
  • Presenter
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  • Michael
  • Jo­hans­son
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Michael Jo­hans­son.  Artist, Se­nior Lec­turer, Re­searcher.  Born 1962, Gothen­burg, Swe­den. Ed­u­cated at the royal col­lege of fine arts in Copen­hagen 1984 -1990. I worked with dig­i­tal media as part of my work prac­tice for over 25 years. I have done about 30 ex­hi­bi­tions both in Swe­den an abroad.  Since 1999 I have been in­volved in re­search at the In­ter­ac­tive in­sti­tute, Space and vir­tu­al­ity stu­dio, and be­tween 1998-2007 at Malmo Uni­ver­sity arts and com­mu­ni
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  • Mikkel
  • Thelle
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Mikkel Thelle is PhD fel­low in His­tory and Media Sci­ence and cu­ra­tor at the Na­tional Mu­seum of Den­mark. He has worked ex­ten­sively with the role of dig­i­tal media in mu­seum frame­works. As a his­to­rian, he is work­ing in the field of urban cul­tural his­tory, study­ing among other things the net­works of the mod­ern city.
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  • Helene
  • Black
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 He­lene Black is an artist and co­founder of NeMe. To date, she has many one per­son shows and group shows both in Cyprus and abroad.  In ad­di­tion, she has cu­rated and co-cu­rated sev­eral ex­hi­bi­tions such as “In Tran­si­tion Rus­sia 2008” with Sheila Pinkel and Alisa Prud­nikova (Mu­seum of Mod­ern Art, Eka­ter­in­burg and Na­tional Cen­tre of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Moscow, Rus­sia), “In Tran­si­tion Cyprus 2006” with Sheila Pinkel,  (Lani­tis Cen­tre, Cyprus) and “Isolo­m
  • Unavailable
  • George
  • Ka­todry­tis
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2014 Sharmeen Syed, Sharjah Art Foundation, AE ISEA2011 Prof. George Ka­todry­tis is an ar­chi­tect in­volved in prac­tice, teach­ing and re­search. He is cur­rently As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor of Ar­chi­tec­ture at the Amer­i­can Uni­ver­sity of Shar­jah, UAE. He stud­ied and taught at the Ar­chi­tec­tural As­so­ci­a­tion in Lon­don and he has been a vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor at var­i­ous schools around the world. He has built a num­ber of pro­jects in Eu­rope and the Mid­dle East
  • United Arab Emirates
  • 54.256172371359,23.852059982388
  • Yian­nis
  • Co­lakides
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Yian­nis Co­lakides is an AA (Lon­don) trained, prac­tic­ing ar­chi­tect and di­rec­tor of Co­lakides & As­so­ci­ates (Cyprus). He is also the co-founder and co-di­rec­tor of NeMe, a peer re­viewer at Leonardo Ab­stract Ser­vice (LABs), video maker and cu­ra­tor. His video works (some in col­lab­o­ra­tion with He­lene Black) have been ex­hib­ited in arts cen­tres and mu­se­ums in var­i­ous coun­tries. He cu­rated The Mir­ror Stage (Lani­tis Foun­da­tion, Li­mas­sol, Cyprus)
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  • Rosemary
  • Comella
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Rose­mary Comella, cur­rently a PhD stu­dent in a media arts prac­tice pro­gram at USC (US), is a new media artist with a back­ground in the vi­sual arts, in par­tic­u­lar in­ter­face de­sign, pho­tog­ra­phy and video. Since 2000 she has been work­ing as a re­searcher, pro­ject di­rec­tor, in­ter­face de­signer and pro­gram­mer at the Labyrinth Pro­ject. At Labyrinth, she de­vel­oped the main in­ter­face for Trac­ing the Decay of Fic­tion: En­coun­ters with a Film by Pat O’Neil
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  • An­dreas
  • Kratky
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • University of Southern California
