Josephine Starrs

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Josephine Starrs is a Honorary Academic at the University of Sydney, Australia


Josephine Starrs & Leon Cmielewski are Australian artists who produce media art  installations situated at the juncture of cinema, mapping and sublime landscape. Their project Incompatible Elements, focusing on landscapes in crisis has been shown in Australia, USA, Taiwan, Korea, NZ, and the Maldives Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2013. In their current work they use a drone to record a dancer’s site-responsive performances in several locations. The result is a video artwork that encourages contemplation about our relationship to nature and technology.


Josephine Starrs, artist, Australia


Leon Mielewski & Josephine Starrs are Aus­tralian artists whose video and new media works have been shown ex­ten­sively in Aus­tralia and in­ter­na­tion­ally. They have cre­ated nu­mer­ous pro­jects in­clud­ing Seeker an in­stal­la­tion that ex­plores is­sues of mi­gra­tion, ter­ri­to­r­ial bound­aries, con­flict com­modi­ties and human dis­place­ment. Seeker won an Award of Dis­tinc­tion in In­ter­ac­tive Art from the 2007 Prix Ars Elec­tron­ica, Aus­tria. Cmielewski and Starrs have been in­vited to par­tic­i­pate in sev­eral in­ter­na­tional res­i­dency pro­grams in­clud­ing Banff, Canada 1998, Sarai, New Delhi, India, 2006 and Fu­ture Lab, Linz, Aus­tria, 2009. Starrs is a Se­nior Lec­turer and Chair of Film & Dig­i­tal Art at Syd­ney Col­lege of the Arts, Uni­ver­sity of Syd­ney.


Josephine Starrs, Lecturer, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney, Australia


Josephine Starrs (AU) has produced a range of video and media art projects which have been widely exhibited. Starrs lectures at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney.


Josephine Starrs (Australia)  is an artist whose work deals in part with the effect of new technologies on notions of subjectivity, especially with regard to gender issues. Ideas of play and pleasure are also important in her interactive works. She is a member of the artists’ collective VNS Matrix.


VNS Matrix / Julianne Pierce, Josephine Starrs, Virginia Barratt, Francesca da Rimini. VNS Matrix is an Australian artists’ collaboration who create hybrid electronic artworks which ironically integrate theory with popular culture. As feminists, we explore language, sexuality and power from subversive and ambiguous positions. As cyberfeminists, our mission is to hijack technology and remap cyberspace.

Last Known Location:

Sydney, Australia

International Programme Committee:

Symposium Presentations:


