Tanya Ravn Ag

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Tanya Ravn Ag (DK), Postdoc, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Chair, ISEA International Advisory Committee (IIAC). Tanya Ravn Ag, Ph.D., is a curator and scholar focused on perceptual experience, memory, temporality, and technogenesis in relation to media art and media aesthetic phenomena in the urban domain. Her curatorial engagements with urban, media-based art include the Screen City Biennial 2017 in Stavanger, the SP Urban Digital Festival in São Paulo in 2013 and 2014, online and urban exhibitions with the Streaming Museum, and Nordic Outbreak presented in New York City and across the Nordic region by the Streaming Museum in 2013-2014.

She is the editor of Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art (Intellect, 2019) and co-editor of What Urban Media Art Can Do – Why, When, Where, and How? (av edition, 2016). In 2017 she co-founded the globally networked Urban Media Art Academy. From spring 2020 she continues her scholarly work at Institute of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, on art, temporality, and technogenesis. This research follows a two-year visiting fellowship at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, where she researched media art and other phenomena in perspective of philosophies, neurological theory, psychologies, and media aesthetic dimensions of digitally expanded reality.


Tanya Toft (b. 1984) is a curator, researcher and lecturer on urban digital art as a domain of criticality in the media city. She is a Ph.D. Fellow at the Institute of Arts and Cultural Studies, Copenhagen University, and previous Visiting Scholar at Columbia University and Research Fellow at Curatorlab, Konstfack University. She is on the International Curatorial Advisory Board of the Open Sky Gallery in Hong Kong and Curatorial Advisor for Verve Cultural in São Paulo, where she has co-curated several exhibitions at the SESI Digital Gallery with Marília Pasculli, including the São Paulo Urban Digital Festival in 2013 and 2014. Since 2013 she has been Associate Curator with The Streaming Museum in New York City and among other exhibitions curated and produced the traveling moving image exhibition and public program Nordic Outbreak with Nina Colosi, in New York City and across the Nordic region. She is editor of the upcoming book: Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art, which continues her work on Nordic digital art explored in Nordic Outbreak (2013-2014) and Voyage to the Virtual at Scandinavia House, NY (2015).


Tanya Toft re­cently re­ceived her dou­ble MA in Media Stud­ies from The New School, NY, and in Mod­ern Cul­ture and Cul­tural Dis­sem­i­na­tion with pro­file in Ur­ban­ity and Aes­thet­ics from Copen­hagen Uni­ver­sity. Her re­search is fo­cused on the in­ter­re­la­tion­ship be­tween new media art and the trans­for­ma­tion of urban spaces and so­cio-spa­tial struc­tures, which she ex­plores in a com­bined frame­work of artis­tic and strate­gic de­vel­op­ment. In her mas­ter’s the­sis she de­vel­ops a re­think­ing of urban cul­tural plan­ning in the ’tem­po­rary’ cul­tural log­ics of the dig­i­tal city and pro­poses the me­dia-ar­chi­tec­tural event as a tem­po­ral, me­di­ated cat­a­lyst for urban de­vel­op­ment and re­vi­tal­iza­tion. She has pre­sented her re­search at The Trans­for­ma­tion of the 21st Cen­tury City 2010; Me­diaC­ity 2010; Crit­i­cal Themes Grad­u­ate Stu­dent Con­fer­ence 2011; The City: Cul­ture, So­ci­ety, Tech­nol­ogy 2011; and EURA Con­fer­ence: The City With­out Lim­its 2011.

From her website:

Dr. Tanya Toft Ag is a curator, researcher, writer and lecturer examining trajectories of media art(s) and urban change. She holds a Master of Arts in Media Studies from The New School, and a Master of Arts in Modern Culture with specialization in Urbanity and Aesthetics from Copenhagen University. In 2017 she gained her doctoral degree from Copenhagen University with a critical perspective on urban media art as temporal, contemporary matter in perspective of conditions of intensity, intelligence and immersion in urban media aesthetics. She has taken up visiting scholarships at Columbia University, The New School and Konstfack – University of Arts, Crafts and Design (CuratorLab). In 2018-2020 she is a research fellow at the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong. She has presented her work at international conferences worldwide and held keynotes at Elektronika Festival 2018 in Belo Horizonte, Live the City 2016 in Bangkok, and City Link Conference 2015 in Copenhagen.

Her curatorial practice evolves with media art and media architecture in urban environments, as curator of the Screen City Biennial 2017 (Stavanger) and head of the biennial’s artistic research program, and associated with the Streaming Museum (NYC) since 2011 and Verve Cultural/SP Urban Digital Festival (São Paulo) since 2012. Independent exhibitions include Voyage to the Virtual (Scandinavia House, NYC, 2015) and Here All Alone (Copenhagen, 2015). She is chair and member of various conference and gallery boards (Media Art Histories – RE:SOUND 2019, Media Architecture Biennale 2018, Human-Computer Interaction Conference (HCI) 2017 and 2018, Open Sky Gallery 2015-2016). She is editor of Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art (Intellect, 2018/2019) and co-editor of What Urban Media Art Can Do – Why, When, Where, and How? (av edition, 2016). In 2017 she co-initiated the globally networked Urban Media Art Academy.

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