  • ISEA2017 Andreas Kratky is a media artist and assistant professor in the Interactive Media and Games Division and the Media Arts+Practice Division of the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts (USA). Kratky’s work focuses on new forms of cinema and the poetics of the database. It spans the arts, human computer interaction and digital humanities and comprises several award winning media art projects like “Bleeding Through – Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986”, the algorithmi
  • Unavailable
  • Julie
  • Penfold
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Julie Pen­fold has over 20 years ex­pe­ri­ence of work­ing across the arts and cul­tural sec­tor lead­ing and man­ag­ing or­gan­i­sa­tions, and de­liv­er­ing pro­grammes. Since 1991 much of her work has taken place within artist led ini­tia­tives li­ais­ing at na­tional, in­ter­na­tional, county and dis­trict lev­els. Julie was co-founder in 1996 of artist group PVA. She is the cur­rent pro­ject di­rec­tor and co­or­di­na­tor of PVA Me­di­aLab over­see­ing, pro­duc­ing and fa­c
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  • Seeta
  • Peña
  • Gan­gad­ha­ran
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Seeta Peña Gan­gad­ha­ran re­cently com­pleted a Ph.D in the De­part­ment of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at Stan­ford Uni­ver­sity, US. She is a post­doc­toral fel­low in the In­for­ma­tion So­ci­ety Pro­ject at Yale Law School. Her dis­ser­ta­tion in­ter­ro­gates con­ven­tional the­o­ries and de­signs for pub­lic par­tic­i­pa­tion in com­mu­ni­ca­tion pol­i­cy­mak­ing. She has sec­ondary re­search in­ter­ests in the cul­tural his­tory of com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nolo­gies. She has also work
  • Unavailable
  • Jon
  • Leidecker
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Jon Lei­decker (aka Wob­bly) is a San Fran­cisco-based mu­si­cian, com­poser, and lec­turer on ex­per­i­men­tal elec­tronic music. He has re­leased works on Tiger­beat6, Il­le­gal Art, Alku, Ph­thalo, and oth­ers. He has been pro­duc­ing music since 1987 and on­go­ing stu­dio and live pro­jects in­volve col­lab­o­ra­tions with Peo­ple Like Us, Thomas Dimuzio, Kevin Blech­dom, Tim Perkis, Mat­mos and The Weath­er­man of Neg­a­tiv­land. He is also a mem­ber of the Chop­ping Chan­nel an
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  • Vasily
  • Tru­bet­skoy
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Vasily Tru­bet­skoy is a stu­dent of physics and math­e­mat­ics at Macalester Col­lege, St. Paul, US, Past re­search has fo­cused on crys­tal­liza­tion and bio­min­eral sys­tems. His in­ter­ests span both dig­i­tal and ana­log elec­tron­ics.
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  • Anthony
  • Tran
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 An­thony Tran is a new media artist re­sid­ing in Min­neapo­lis, US. His art­works ex­plore and prob­lema­tize the tran­si­tion be­tween con­tem­po­rary hu­mans and fu­ture tech­nolo­gies. He is also a stu­dent at Macalester Col­lege, where his re­search in­ter­ests in­clude cog­ni­tive res­o­nance, vir­tual in­ter­group dy­nam­ics and tag­ging/rec­om­mender sys­tems.
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  • John
  • Kim
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 John Kim is an As­sis­tant Pro­fes­sor of New Media The­ory and Prac­tice in the de­part­ment of Media and Cul­tural Stud­ies at Macalester Col­lege (St. Paul, US). Be­fore ar­riv­ing at Macalester, John taught at the Uni­ver­sity of San Fran­cisco, Stan­ford Uni­ver­sity and Williams Col­lege. In ad­di­tion to re­search­ing new media, he is an artist as well and has ex­hib­ited in­ter­ac­tive in­stal­la­tions at mu­se­ums and gal­leries across the United States.
