Andreas Zingerle

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Andreas Zingerle,  Teaching and Research Assistant, University of Art and Design, Linz, Austria. Andreas is a media artist from Innsbruck, Austria. He is a PhD candidate at the Timebased and Interactive Media Department in Linz (Austria). He is researching scambaiting strategies and implements their mechanics in interactive narratives and media competence trainings. In the last years he worked on several installations exploring a creative misuse of technology and alternative ways of Human Computer Interaction. Since 2004 he takes part in international conferences and exhibitions, among others Ars Electronica Campus, Siggraph, Japan Media Arts Festival, File, WRO Biennale.


Andreas Zingerle. I am a graduate of the New Design University, St. Pölten-Vienna/Austria (department “Mediadesign”) and hold a master degree from the University of Art and Industrial Design, Linz/Austria (department “Media Theory – Interface Cultures“). In spring 2008, I did an exchange semester at the Media Lab, Taideteollinen korkeakoulu (University of Art and Design), Helsinki/Finland. In the last years, I worked on several installations exploring a creative (mis)use of technology and alternative ways of Human Computer Interaction.  Together with Linda Kronman I started the artist platform Through numerous events like workshops, exhibitions, talks, presentations and guided tours people are invited to participate and share opportune moments for art collaborations. Check the website for more information and current projects. Research interest:Interactive Narratives, Wearable Technology, Interaction Design & Human Computer Interaction.

Last Known Location:

Linz, Austria

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