Simone van Groenestijn (Cym)

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Simone van Groenestijn (Cym), NL. Media artist Cym is researching the relation between virtual reality and real life. Cym, studied ‘Interaction Design & Unstable Media’ at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. Currently she is doing a Master ‘Education in Arts’ at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, NL.


Cym (Simone van Groenestijn), NL, is a net artist. She transforms an old farm in Austria into an art center and studies interaction design in Amsterdam at the same time. She teaches web design at the University of Nova Gorica in Slovenia. Her work includes interactive installations, photography and recycled arts.

ISEA 2008

Cym is Simone van Groenestijn, NL/Austria.


Last Known Location:

Amsterdam, Netherlands the

Previous Location(s):

  • SI
  • AT

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: