Person Data Table

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First Middle Last Suffix Curator Gender Type Affiliation Departrment Job Title Bio Address Coordinates Website VAIF ID LOC ID ISNI ID
  • Ekmel
  • Ertan
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Ekmel Ertan works as an artist, cu­ra­tor and ed­u­ca­tor. Ertan is the founder and artis­tic di­rec­tor of Is­tan­bul based BIS, Be­den-Islem­sel Sanat­lar Dernegi (Body-Process Arts As­so­ci­a­tion), which is a re­search and pro­duc­tion plat­form – also known as am­ber­Plat­form – on art and new tech­nolo­gies. Ertan has been the cu­ra­tor and di­rec­tor of the an­nual “amber Art and Tech­nol­ogy Fes­ti­val” since its in­cep­tion in 2007 in Is­tan­bul. He is the ini­tia­tor of am­
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Dia
  • Hamed
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Dia Hamed was born in Cairo, stud­ied Art Ed­u­ca­tion in “Hel­wan Uni­ver­sity” and lives and works in Cairo as an artist. In­stead of being de­voted to a cer­tain dis­ci­pline, he kept ex­plor­ing through wide va­ri­ety of praxis like the­ater (per­form­ing, cre­ation and scenog­ra­phy), and then re­al­iz­ing cre­ation of his pro­jects within the con­text of Egypt­ian con­tem­po­rary art. Dur­ing stud­ies, he prac­ticed act­ing, danc­ing and per­cus­sion for the­ater in uni­v
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Willem
  • Velthoven
  • Presenter
  • Mediamatic
  • ISEA2011 Willem Velthoven (1958) stud­ied art his­tory and vi­sual com­munca­tion in Gronin­gen, NL, where he also was one of the founders of Me­dia­matic. He is still lead­ing this or­gan­i­sa­tion that is now based in Am­s­ter­dam, NL.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jindra
  • Veselska
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Jindra Veselska, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
  • CZ
  • ,
  • Joanna
  • Walewska
  • Presenter
  • Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
  • Instiutute of Film and Visual studies and Institute of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Informatics
  • Lecturer
  • ISEA2011 Joanna WalewskaPhD is candidate Institute of Philosophy Instiutute of Film and Visual studies Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland and lecturer Institute of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Informatics, Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland).
  • PL
  • ,
  • David
  • Whittinghill
  • Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • David
  • Oswald
  • Presenter
  • Köln International School of Design
  • ISEA2011 Prof. David Oswald, Germany. After studying interdisciplinary design, David Oswald (born 1968) worked in a research program on learning software at Köln International School of Design. He then specialized in software interface design, leading frogdesign’s user interface design team in Germany, developing award winning corporate software design and style guides. For six years he was professor for Digital Media Design in Bremen. Today he is professor for design in business communicatio
  • DE
  • ,
  • http://
  • Dermot
  • Furlong
  • Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Mark
  • Stephen
  • Linnane
  • Presenter
  • Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
  • Video Artist
  • ISEA2011 Mark Stephen Linnane is a video artist, creative technologist and researcher who makes work for dance, theatre and music. His work has been shown in the USA, Holland, Canada, Bulgaria, Germany and Italy. He lectures at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, where he is is currently pursuing PhD research in performance technology. Previous work includes Cortisol/Retinol (2008-2010), a music/visual performance, funded by the Arts Council; Walk Don’t Run (2008), a dance film in association w
  • IE
  • ,
  • Zlatko
  • Baracskai
  • Presenter
  • Birmingham City University, UK
  • ISEA2011 Zlatko Baracskai (Hungary), Birmingham City University, UK.
  • HU
  • ,
  • http://
  • Rafal
  • Zapala
  • Presenter
  • The University of Arts in Poznan
  • Composer
  • ISEA2011 Rafal Zapala contemporary, theatre music composer / .improviser – piano, drums and live elctronics [many projects of contemporary, improvised, electronic music, avant-pop, and others] / .founder of polish contemporary music ensemble an_ARCHE NewMusicEnsemble, and an_ARCHE foundation / . graduated Music Academy in Poznan twice: conducting class and composition class / .Ph.D. study at Academy of Music in Krakow [composition: integration of acoustic and electronic timbre] / .participant
  • PL
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  • Chad
  • Eby
  • Presenter
  • Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, USA
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2011 Chad Eby  is Assistant Professor and co-Director of the Facility for Arts Research at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, USA. He is currently a guest researcher at KTH (Swedish Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm working in the area of semantic light and predictive content delivery.
  • US
  • ,
  • Tuck
  • Leong
  • Presenter
  • Newcastle University
  • Senior Research Associate
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Tuck Leong is a Senior Research Associate with the Social Inclusion and the Digital Economy (SiDE) hub at Newcastle University, United Kingdom. Designed in Malaysia and subsequently exported to Melbourne, Australia, Tuck’s background spans immunology, music, languages, multimedia and interaction design. His interest in technology is primarily focused upon understanding how people use, interact with, and in turn experience and make sense of their technology use. Tuck has published
  • Newcastle, United Kingdom
  • -2.2278,53.0109
  • Nina
  • Gram
  • Author and Presenter
  • Aarhus University
  • Department of Aesthetics and Communication
  • ISEA2011 Nina Gram, Department of Aesthetics and Communication, University of Aarhus. Nina Gram’s Ph.D. project Sound Mobilisation in Urban Space focuses on the connection between sound and urban experience by examining the mobilizing abilities of the mobile sounds. Her interest is both on the sounds as such and their alleged ability to emotionally, spiritually and perhaps even physically move the listener, as well as on possible consequences created by the increasing use of mobile sound media
  • Aarhus, Denmark
  • 10.20972,56.15639
  • Seyit
  • Yöre
  • Presenter
  • Selcuk University Dilek
  • Musicologist
  • ISEA2011 Assistent Prof. Dr. Seyit Yöre, Turkey, musicologist. Selcuk University Dilek Sabanci State Conservatory
  • TR
  • ,
  • Panayiotis
  • Kokoras
  • Presenter
  • University of North Texas
  • Composition Studies
  • _Professor
  • ISEA2011 Panayiotis Kokoras Panayiotis Kokoras (Greece, 1974) studied composition with I.Ioannidi, K. Varotsi, A. Kergomard and classical guitar with E. Asimakopoulo in Athens, Greece. In 1999 he moved to England, for postgraduate studies where he completed his MA and PhD in composition with T. Myatt at the University of York with funds from Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) and Aleksandra Trianti Music Scholarships (Society Friends of Music) among others.   His works have been commis
  • Denton, Texas, United States of America
  • -97.13369,33.21453
  • Susana
  • Sulic
  • Presenter
  • Artist Association Europe Amérique
  • ISEA2011 Susana Sulic, ALAPAE Paris president of the Artist Association Europe Amérique.