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  • Mónica
  • Bello
  • Moderator, Presenter, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • CERN
  • ISEA2023 Mónica Bello (ES, 1973) is a Spanish curator and art historian. She is Curator and Head of Arts at CERN. ISEA2011 Mon­ica Bello Bugallo is a cu­ra­tor with a spe­cial in­ter­est in the area of art and sci­ence. She is cur­rently artis­tic di­rec­tor of VIDA, the art and ar­ti­fi­cial life in­ter­na­tional awards founded in 1999 by Fun­da­cion Tele­fon­ica, Madrid, Spain, hav­ing been a board mem­ber since 2006. She has cu­rated sev­eral ex­hi­bi­tions, sem­i­nars and work­shops
  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • 6.151224,46.202108
  • Sonia
  • Cillari
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Sonia Cil­lari was awarded the first prize of VIDA 13.0: Art & Ar­ti­fi­cial Life In­ter­na­tional Com­pe­ti­tion (2010) for her pro­ject Sen­si­tive to Plea­sure. An Ital­ian media artist and ar­chi­tect, she lives and works in Am­s­ter­dam, The Netherlands. Her work in­volves the cre­ation of sen­so­r­ial and per­cep­tual mech­a­nisms in im­mer­sive and aug­mented en­vi­ron­ments. Her artis­tic in­ves­ti­ga­tion ex­am­ines how pat­terns of con­scious­ness, per­cep­tion an
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  • Lisa
  • E.
  • Bloom
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, San Diego
  • Vi­sual Arts De­part­ment
  • ISEA2011 Lisa E. Bloom‘s in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary re­search and ped­a­gog­i­cal in­ter­ests cut across nu­mer­ous fields in­clud­ing crit­i­cal gen­der stud­ies, vi­sual cul­ture, art his­tory, sci­ence stud­ies, pho­tog­ra­phy, and cul­tural stud­ies. She is the au­thor of Gen­der on Ice: Amer­i­can Ide­olo­gies of Polar Ex­pe­di­tions (Uni­ver­sity of Min­nesota Press, 1993), which is the first crit­i­cal book to date on the Arc­tic and Antarc­tic writ­ten from a fem­i­nist per­spec­tive, and
  • San Diego, California, US
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  • Judit
  • Hersko
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­sity, San Mar­cos
  • Vi­sual and Per­form­ing Arts De­part­ment
  • As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor
  • Judit Her­sko is an in­stal­la­tion artist who works in the in­ter­sec­tion of art and sci­ence and col­lab­o­rates with sci­en­tists on vi­su­al­iz­ing cli­mate change sci­ence through art. In 2008 she re­ceived the Na­tional Sci­ence Foun­da­tion Antarc­tic Artists and Writ­ers Grant and spent six weeks in Antarc­tica. Her re­cent ex­hi­bi­tion fea­tured by Leonardo Elec­tronic Al­manac (March 2011) builds on her col­lab­o­ra­tion with sci­en­tists and her ex­pe­ri­ence in Antarc­tica. Her
  • San Marcos, California, US
  • ,
  • Qingze
  • Zou
  • Presenter
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2015 Qingze Zou, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, US ISEA2013 Assoc. Professor Qingze Zou, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers School of Engineering, Piscataway, US
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Elle
  • Mehrmand
  • Presenter
  • Performance Artist and Musician
  • ISEA2011 Elle Mehrmand is a per­for­mance artist and mu­si­cian who uses the body, elec­tron­ics, video, sound and in­stal­la­tion within her work. She is the singer and trom­bone player of As­sem­bly of Mazes, a music col­lec­tive who cre­ates dark, elec­tronic, mid­dle east­ern, rhyth­mic jazz rock. Elle is cur­rently an MFA can­di­date at UCSD, US, and re­ceived her BFA in art pho­tog­ra­phy with a minor in music at CSULB. She is a  col­lec­tive mem­ber of the Elec­tronic Dis­tur­bance The
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  • Christian
  • Schneider
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Chris­t­ian Schnei­der stud­ied Com­puter Sci­ence at the Uni­ver­sity of Neucha­tel in Switzer­land and the Uni­ver­sity of Aarhus in Den­mark. After work­ing in New Zealand for a brand­ing cam­paign for MTV World, his pas­sion for com­pu­ta­tional de­sign brought him back to Switzer­land. Since 2007 he teaches and re­searches at the ETH Zurich, De­part­ment of Ar­chi­tec­ture, in the areas of pro­jec­tion map­ping, re­spon­sive sys­tems, data vi­su­al­iza­tion and com­pu­ta­tional
