“Cooperative Aesthetic Experience in Participatory and Interactive Art” presented by Kelomees and Hales

Session Title:

Reimagining Media (short papers)

Presentation Title:

Cooperative Aesthetic Experience in Participatory and Interactive Art

Presentation Subtheme:

Resilient stories


Visual and digital art mostly represent a field of culture where one viewer looks at one work of art. Personal appreciation of visual objects is a standard condition for experiencing fine art. But in music or dance, for example, this “standard condition” is collective reception. Creation can also be collective. These art forms require co-authorship, taking into account the ac-tions of other participants and the constant adaptation of artistic behavior – important in music, dance and film produc-tion. An interactive artwork may be created by a single artist or team and may be intended for one or more view-ers/participants. This last situation, which is the object of this analysis, is related to the cooperation between the so-called “pre-artwork” and the viewer. The existence of a work is es-sentially an event, it exists as a performance and becomes real through “playing it”. The purpose of this article is to analyze works that are purposefully designed for multiple (rather than one) users and in which the artistic concept emerges as a result of the collaboration of two or more participants.