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  • Vincent
  • Velasco
  • Presenter
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  • Therese
  • Tierney
  • Presenter
  • University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
  • Assistant Professor
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Therese F. Tierney is an Assistant Professor of Architecture with a Designated Emphasis in New Media at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign.   As the founding director of URL: Urban Research Lab, her research explores the intersection between emerging technologies and the built environment.  She was a predoctoral researcher at the MIT media lab, and a participant in University of California Berkeley Center for New Media directed by Ken Goldberg.  Tierney is the author of
  • US
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  • Francesco
  • Proto
  • Presenter
  • Lincoln University, UK
  • Architecture, Visual Culture and Critical Theory
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Francesco Proto is a lecturer in Architecture, Visual Culture and Critical Theory at Lincoln University, UK. His investigation on social extreme phenomena involves collaborations with either independent or academic artists and film-makers, his videos on modern metropolis being exhibited at the Venice Architectural Biennale. His research approach is multidisciplinary and includes an expertise on art history/criticism, cinema and pyschoanalysis (Slavoj Zizek) and contemporary Frenc
  • GB
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  • Richard
  • Vickers
  • Presenter
  • University of Lincoln
  • School of Media
  • Principal Lecturer
  • ISEA2011 Richard Vickers is a Principal Lecturer at the University of Lincoln, School of Media in the United Kingdom. He previously worked as a freelance photographer and designer, before becoming interested in the possibilities of interactive multimedia in 1994. The emerging digital technologies had an immediate impact on his work as a photographer and he was an early exponent of the ‘digital darkroom’. He gained industry practice as a multimedia producer, working on a broad range of website
  • GB
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  • Griet
  • Verschelden
  • Presenter
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  • Riet
  • Steel
  • Presenter
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  • Carlos
  • Dekeyrel
  • Presenter
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  • Elly
  • Van
  • Eeghem
  • Presenter
  • KASK School of Arts in Ghent (BE)
  • ISEA2011 Elly Van Eeghem is a visual artist who often works around consumption and movement in urban space. Her work takes shape through video, installation, intervention and photography. In 2010 she received the KBC Prize for Young Visual Artist during the national exhibition De Canvascollectie/La Collection RTBF at BOZAR in Brussels, Belgium. She currently collaborates on an interdisciplinary research project around urban cracks at KASK School of Arts in Ghent (BE). During ISEA2011 she will
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Jack
  • Toolin
  • Presenter
  • Rhode Is­land School of De­sign, Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia at Berke­ley, and the San Fran­cisco Art In­sti­tute
  • Artist
  • ISEA2011 Jack Toolin is an artist work­ing in new media, dig­i­tal imag­ing, and per­for­mance. His work con­sid­ers con­tem­po­rary life in light of the chang­ing po­lit­i­cal, eco­nomic, and tech­no­log­i­cal land­scape, and has been pre­sented na­tion­ally and in­ter­na­tion­ally. High­lights in­clude: the Whit­ney Mu­seum of Amer­i­can Art (2002 Bi­en­nial); the Walker Art Cen­ter, Min­neapo­lis, Min­nesota; Ars Elec­tron­ica, Linz, Aus­tria; the San José Mu­seum of Art, San José, Cal­i­f
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  • http:// /
  • Dennis
  • Krannich
  • Presenter
  • University Bremen, Germany
  • Senior Researcher
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Ing. Dennis Krannich (b. 1977) is Senior Researcher of the work group dimeb (Digital Media in Education) at the University Bremen, Germany. His research focus is Digital Experience Design and Usability of Mobile Systems. Dr. Krannich is a lecturer within the Digital Media and Informatics program. His topics are Digital Experience Design, Mobile Usability Testing, iOS Development, Web Development, Mobile Learning and Scientific Writing. He is member of German UPA and TZI (Technolo
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  • http://
  • Anja
  • Zeising
  • Presenter
  • University of Bremen, Germany
  • ISEA2011 Anja Zeising, University of Bremen, Germany
  • DE
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  • Carolina
  • Paola
  • Caluori
  • Presenter
  • University of Vigo, Galicia, Spain
  • ISEA2011 Carolina Paola Caluori, University of Vigo, Galicia, Spain.Medialab-prado, Madrid, Spain.
  • ES
  • ,
  • Leci
  • Maria
  • Augusto
  • Presenter
  • University of Brasilia, Brazil
  • Artist-educator
  • ISEA2011 MSc. Leci Maria Augusto. Artist-educator, Msc. in Art and Technology from the University of Brasilia, Brazil, PhD candidate in the research and Technoscience in Art at the University of Brasilia / PPG – Art/ Lart/Gama, under the guidance of PhD. Diana Domingues.The doctoral research turns to exploration, understanding and practice of artistic-scientific landscape transformations. The landscape is understood as the space of experience dominated by the embodiment of the subjects and ob
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  • Mar
  • Canet Sola
  • Presenter, Artist-Exhibiting, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Tallinn University
  • ISEA2023 Mar Canet (born in Barcelona, Spain) is PhD candidate in BFM at Tallinn University and a research fellow at Cudan Open Lab. He has two degrees: in art and design from ESDI in Barcelona and in computer game development from University Central Lancashire in UK. He also has gained a master’s degree from Interface Cultures at the University of Art and Design Linz. In addition to that, Mar is a co-founder of Derivart and Lummo. ISEA2014 Varvara & Mar is an artist duo formed in 2009. O
  • Tallinn, Estonia
  • 24.745369,59.437216
  • http://
  • Varvara
  • Guljajeva
  • Presenter, Artist-Exhibiting, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • ISEA2023 Varvara Guljajeva (born in Tartu, Estonia) holds the position of Assistant Professor in Computational Media and Arts at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GZ). Previously she has held positions at the Estonian Academy of Arts and ELISAVA School of Design in Barcelona. Varvara has a PhD in art from the Estonian Academy of Arts. Her dissertation “From interaction to post-participation: the disappearing role of the active participant” can be found here. Varvara has also a
  • Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • 29.2080425,-4.3966156
  • Stuart
  • Dunn
  • Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Kirk
  • Woolford
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • University of Sussex
  • ISEA2014 Kirk Woolford, University of Surrey, UK ISEA2011 Kirk Woolford is the Principle Investigator on the Motion in Place Platform (MiPP) – a UK  Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded project exploring relationships between place and movement. MiPP brings together a cross-disciplinary group developing new technologies allowing researchers to move out of the studio to map and measure human experience and response when moving through various environments. Kirk is an artist/designer and
  • Lancaster, United Kingdom
  • -2.7990345,54.0484068
  • Jackie
  • Calderwood
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University
  • Artist
  • ISEA2014 Jackie Calderwood, artist and researcher, is based in the SouthWest and the East Midlands of England. Research Fellow, Disruptive Media Learning Lab, Coventry University, UK ISEA2011 Jackie Calderwoodis an English artist and a PhD candidate with the Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. She is interested in the relationship between creativity, participation, interactive media and modes of revisiting experience – online, on location, relocate
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • http:// /
  • Jason
  • Freeman
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Jason Freeman‘s work breaks down conventional barriers between composers, performers and listeners, using cutting-edge technology and unconventional notation to turn audiences and musicians into compositional collaborators. His music has been performed by groups such as the American Composers Orchestra and the Rova Saxophone Quartet and featured in the New York Times and on National Public Radio. Freeman studied at Yale University and Columbia University. He is currently an Ass
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Michael
  • Nitsche
  • Presenter
  • Deptartment of Digital Media
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2022 Michael Nitsche works as Associate Professor in Digital Media at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he directs the Digital World and Image Group. His research combines elements of craft and performance to develop novel media and interaction designs. Nitsche’s publications include the books Video Game Spaces (2009), The Machinima Reader (2011) (co-edited with Henry Lowood), and the forthcoming Vital Media (2022, all with MIT Press). He is co-editor of the Taylor&Francis jour
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Marinos
  • Koutsomichalis
  • Presenter
  • University of York, UK
  • Music Research Centre
  • ISEA2022 Marinos Koutsomichalis is an artist, scholar, and creative technologist. He is broadly interested in the materiality of self-generative systems, (post-)digital objecthood, sound, image, data, electronic circuitry, perception, selfhood, landscapes/environments, and the media/ technologies we rely upon to mediate, probe, interact, or otherwise engage with the former. He has exhibited or performed his work extensively and internationally and has held research or teaching positions in Gree
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • http://
  • Adam
  • Pettler
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Kent
  • Frankovich
  • Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Jim
  • Houk
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Annica
  • Cuppetelli
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Cristobal
  • Mendoza
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Yulia
  • Pinkusevich
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Christiaan
  • Zwanikken
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Stephen
  • Hilyard
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • University of Wisconsin Madison
  • _Professor
  • ISEA2014 Stephen Hilyard is an artist and Professor of Digital Arts at the University of Wisconsin Madison, USA. He creates artwork in a wide range of media both digital and traditional. A common theme in his work is the paradoxical nature of our impulse towards the profound – at once both sincere at an emotional level whilst remaining in every way mediated by our culture. His work explores the problematic power of ideals.
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Jamie
  • Smith
  • Presenter and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Dylan
  • McLaughlin
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Joy
  • Farley
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Pamela
  • Brown
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Filipa
  • De Lima
  • Valente
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • D.
  • Bryon
  • Darby
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Yung-Hsien
  • Chen
  • Presenter
  • TW
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  • David
  • Alamouti
  • Presenter
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  • Zerrin
  • Iren
  • Boynudelik
  • Presenter
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  • Umut
  • Burcu
  • Tasa
  • Presenter
  • Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul
  • Department of Interactive Media Design
  • Co-lecturer
  • ISEA2011 Umut Burcu Tasa. PhD candidate, Art and Design PhD Program, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul. Research assistant, co-lecturer, ERASMUS coordinator at the Department of Interactive Media Design at the same institute.
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  • Ali
  • Enis
  • Yurtsever
  • Presenter
  • Yildiz Technical University (YTU)
  • Entrepreneur
  • ISEA2011 Ali Enis Yurtsever, Since the beginning of his professional career in 1980, Âli Yurtsever has worked in the ICT industry as an entrepreneur, company executive, and consultant. Having a BS in electrical engineering and MS in computer sciences, he increasingly started to show interest in the interactions between art, science and technology. Based on his research in the field, he designed and conducted workshops and seminars in Yildiz Technical University (YTU), then became a part-time
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  • Jorge
  • Palacio
  • Presenter
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
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  • Tayo
  • Ogunmakin
  • Presenter
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  • Chauncey
  • Saurus
  • Presenter
  • Georgia Institute of Technology D-Matters Lab, USA
  • ISEA2011 Georgia Institute of Technology D-Matters Lab, USA
  • US
  • ,
  • Patricio
  • Vela
  • Presenter
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  • Claudia
  • Rebola
  • Presenter
  • University of Cincinnati
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2016 I am Associate Professor in Industrial Design and Director of Graduate Studies in the Myron E. Ullman Jr. School of Design at our College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP), University of Cincinnati. I was also an Associate Professor in the Industrial Design Department at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Programs in the School of Industrial Design, co-founder and organizer of the Design and Technologies for Healthy
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Luiza
  • Prado de Oliveira
  • Martins
  • Presenter
  • Hochschule für Künste in Bremen, Germany
  • ISEA2011 Luiza Prado de Oliveira Martins is an MA candidate at the Hochschule für Künste in Bremen, Germany. She is interested in faulty, malfunctioning and ill-designed things and the relationships humans develop with objects, clothing and food, not necessarily in that order. She hates to talk about herself, especially in the third person.
  • DE
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  • Melanie
  • Baljko
  • Presenter
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  • Nuno
  • Correia
  • Presenter
  • Aalto University
  • Media Lab Helsinki
  • New Media Artist
  • ISEA2011 Nuno N. Correia (Porto, Portugal, 1972) is a researcher, new media artist (mainly as Video Jack) and musician. Nuno is currently finishing his doctoral degree at Aalto University – Media Lab Helsinki, where he also teaches. His main interests are to create engaging multi-sensorial experiences and enable audiovisual creativity. His work has been showcased in more than 15 countries, in such festivals and venues as Electro-Mechanica (St. Petersburg), FILE (São Paulo), Le Cube (Paris), M
  • Helsinki, Finland
  • 24.94861,60.17333
  • Katerina
  • Karoussos
  • Presenter
  • The Athens School of Fine Arts and Middlesex University
  • Researcher
  • ISEA2014 Katerina Karoussos,  Plymouth University, UK ISEA2011 Katerina Karoussos, Greece,is an artist and researcher. Her research is based on the convergence of old and new media and especially between Byzantine and new media visual practices. From 1994 to 2003 she was the director and a co-founder of the Hellenic Center of Fine & Applied Arts. From 2004 since 2010 she was working at The Athens School of Fine Arts as a free lancer at the Fresco studio. She holds a Master of Arts f
  • Unavailable
  • Louliani
  • Theona
  • Presenter
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • ISEA2011 Iouliani A. Theona is an Architect Engineer, having graduated from the School of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has also been awarded a Master’s degree at the field of “Architectural Design–Space–Culture” from the School of Architecture of the National and Technical University of Athens and a Master’s degree in “Digital Communication Media and Interactive Environments,” at the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, of the Na
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  • Dale
  • Leorke
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Dale Leorke, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • AU
  • ,
  • Andrew
  • Clarke
  • Presenter
  • Writer
  • ISEA2011 Andrew Clarke is a writer, researcher and consultant on internet and new media. He has also written and presented on videogames and on videogame art. He is the co-editor (with Grethe Mitchell) of “Videogames and Art” – the first academic book on the artistic appropriation of videogame technology and iconography. This is a topic which he remains deeply interested in. He was Technical Advisor to the AHRC-funded project “Children’s Playground Games and Songs in the New Media Age” and pr
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  • Grethe
  • Mitchell
  • Presenter
  • University of Lincoln, UK
  • ISEA2011 Grethe Mitchell is Reader in Digital and New Media at the University of Lincoln, UK, and is currently Principal Investigator for an AHRC project looking at the recording, analysis and preservation of movement in the Arts and Humanities. Grethe was Co-Investigator on a major AHRC/Beyond Text investigation into children’s playground games in the new media age, where she supervised the development of an innovative computer game and application for movement preservation/analysis. She is
  • GB
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  • Geraldo
  • Coelho Lima
  • Júnior
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2014 Geraldo Coelho Lima Júnior, Anhembi Morumbi University, BR
  • Unavailable
  • Pinar
  • Yoldas
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Pinar Yoldas is a Turkish artist, designer, neuro-enthusiast. Building on her varied background in art, architecture and science, her work is a series of multi-modal experiments on the human sensorium. Lately, she has been designing synthetic biological systems as a living critique of our society. Pinar has a BArch from METU , MS from ITU , MA from Istanbul Bilgi University and an MFA from UCLA. Her residencies include the MacDowell Colony, Ucross Foundation, VCCA, Duke University an
  • TR
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  • Emre
  • Erkal
  • Presenter
  • Middle East Technical University (METU), Harvard University Graduate School of Design, and Istanbul Technical University
  • ISEA2011 Emre Erkal is a practicing architect and sound artist from Ankara and İstanbul.  His prize-winning projects for Architectural and Urban Design competitions, as well as completed buildings received several awards. In addition to his professional designs in interactive media in Turkey and the USA, his sound art installations have been featured invenues including the Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul Architecture Festival, ZKM in Karlsruhe, Mediamatic in Amsterdam, De Singel Conservatory in A
  • AD
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  • Sara
  • Franceschelli
  • Presenter
  • Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon & Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Sara Franceschelli, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon & Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France. I’m a researcher working on the epistemology of dynamic and complex systems (associated professor at the Ecole Normale Superiere de Lyon). I also run a performative design research program, Dynlan, on the figure of landscape in contemporary science (ENSAD, Paris).