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  • Ste­fan
  • Müller
  • Arisona
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ste­fan Müller Arisona is a com­puter sci­en­tist and artist with main in­ter­ests at the in­ter­sec­tions of sci­ence, art and tech­nol­ogy. His re­search fo­cuses on in­ter­ac­tive and gen­er­a­tive de­sign tools, on com­puter-as­sisted tech­niques for ar­chi­tec­tural and urban mod­el­ling and sim­u­la­tion, and on real-time mul­ti­me­dia sys­tems. Ste­fan was vis­it­ing re­searcher at IRCAM Cen­tre Pom­pi­dou (2003), re­ceived his PhD from the Uni­ver­sity of Zurich in 2004, and
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  • Nermin
  • Saybasili
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ner­min Say­basili is an As­sis­tant Pro­fes­sor in the De­part­ment of Art His­tory at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Uni­ver­sity, Is­tan­bul, Turkey. She re­ceived her doc­tor­ate in vi­sual cul­ture from Gold­smiths Col­lege, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don. Her re­search in­ter­ests in­clude con­tem­po­rary art prac­tices and crit­i­cal the­ory with a par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on ‘vis­i­bil­i­ties’ and ‘in­vis­i­bil­i­ties’ in the regime of the vi­sion, the ‘el­e­ment’ of sound and voice in in­st
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  • Igor
  • Stro­ma­jer
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Igor Stro­ma­jer (In­tima Vir­tual Base) is an in­ti­mate mo­bile com­mu­ni­ca­tor, a mul­ti­me­dia artist. His oeu­vre com­prises nearly 150 pro­jects pre­sented at more than 100 ex­hi­bi­tions in 50 coun­tries on all the con­ti­nents. The two most widely known are Bal­let­tikka In­ter­net­tikka and Op­pera In­ter­net­tikka (1997-2011). He has re­ceived sev­eral awards for his work (in Moscow, Ham­burg, Dres­den, Belfort, Madrid and Mari­bor), and his pro­jects form part of the per­
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  • Is­abelle
  • Arvers
  • Presenter, Workshop Organiser/Presenter, and Moderator
  • ISEA2019 Isabelle Arvers (Curator and Game Artist, Machinima Specialist, Director of Kreron) is an author, an art curator and a game artist. Her field of investigation is the immaterial, through the relationship between Art, Video Games, Internet and new forms of images.  Coordinator of ISEA2000 in Paris for Art 3000, she is a pioneer in the field of game art in France with the exhibition Playtime – the gaming room of Villette Numérique she curated in 2002. Her following exhibitions and proje
  • Unavailable
  • Gordon
  • Hush
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Gor­don Hush is a so­ci­ol­o­gist who now heads the Prod­uct De­sign de­part­ment of The Glas­gow School of Art, UK. He tends to focus upon the re­la­tion­ship be­tween peo­ple and things and tries to ex­plain this in terms of ex­pe­ri­ence(s) since this avoids hav­ing to talk about human na­ture. His PhD was sup­posed to be about peo­ple using shop­ping cen­tres but ended up tak­ing so­cial the­ory to task for its re­liance upon econ­o­mistic as­sump­tions and their role in shap
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  • Sue
  • Golding
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Sue Gold­ing (aka johnny de philo) is a crit­i­cal philoso­pher and artist whose in­ter­na­tion­ally rated re­search cov­ers the intra/in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary dis­courses as­so­ci­ated with the con­tem­po­rary media arts, new sci­ences and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nolo­gies. Set out in terms of in­stal­la­tion, per­for­mance, rolling-doc­u­men­tary, books, ar­ti­cles and apho­ris­tic text, her works ad­dress the var­i­ous as­pects of con­tem­po­rary art prac­tice in terms of their
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  • Kriss
  • Ravetto
  • Biagioli