  • FR
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  • Travis
  • Kirton
  • Presenter
  • Artist
  • ISEA2011 Travis Kirton is an artist specializing in the production of performance, tangible, and interactive media. A graduate from the School of Interactive Arts and Technology (Vancouver, Canada) with a specialization in interaction design, he also holds a Master of Arts degree from the Interface Culture department (Linz, Austria). Recently, he spent a year and a half at The Banff New Media Institute, (Banff, Canada) exploring media-art-research. Prior to this he was a creative engineer for T
  • Canada
  • -105.75059585652,55.585901285197
  • Jia
  • Zhang
  • Presenter
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  • Dominic
  • Kao
  • Presenter
  • ISEA 2013 Dominic Kao
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  • Chong-U
  • Lim
  • Presenter
  • ISEA 2013 Chong-U Lim
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Te
  • Hunga Wai
  • Tapul
  • Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Craig
  • MacDonald
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Te
  • Kahu Kiiwi
  • Henare
  • Presenter and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Jo
  • Tito
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Urutahi
  • Waikerepuru
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2012 Maori Artist, worked with Dr. Te Huirangi Waikerepuru (her father) on the Wai project in New Zealand.  
  • New Zealand
  • 171.77990019594,-41.838875221513
  • Huirangi
  • Waikerepuru
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • [1929 - 2020] ISEA2012 Dr. Te Huirangi Waikerepuro worked on the Wai (water) project. He was active in the foundation and governance of Māori language radio and television. ISEA2011 Te Huirangi Waikerepuru is a Taranaki kaumatua with a nationally significant record of contributions to the cultural life of Aotearoa including early work in developing Maori Television and ensuring a path for legislation of the Maori language to be held as a national taonga. He is Te Kahui Kaumatua for the Ter
  • Unavailable
  • Hector
  • Leiva
  • Presenter and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Ruben
  • Ortiz
  • Torres
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Mark
  • Malmberg
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • François
  • Quévillon
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, and Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • ISEA2019 François Quévillon is an artist from Montréal (Canada) that develops an interdisciplinary practice through installation, sound, images and technologies. His work explores phenomena of the world and perception by the implementation of processes sensitive to their fluctuations and to the interference of contextual elements. He investigates how technology affects or redefines human cognition, culture, the environment, our relationships to space, to time and to one another. His work has
  • Montreal, Canada
  • -73.554,45.5088
  • Mike
  • Fleming
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
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  • Alicia
  • Eggert
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
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  • Stephen
  • Cartwright
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • University of Illinois
  • Associate Professor
  • ISEA2014 Stephen Cartwright, Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He is an artist, maker, traveler, and self-tracker. His work exists at the confluence of science and art, where hard data intersects with the intangible complexities of human experience.
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • Joel
  • Hobbie
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
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  • Hanna
  • Hildebrand
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
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  • Paul
  • Wiersbinski
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal and Städelschule in Frankfurt
  • ISEA2011 Paul Wiersbinski studied video art with Mark Leckey and Douglas Gordon at the Städelschule in Frankfurt (Main), Germany. He has assisted artists such as Tim Staffe, Asta Gröting and the VJ-team monitor.automatique. His own work has been screened in intl. exhibitions (e.g. ZKM Karlsruhe / Mediations Biennale Poznan / Alma Enterprises London / Goethe Institute Belgrade), theaters (Mousonturm Frankfurt / European Center of the Arts, Hellerau / Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berl
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Benjamin
  • Johnsen
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • New Mexico, United States of America
  • -105.99835062731,34.32485649
  • Jud
  • Yalkut
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Fernando
  • Orellana
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • New York, United States of America
  • ,
  • Jesvin
  • Puayhwa
  • Yeo
  • Presenter
  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London, UK
  • ISEA2011 Jesvin Puayhwa Yeo is a transdisciplinary designer, educator and researcher. She is an Assistant Professor in School of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She graduated from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London, UK, and her main research areas are in Asian material culture, visual research, knowledge visualization and typography. Her work focuses on the details of design and the processes involved in delivering messages in conte
  • SG
  • ,
  • http://
  • Roberley
  • Ann
  • Bell
  • Presenter
  • Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY
  • ISEA2011 Roberley Ann Bellspent her childhood in Latin America and Southeast Asia, before returning to the United States to attend the University of Massachusetts and State University of New York at Alfred from where she holds an MFA in Sculpture. Bell is the recipient of many grants and fellowships including the New York Foundation for the Arts, a Pollock Krasner Fellowship, and a 2010 Senior Scholar Fulbright to Turkey. Bell’s Fulbright projects the city as the site of intervention resulted
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • http://
  • Nur
  • Balkir
  • Kuru
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Nur Balkir Kuru, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • TR
  • ,
  • Cynthia
  • Lawson
  • Jaramillo
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Cynthia Lawson Jaramillo is an artist, technologist and educator. She works primarily with digital media and on themes of time and transience. Her artwork has been internationally exhibited and performed, including at Giacobetti Paul Gallery, Exit Art and HERE Arts (NYC), UCLA Hammer Museum (LA), Point Éphémère (Paris) and the Museums of Modern Art in Bogotá and Medellín (Colombia). She recently self-published “Of and In Cities,” an academically framed art book about five of her phot
  • United States of America
  • -97.922211212118,39.381266130568
  • http://
  • Özgür
  • Caliskan
  • Presenter
  • University of Bahcesehir and University of Ulster, UK
  • department of art and media studies including film psychoanalysis
  • ISEA2011 Özgür Caliskan was born in 1986, Istanbul, Turkey. He has done BA in Film & TV studies. During his BA, practically, he made several videos for school and individual projects, also he wrote and directed three short movies which two of them were screened internationally. Theoretically, he studied auteur theory and also the representation of human in science-fiction cinema. In the University of Bahcesehir, he founded Modern Arts Club  that he directed and performed sevreal video / d
  • TR
  • ,
  • Birk
  • Weiberg
  • Presenter
  • Zurich University of the Arts
  • ISEA2011 Birk Weiberg, Zurich University of the Arts | University of Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
  • 8.2343919138785,46.80249558295
  • Lucia
  • Romani
  • Presenter
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  • Gudrun
  • Albrecht
  • Presenter
  • University of Valenciennes , France
  • ISEA2011 Prof. Gudrun Albrecht, head of the CAGD group at LAMAV, University of Valenciennes , France
  • FR
  • ,
  • Nicolas
  • Lissarrague
  • Presenter
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  • Laura
  • Saini
  • Presenter
  • University of Valenciennes in France
  • ISEA2011 Laura Saini is a Ph.D student at the University of Valenciennes in France, at the LAMAV, the laboratory of pure and applied mathematics, under the supervision of Professor Gudrun Albrecht.
  • FR
  • ,
  • Peter
  • Flemming
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • Concordia University
  • Artist
  • ISEA2011 Peter Flemming is an artist who makes machines. His work has been featured across North America and Europe. He currently resides in Montreal, Canada, where he teaches electronics for artists at Concordia University.
  • Montréal, Québec, Canada
  • -73.569807,45.503182
  • Jane
  • (aka Jane daPain)
  • Crayton
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, and Artist-Performing
  • University of Colorado at Boulder, The University of New Mexico, and University of Wyoming
  • ISEA2011 Associated with Dorkbot303 and STEM-A
  • Laramie, Wyoming, United States of America
  • -105.5911,41.3114
  • Luca
  • Carrubba
  • International Programme Committee (IPC) and Presenter
  • Arsgames
  • Researcher
  • ISEA2011 Luca Carrubba, Independent artist and researcher.
  • Unavailable
  • Dr. Asim
  • Evren
  • Yantaç
  • Presenter
  • Yildiz Technical University
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Asim Evren Yantaç. After working for Addvertisement Agencies for somewhile, he started his academic career with research assistant position for interactive media design program of Yildiz Technical University. Following the research assistant position in the program, he has been working as a teaching fellow for this leading program for the interactive media design field in Turkey. He finished PhD by the beginning of 2010 and continuing his research studies in Yıldız Technical Univ
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  • Cary
  • Hendrickson
  • Presenter
  • Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
  • ISEA2011 Cary Hendrickson is a PhD. candidate in Economic Geography at the Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy, and in Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. With an MSc. in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science from Lunds Universitet, Sweden her current focus is on the theoretical and empirical intersections of political ecology and human geography, new technologies geared towards communicating sustainability and institutions for
  • IT
  • ,
  • Luca
  • Simeone
  • Presenter
  • La Sapienza University
  • Instructor
  • ISEA2011 Luca Simeone teaches design anthropology and interaction design at La Sapienza University and Ateneo Impresa Graduate Business School in Rome, Italy. He has published reviews and articles on design anthropology and ethnographic methods applied to design practices. He co-edited the books Beyond Ethnographic Writing (Armando, 2010) and REFF (DeriveApprodi, 2010) exploring new narratives that combine traditional writing with augmented reality technologies. In 2009 he founded FakePress,
  • Italy
  • 12.646361036443,42.504153917067
  • Simon
  • Lock
  • Presenter
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  • Hannah
  • Drayson
  • Presenter
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  • Birgitte
  • Aga
  • Presenter
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  • Salvatore
  • Laconesi
  • Presenter
  • University of Rome, Italy, “La Sapienza”
  • Department of Industrial Design
  • Interaction Designer
  • ISEA2014 Salvatore Iaconesi & Oriana Persico, ISIA Design, Florence, IT ISEA2011 Salvatore Iaconesi,is an interaction designer, robotics engineer, artist, hacker. He currently teaches Interaction Design and cross-media practices at the University of Rome, Italy, “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Industrial Design. He produced videogames, artificial intelligences, expert systems dedicated to business and scientific research, entertainment systems, mobile ecosystem
  • Unavailable
  • Meredith
  • Walsh
  • Presenter
  • Australian Network for Art & Technology (ANAT), Roma Tre University, and The University of London, SymbioticA
  • ISEA2011 Meredith Walsh, ANAT (Australian Network for Art and Technology), The Pier Luigi Luisi Synthetic Biology Laboratory, Roma Tre University, The London Consortium, The University of London, SymbioticA, The Centre for Excellence in Biological Art.
  • Unable to automatically detect coordinates
  • Amanda
  • Beech
  • Presenter
  • University of Kent, UK
  • ISEA2011 Prof. dr. Amanda Beech, University of Kent, UK.
  • Unavailable
  • Sveva
  • Avveduto
  • Presenter
  • University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’
  • ISEA2011 Sveva Avveduto, National Research Council-Irpps.  Her main research interests concern science and education policy and  are focused particularly on human resources for science and technology , diffusion of knowledge, new media, science and society. She is the director of the National Research Council, Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies in Rome. She is vice- chair of the OECD Group on Research Institutions and Human Resources in Paris. She is professor at the Gra
  • IT
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  • Fabio
  • Fornasari
  • Presenter
  • New Academy of Fine Arts, University of Urbino, and Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna
  • ISEA2011 Fabio Fornasari, architect and artist. He carries out his activities dealing with projects that place the displaing and telling at the center of the work: museological installations, exhibition projects. He participates in cross-media projects studying the role of images in human culture in a continuous relationship between art and science. He made the Nineteenth Century Museum- Modern Art Gallery (2006) in Via Palestro – Milan. And recently made the Museum of the Twentieth Century (
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  • Kevin
  • Sarmiento
  • Navarro
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Kevin Sarmiento Navarro. Since 1984, I have been a Latin American artist working toward a new art, playing with ingenuity around the themes of birds, fishes and human figures, carefully searching out theories and titles, developing the semiology element and the transfigurative form at the outskirts of sub realism. In the process of creating, I have utilized visual arts to pursue the image environment as an amorphous space, to create the capacity of finding different approaches, gener
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  • David
  • Gurzick
  • Presenter
  • Hood College
  • ISEA2011 Dr. David Gurzick, Hood College, Frederick, Maryland, USA
  • Maryland, US
  • ,
  • Stacy
  • Arnold
  • Presenter
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  • Lee
  • Boot
  • Presenter
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
  • Imaging Research Center
  • ISEA2011 Lee Boot is an experimental media artist and researcher exploring ways to increase the cultural adoption of knowledge to benefit individuals and societies. He is an Associate Research Scholar at, and Interim Director of the Imaging Research Center at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, and is founder of the experimental media studio, InfoCulture, LLC. His research has sought to address social issues including education, health and general wellbeing and has been sponsor
  • Maryland, US
  • ,
  • Justine
  • Poplin
  • Presenter
  • United International College, University of New South Wales, and Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
  • Digital Design & Visual Communication and College of Fine Arts
  • Artist, Designer, and Educator
  • ISEA2011 Justine Poplin is an Artist/designer/educator. She studied at COFA, University of NSW in Australia where she majored in Multi – Media. Poplin continued studying through Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia and attained a Master of Art -Media Art. Her work explores concepts of opera as realised through new technologies, cross- cultural and cross – disciplinary means of presentation. She often alludes to ‘physicality’ in projection in her work, which extends preconceived no
  • Zhuhai, China
  • ,
  • Chris
  • Holden
  • Presenter
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  • Jennifer
  • Leary
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Jenny Leary is a textile designer interested in developing new materials. Her primary area of research is magnetism and ferrous substances. In 2007, she started gathering samples of her material experiments and developed the Ferrofabric collection. Since then, her magnetic materials have been applied in fashion, jewelry, science education, furniture, performance art, and interiors. Along with finding commercial applications, Ferrofabric seeks to challenge traditional notions of
  • Unavailable
  • James
  • Brown
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2013 James Brown, Australia.
  • Australia
  • ,
  • Phoenix
  • Toews
  • Presenter and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Unavailable
  • Marybeth
  • Howe
  • Presenter
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  • Erin
  • Marie
  • Sickler
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2012 Erin Marie Sickler, Self-Employed Grant Writer and Training Developer, Troy, NY, USA.
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  • Vandana
  • Sood
  • Giddings
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2012 Vandana Sood-Giddings is a media maker, writer and yogi from India. She is currently based in Bozeman Montana, USA, where she teaches yoga and works as a freelance artist and writer. In 2006 she completed a 10 day silent Vipassana meditation from Dharamkot in India.
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  • Soyo
  • Lee
  • Presenter
  • Artist
  • ISEA2012 Soyo Lee is an artist and researcher based in Seoul, Korea.
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  • Stanley
  • Cohen
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2012 Stanley Cohen has a Ph.D. in experimental atomic physics from the University of New Mexico, USA. He serves as the chief technology officer at BiRa Systems, in Albuquerque, designing data acquisition electronics for particle accelerators.
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  • Tyler
  • Fox
  • Presenter, Workshop Organiser/Presenter, and International Programme Committee (IPC)
  • University of Washington and Bothell Studio
  • _Director, Associate Professor, and Artist
  • ISEA2020 Tyler Fox is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the University of Washington. Dr. Fox is an artist, researcher, technologist, and educator. His work focuses on the ways in which nonhuman relations shape our experience of, and relationship to, the surrounding world. His teaching fosters interdisciplinary research by nourishing student-centered projects that incorporate critical theory into practice-based research. Before join
  • Seattle, Washington, United States of America
  • -122.330062,47.603832
  • Kim
  • Paton
  • Presenter
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  • John
  • Sharp
  • Presenter
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  • Colleen
  • Macklin
  • Presenter
  • Parsons School of Design
  • ISEA2012 Colleen Macklin, Game Designer, professor at Parsons School of Design, NY, USA
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  • Andrea
  • Quijada
  • Presenter and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • Andrea Quijada, Federal Communication Commission Consumer Advisory Committee,  Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico, US
  • ,
  • Jessica
  • Collins
  • Presenter and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
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  • Nedine
  • Kachornnamsong
  • Author and Presenter
  • Artist-Researcher
  • ISEA2011 Nedine Kachornnamsong (SE/TH) is an artist and researcher working with both collective and individual projects. While her collaborative work focuses on socio-political aspects, her own work is concentrated more towards social interaction, spatial condition and tangibility within a technological framework. Currently she is conducting research-in-practice of how an online experience can be transferred/integrated into a corporal environment.
  • Unavailable
  • Nina
  • Sosna
  • Presenter
  • Russian Academy of Science
  • ISEA2011 Nina Sosna, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
  • Moscow, RU
  • ,
  • Erik
  • Conrad
  • Presenter
  • University at Buffalo and State University of New York
  • ISEA2011 Erik Conrad, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA
  • US
  • ,
  • Kasia
  • Maria
  • Wozniak
  • Presenter
  • Oxford University, UK
  • Researcher
  • ISEA2011 Kasia Maria Wozniak, Researcher, Research Team of Prof. Martin Kemp, Oxford University, UK
  • GB
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  • Maria
  • Lusi­tano
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Malmö Art Acad­emy and Uni­ver­sity of West­min­ster UK
  • ISEA2011 Maria Lusi­tano is an artist from Por­tu­gal. In 2009 she com­pleted her  MA in Fine Art  at the Malmö Art Acad­emy in Swe­den and is cur­rently doing  a PhD at the Uni­ver­sity of West­min­ster UK.  She par­tic­i­pated and ex­hib­ited in var­i­ous events such as Man­i­festa 5,  Photo Es­pana 6 Madrid,  Lund­sKon­stHall, Swe­den, Mod­erna Museet in Stock­holm, 29th Bi­en­nial of Sao Paulo and  Joshibi Uni­ver­sity Mu­seum,Tokyo. In par­al­lel to their in­di­vid­ual prac­tice, Paula R
  • Westminster, United Kingdom
  • ,
  • http://
  • Dr. Heather
  • Raikes
  • Presenter
  • University of Washington, University of California San Diego, Temple University, and Duke University
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Heather Raikes is a physical/media artist and researcher. Her artistic and research interests revolve around dynamic interfaces between the body and technology that merge sensate experiential embodiment with abstract computational form. She creates performance, video, installation, interactive media, and electronic text. Her artwork is fundamentally inspired by an interdisciplinary inquiry into contemporary mythos, informed by a convergence of perspectives from indigenous belief
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  • Lena
  • Hopsch
  • Presenter
  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Department of Architecture in Theoretical and Applied Aesthetics
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Senior Lecturer Lena Hopsch is a researcher and teacher at Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Architecture in Theoretical and Applied Aesthetics. She received her Master of Fine Arts from University of Gothenburg, Sweden and her PhD in Architecture from Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Architecture, Gothenburg, Sweden. Due to her participation in several international conferences she participates in several research networks focusing on the notion of
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  • Marco
  • Cesario
  • Presenter
  • University of Paris VIII
  • ISEA2011 Marco Cesario is a PHD candidate in Philosophy at Laboratoire GERPHAU attached to ENSA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette, France) and to the Doctoral School of the University of Paris VIII. After having achieved a degree in philosophy at University of Napoli Federico II, Marco Cesario achieved a Master in Philosophy at Sorbonne University (Paris IV) on Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology. In the last years, he has been working on the connections between phenom
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  • Bruce
  • Ramus
  • Presenter
  • Ramus Illumination
  • AU
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  • http://
  • Jem
  • Kelly
  • Presenter
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  • Gesa
  • Friederichs-Büttner
  • Presenter
  • University of Bremen, Germany
  • ISEA2011 Gesa Friederichs-Büttner (born 1981) is a media artist and researcher at the University of Bremen, Germany, working at the intersections of digital media and theater / performances. She holds a B.Sc. in Digital Media (Bremen) and a M.Sc. in Art and Technology (Gothenborg, Sweden).
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  • Johanna
  • Dangel
  • Presenter
  • Zurich University of the Arts
  • ISEA2011 Johanna Dangel works as a dramaturgist for the dance Company urbanReflects (Freiburg/Germany). Researcher at the Zurcher University of the Arts (Zurich, Switzerland) about the concept of authenticity in contemporary theater and about theatrical interventions in public space (head of research projects: Imanuel Schipper).
  • Unavailable
  • Ludmila
  • Martinez
  • Pimentel
  • Presenter
  • University Federal of Bahia
  • Dance Dean of Electric
  • Professor Adjunct
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Ludmila Martinez Pimentel Professor Adjunct in the School of Dance, University Federal of Bahia Postgraduate Programme in Dance Dean of Electric – Reseach group in cyberdance (CNPq – Brazil).
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  • Zeynep
  • Gunduz
  • Presenter
  • University of Amsterdam, NL
  • Media Studies
  • ISEA2011 Zeynep Gunduz has studied classical ballet and modern dance. She has completed her BA and MA at the University of Amsterdam, NL, Media Studies department where she is currently a PhD candidate. Her research elaborates on the role of computer technologies in digital dance practices, which she aims to finish in December 2011. Her Phd project has been awarded the NWO (Dutch Organization for Scientific Research) Mozaiek grant.
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  • Chris
  • Rowland
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD)
  • Head of An­i­ma­tion
  • ISEA2011 Dr. Chris Rowland, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design. University of Dundee. Scotland. UK. Chris Rowland is a creative practitioner working across the disciplines of animation and visualisation. Current research interests are centred around 3D visualisation of historic or environmentally significant shipwrecks from sonar data: metaphorically fishing with sound. Other projects relate to applying 3D visualisation techniques for detecting terrorist activity.
  • Unavailable
  • Juan
  • Freire
  • Presenter
  • Unavailable
  • Natalie
  • Erika
  • Ebenreuter
  • Presenter
  • Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs
  • ISEA2011 Natalie Erika Ebenreuter is a Fulbright scholar who is currently working as an interaction design researcher at Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs, France and as a lecturer in Service Design and Interactive Media at Parsons Paris, School of Art and Design. Her experience includes lecturing in design at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Design, Swinburne University of Technology’s Faculty of Design and Gobelins l’école de l’image. Natalie has also disseminated various aspects of her resear
  • Unavailable
  • Jeremy
  • Pilcher
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Jeremy Pilcher is currently working with the artist Terry Duffy on the first installation in London, as part of the Bloomsbury Festival, of the abstract work ‘Monuments’.  In addition, as part of Jeremy’s involvement with the editorial board of the organisation, ‘Computers and the History of Art’, he is putting together a volume of essays looking at the intersection of the law, real-time digital technologies and art. Jeremy’s research builds on both his professional experience and ac
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  • Karl
  • Grimes
  • Presenter
  • Dublin City University
  • ISEA2011 Karl Grimes, Dublin City University, Ireland
  • IE
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  • Gabriela
  • Galati
  • Presenter
  • University of Plymouth, Planetary Collegium, UK
  • ISEA2011 Gabriela Galati is a researcher, art historian and curator based in Berlin and New York. She was Assistant Professor of Semio-Epistemology in Social Science at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and Adjunct Professor in the same subject she taught at the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino. She was also involved as a researcher at the Universidad de Buenos Aires Science and Technology Research  Grant Program (UBACyT). She recently presented scholarly research papers at TATE Gallery L
  • US
  • ,
  • Jasmin
  • Stephens
  • Presenter
  • Independent Curator
  • ISEA2011 Jasmin Stephens is an independent curator who is currently researching how artists are challenging conventional exhibition formats and how exhibitions are evolving to accommodate their aspirations. She is on the Board of ANAT, Australian Network for Art and Technology, and was recently a Visiting Curator and Asialink Arts Management Resident with Singapore Biennale 2011. Prior to this she was Curator/Exhibitions Manager at Fremantle Arts Centre, Perth, and Senior Manager, Education a
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  • Karen
  • Gaskill
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Karen Gaskill is an independent curator and researcher based in London, UK, and a Senior Lecturer in Photography and Moving Image at Sheffield Hallam University.Her curatorial practice and research work is concerned with the relationship between the development and curation of contexts, and the subsequent translation of these into exhibition structures. Her work exists in the contexts formed within such infrastructures and questions the role of the curator in evolving interdisciplina
  • London, GB
  • ,
  • Marie-Michèle
  • Cron
  • Presenter
  • University of Québec in Montreal
  • ISEA2011 Marie-Michèle Cron has worked as an art critic and a curator for over 15 years in the Montréal visual and media arts community. She fills the position of Cultural advisor in visual arts and new media at the Montreal Arts Council since 1999. She is a doctoral candidate at the University of Québec in Montreal in the field of the theory of arts and new media with a focus on the rise of the electronics arts in the seventies in Montréal.