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Kriss Ravetto-Bi­a­gi­oli, As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor of Tech­no­cul­tural Stud­ies (UC Davis, US) is film and media scholar whose work fo­cuses on the prob­lem of rep­re­sent­ing and the­o­riz­ing the vi­o­lence pro­duced by na­tion build­ing, eth­no­cen­trism, and sex­ism in a man­ner that does not play into a vi­cious cycle where moral­ism, media im­ages, and lan­guage pro­duce their own forms of vi­o­lence. She has pub­lished ar­ti­cles on film, per­for­mance, in­stal­la­tion art,
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  • Sheena
  • Calvert
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Sheena Calvert has over 20 years ex­pe­ri­ence in graphic de­sign and ty­pog­ra­phy; art and crit­i­cal the­ory, gained in both in the UK and the US. She is a se­nior lec­turer in Crit­i­cal The­ory within the Vi­sual Com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­gramme at the Uni­ver­sity of West­min­ster (UK), and has taught at var­i­ous uni­ver­si­ties and art schools, in­clud­ing U.Mass Dart­mouth, Rut­gers, New Jer­sey (USA), CSM, The LCC, Uni­ver­sity of Hert­ford­shire and Nor­wich School of Art
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  • Davin
  • Heck­man
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Davin Heck­man is the au­thor of A Small World: Smart Houses and the Dream of the Per­fect Day (Duke UP, 2008).  He is Su­per­vis­ing Ed­i­tor of the Elec­tronic Lit­er­a­ture Di­rec­tory and As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor of Eng­lish at Siena Heights Uni­ver­sity, where he teaches courses in writ­ing, lit­er­a­ture, and media stud­ies.  In 2011, he was se­lected as a Ful­bright Scholar in dig­i­tal cul­ture at the Uni­ver­sity of Bergen, N.
  • Unavailable
  • Dene
  • Grigar
  • Curator and Presenter
  • Washington State University
  • Creative Media & Digital Culture Program
  • ISEA2023 Dene Grigar is Professor and Director of Creative Media & Digital Culture in the Department of Digital Technology & Culture at Washington State University Vancouver whose research focuses on the creation, curation, preservation, and criticism of born-digital media. She has authored 16 media works, 71 scholarly articles, and six books. She has curated exhibits at the British Computer Society, the Library of Congress, and for the Symposium on Electronic Art, among other venues. W
  • Vancouver, Washington, United States of America
  • -122.674456,45.630695
  • Maria
  • Angel
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Maria Angel is cur­rently con­duct­ing re­search into writ­ing and af­fect, and bio-evo­lu­tion­ary the­o­ries of human com­mu­ni­ca­tion. She has an on­go­ing in­ter­est in spec­u­lar­ity, ob­scen­ity, and cor­po­re­al­ity. Maria’s re­cent work has been a cri­tique of posthu­man the­o­ries of sub­jec­tiv­ity and rep­re­sen­ta­tion, and an analy­sis of the human face as a vi­sual in­ter­face. Her work has been pub­lished in Tex­tual Prac­tice, Cana­dian Jour­nal of Com­par­a­ti
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  • Anna
  • Gibbs
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Anna Gibbs su­per­vises post­grad­u­ate stu­dents in the School of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Arts and the Writ­ing and So­ci­ety Re­search Group at the Uni­ver­sity of West­ern Syd­ney, Aus­tralia. She is cur­rently work­ing on an Aus­tralian Re­search Coun­cil funded pro­ject with Maria Angel and Joseph Tabbi, which aims to con­struct an an­no­tated Di­rec­tory of Aus­tralian New Media Writ­ers and Writ­ing. With Maria Angel, she is work­ing on a book about cor­po­re­al­ity in writ­ing
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  • Lorenzo
  • Taiuti
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Lorenzo Taiuti lives in Rome. He’s been teach­ing Art and Media since mid 80’s in sev­eral Art Acad­e­mies and Uni­ver­si­ties in Turin, Milan and Rome. He pub­lished sev­eral books on art and media: “Art and Me­dia-Avant­gards and mass co­mu­ni­ca­tions” 1996, “Dream­ing Bod­ies – Art in the age of dig­i­tal” 2001, “Mul­ti­me­dia- The cross over of co­mu­ni­ca­tion lan­guages” 2005.  Es­says in sev­eral books and cat­a­logues: “From Videoart to In­ter­ac­tive Art” 1999, “E-Learn
  • Rome, Italy
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