  • CA
  • ,
  • Anton
  • Koslov
  • Mayr
  • Presenter
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  • I-Wei
  • Li
  • Presenter
  • SideBySide Studio in Berlin
  • ISEA2011 I-Wei Li positions herself as a ‘contexterin’ – a title composed by 3 parts ‘context-er-in’ in German, meaning a female person who aims to generate new contexts in her creative practice. Currently leading SideBySide Studio in Berlin, an international platform situated between art, culture, politics and economics.  Known for its intimate and critical exchanges, it is now a creative hub for many Berlin based and international creative practitioners to share and test their visions. Toge
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  • Lisa
  • M.
  • Litterio
  • Presenter
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
  • ISEA2011 Lisa M. Litterio  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
  • US
  • ,
  • Jamie
  • L.
  • Ferguson
  • Presenter
  • l’École nationale des beaux arts de Lyon, France, Concordia University, and Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
  • ISEA2011 Jamie L. Ferguson holds a BFA with a specialization in Design from Concordia University in Montreal, and during that time spent one year at l’École nationale des beaux arts de Lyon, France. Previously she completed a professional diploma in Interior Design at the Academy of Design in Toronto, Canada. Jamie is currently working towards completing her MFA in Media Art & Design at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany, and recently completed a one year stint as a guest student at T
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  • Paul
  • Gazzola
  • Presenter
  •   ISEA2013 Paul Gazzola has an interdisciplinary practice spanning over 20 years across arts, architecture, choreography, curation, installation, performance, scenography, video and theory. He was coordinating provocateur for the 2010/11 Splendid Arts Lab and co-curated Return to Sender at Performance Space, Sydney.  
  • Sydney, Australia
  • 151.21,-33.868
  • Kasper
  • Toeplitz
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2013 As a composer and electric bass player, Kasper Toeplitz has developed a body of work in the no-man’s-land between ‘academic’ electronic composition and sheer noise. Known for collaborating with such unclassifiable musicians as Zbigniew Karkowski, Dror Feiler, Art Zoyd, Eliane Radigue, Phill Niblock and Ulrich Krieger, Toeplitz makes use of the computer both as a real instrument and as a tool for reflecting on music differently, transforming the musical parameters of pitch data and te
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  • http://
  • Daniel
  • Wessolek
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • In­ter­ac­tion De­sign and Bauhaus Uni­ver­sity Weimar, Germany
  • Re­search As­so­ci­ate
  • ISEA2011 Daniel Wessolek works as a re­search as­so­ci­ate in In­ter­ac­tion De­sign at Bauhaus Uni­ver­sity Weimar, Germany. He holds an MFA in Media Art & De­sign from Bauhaus Uni­ver­sity Weimar, an MA in Art The­ory from Tongji Uni­ver­sity Shang­hai and a BA in Dig­i­tal Media from Uni­ver­sity of the Arts Bre­men. His re­search cur­rently fo­cuses on glow­ing mat­ter, open de­sign and civil en­gage­ment.
  • Germany
  • 10.018343294857,51.133481343993
  • Myriam
  • Gourfink
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Choreographic Research and Composition (CRCC)
  •   ISEA2013 Myriam Gourfink is known for her extremely unusual writing, based on Kinetography Laban, as well as her close connection with contemporary music and new digital technologies. Previously the director of the Center for Choreographic Research and Composition (CRCC) at the Royaumont Foundation near Paris, Gourfink is a leading figure in choreographic research in France. She has featured as guest speaker at numerous international festivals.  
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  • Chien-Yu
  • Kao
  • Presenter
  • National Chung Cheng University
  • ISEA2011 Chien-Yu Kao is a Graduate Student, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-yi, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • Chia-yi, TW
  • ,
  • Franca
  • Formenti
  • Presenter
  • Researcher
  • ISEA2011 Franca Formenti. In 2002 she presented the work in progress “Bio-Doll” performance in Bologna , which focuses on the research of the use of the body and sexuality as instruments of seduction, be they online or off-line. After a series of video performances, photos and actions that invade public and private spaces connected to the field of information, Bio Doll interacts with Derrick de Kerckhove who brings her to the virtual conception of a living being, the bloki wiki+blog – fed by
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  • Margie
  • Medlin
  • Presenter and Moderator
  • Director of Critical Path
  • ISEA2013 Margie Medlin is currently the Director of Critical Path. She is an internationally recognised leading artist in the field of dance and the moving image. For 20 years she has produced combinations of film and video works, multi screen works, lighting designs, set designs, projection designs and new media art works.
  • Unavailable
  • Geraint
  • Wiggins
  • Presenter
  • Department of Computing, Goldsmiths, UK. and Gold­smiths
  • Department of Computing, Goldsmiths, UK.
  • Pro­fes­sor of Com­pu­ta­tional Cre­ativ­ity
  • ISEA2011 Geraint Wig­gins is Pro­fes­sor of Com­pu­ta­tional Cre­ativ­ity at Gold­smiths. He has worked in aca­d­e­mic re­search since 1984, pub­lish­ing in com­pu­ta­tional lin­guis­tics, com­pu­ta­tional logic, music ed­u­ca­tion, com­pu­ta­tional music cog­ni­tion and com­pu­ta­tional cre­ativ­ity, the last two being cur­rent areas of study. He holds PhDs, sep­a­rately, in ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence and music. He has edited con­fer­ence pro­ceed­ings in music cog­ni­tion, and spe­
  • GB
  • ,
  • Mel
  • Woods
  • Presenter and Moderator
  • Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD)
  • ISEA2011 Mel Woods is Pro­gramme Di­rec­tor of Post­grad­u­ate Stud­ies in Art and Media at DJCAD, Uni­ver­sity of Dundee. Her re­search in Art and De­sign has de­vel­oped in­ter­ac­tion and in­ter­faces, which op­er­ate be­tween phys­i­cal and dig­i­tal spaces; these have been ex­hib­ited and pub­lished in­ter­na­tion­ally. She is an ex­po­nent of in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary re­search and par­tic­u­larly the over­lap in art, hu­man­i­ties and com­put­ing. Mel is cur­rently Prin­ci­pal In­ves­ti­g
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Deborah
  • Maxwell
  • Presenter
  • University of Dundee, UK
  • ISEA2013 Deborah Maxwell, University of Dundee, UK
  • GB
  • ,
  • Robyn
  • Backen
  • Presenter
  • Artist
  • ISEA2013 Robyn Backen, artist, Australia
  • AU
  • ,
  • Nigel
  • Llwyd William
  • Helyer
  • Curator, Presenter, and Artist-Exhibiting
  • Sonic Objects; Sonic Architecture, Fremantle, Australia
  • ISEA2022 Dr Nigel Helyer is a sculptor and sound artist whose interdisciplinary practice combines art and science to embrace our social, cultural and physical environments. He brings these concerns together in creative projects that prompt the community to engage with their cultural histories, identity and sense of place; inviting us to examine the abstract conditions of our world and our complex relationships to it. Nigel is a board member of the Paris based Association Internationale de Criti
  • Australia
  • 134.48956260698,-25.734968491622
  • Deborah
  • Ely
  • Moderator and Presenter
  • Bundanon Trust
  • ISEA2013 Deborah Ely, SITEWORKS convenor and CEO of Bundanon Trust, Illaroo, Australië
  • Unavailable
  • Xin
  • Gu
  • Presenter
  • University of Melbourne, AU
  • Full text (PDF) 392-397
  • AU
  • ,
  • Audrey
  • Yue
  • Presenter
  • University of Melbourne, AU
  • 2013 Audrey Yue, University of Melbourne, AU
  • AU
  • ,
  • Nikos
  • Papastergiadis
  • Presenter
  • University of Melbourne, AU
  • ISEA2013 Nikos Papastergiadis, University of Melbourne, AU
  • AU
  • ,
  • Benjamin
  • Forster
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • Primavera, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
  • ISEA2013 Benjamin Forster (born 1985 Canberra, Australia, lives in Perth) utilises drawing, digital and biological technologies, installation and print in order to trace the boundaries of logic, the function of economy and the role of the artist in art making. Forster’s recent solo exhibitions have been A Luminary Series of Records Played in Parallel, Perth Cultural Centre with Sohan Ariel Hayes (2012) and Rational, CCAS Manuka, Canberra (2010). Forster has also participated in the group exhi
  • AU
  • ,
  • Sam
  • Fox
  • Artist-Exhibiting and Presenter
  • ISEA2013 Sam Fox is a performance maker who draws on his dance, visual theatre and writing practice to create hybrid works that entail finely crafted challenges for audiences. Sam is committed to a dual practice of facilitating creative engagement and collaborative projects in community alongside his original contemporary performance practice. Sam is the founder/director of Hydra Poesis which explores critical exchange and inquiry with audiences and is a BA Dance Graduate of WAAPA (2003). Whi
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  • Deborah
  • Rachelle
  • Burns
  • Presenter
  • Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
  • Department of Educational Administration and Higher Education
  • Teacher and Academic Advisor
  • ISEA2011 Deborah Rachelle Burns is a doctoral candidate (A.B.D.) in the Department of Educational Administration and Higher Education at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA.  She teaches education courses and is an academic advisor at Southern Illinois University.  She holds a M.A. in English Literature from Columbia University and a M.A. in Higher Education Administration from New York University.  Her research interests include media, higher education, and film studies.  Deborah’s
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  • Jae-Won
  • Bang
  • Presenter
  • Media Art Group
  • ISEA2011 Jae-Won Bang, Media Art Group PERFORMATIVE
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  • Stephanie
  • Vidal
  • Presenter
  • Lab of Telecom ParisTech
  • ISEA2011 Stephanie Vidal, PHd. student at Codesign Lab of Telecom ParisTech., France
  • FR
  • ,
  • Luis
  • Teixeira
  • Presenter
  • University at Porto
  • Department of Sound and Image Department of School of Arts from Portuguese Catholics
  • Lecturer
  • ISEA2011 Luis Teixeira, Lecturer, ERASMUS coordinator at the Department of Sound and Image Department of School of Arts from Portuguese Catholics University at Porto. Vice-director of CITAR – Research Center in Science and Technology in the field of Arts.
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  • Christian
  • Frisson
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Christian Frisson  (1982, France) has been pursuing since 2010 his PhD studies around designing interactive prototypes for multimedia content navigation (by similarity) with Professors Thierry Dutoit (UMons/TCTS) and Jean Vanderdonckt (UCLouvain-ISYS). Since 2008, he has been contributing to the numediart Reseach Program on Digital Art Technologies since 2008. Previously, he received his M. Eng. degree from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs du Mans (ENSIM) at Université du Main
  • FR
  • ,
  • Adnan
  • Hadzi
  • Presenter
  • University of Malta
  • Academic
  • ISEA2022 Dr. Adnan Hadzi is currently working as resident researcher at the University of Malta. Adnan has been a regular at Deckspace Media Lab, for the last decade, a period over which he has developed his research at Goldsmiths, University of London, based on his work with Deptford.TV/Deckspace.TV. It is through Free and Open Source Software and technologies this research has a social impact. Currently Adnan is a participant researcher in the MAZI/CreekNet research collaboration with the
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Juan
  • Garcia
  • Escudero
  • Artist-Exhibiting, Presenter, and Filmmaker/Video Artist/Animator
  • ISEA2017 Juan Escudero, Spain ISEA2011 Juan Garcia Escudero  [ISEA2011 provided no biographical information]
  • Spain
  • -4.0556850152549,41.294855629568
  • Karla
  • Villegas
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Karla Villegas, Festival de Artes Electrónicas y Video Transitio_mx 04 Afecciones Colaterales / México 2011,T.W.A.I.N. Scope
  • MX
  • ,
  • Anthony
  • Head
  • Presenter and Workshop Organiser/Presenter
  • Artist and Researcher
  • ISEA2017 Anthony Head creates digital art and immersive experiences, ranging from outdoor projections to interactive software. ISEA2014 Anthony Head, Bath Spa University, UK ISEA2011 Anthony Head, UK. My practice as a researcher and artist straddles many areas, due to my interest in interdisciplinary activity and the intersections between art and science. I am a programmer who uses code creatively to develop work, predominantly in the field of 3D graphics, but also in wider contex
  • United Kingdom
  • -2.3696695703628,54.237933360747
  • Olaf
  • Diegel
  • Presenter
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  • James
  • B.
  • Charlton
  • Presenter
  • Auckland University of Technology
  • Sculpture and Interactive Media
  • Acting Director for Interdisciplinary Unit at AUT University
  • ISEA2011 James B. Charlton's practice is clearly located in the context of sculptural practice he engages a range of physical, digital and performative approaches in an exploration into the nature of the artefact as a field of activity in which the viewer is implicated.  Solo exhibitions include “Be My Mirror” (2011),“TradeAir” (2009), “dForm” (2008),“Constructing Purgatory (2006), “Saunders” (2001), “Why So Quite Child”(2000), Whiteware Ecstasy (1995) and Snow Ball Fantasy (1996). His work has
  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • 174.78333,-36.85
  • Lee
  • Weinberg
  • Presenter
  • Goldsmiths, University of London
  • Art Department
  • ISEA2011 Lee Weinberg, UK.  I’m an Artist and Curator, based in London. I am currently working on my PhD at Goldsmiths, University of London and teach at the art department. I work in close collaboration with the Haifa Museum of Art in Israel, as well as working on independent projects, both in Israel and internationally. In my research, I am interested in how new media art challenges traditional perceptions of curatorial practices. (I think of new media as the use any form of mediation tools
  • London, GB
  • ,
  • Bill
  • Spinhoven van
  • Oosten
  • Presenter
  • ISEA2011 Bill Spinhoven van Oosten (NL), researcher NEDERLANDS INSTITUUT VOOR MEDIAKUNST (NIMk) researcher University Twente, director IART teacher Minerva, Groningen, NL
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  • Elena
  • Giulia
  • Rossi
  • Presenter
  • University of Roma La Sapienza
  • ISEA2020 Since 1999, Elena Giulia Rossi has expressed her research throughout writing, curating, teaching, based on exploring contemporary art and its relationship with science and technology, from a socio-anthropological perspective. She is founder and editorial director of Arshake Reinventing Technology. ISEA2011 Dr. Elena Giulia Rossi lives and works in Rome, Italy, where she has been collaborating with MAXXI  – the Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo (National Museum of the 21st Cen
  • Rome, Italy
  • 12.48278,41.89306